Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • t7D
  • 30 Jul 2010

i like this phone alot, but its not superamoled, oh well maybe someday samsung will let other manufacturer use thier latest and greatest technology

    • p
    • paresh
    • v{W
    • 30 Jul 2010

    Nokia N8 Set to Release in India Within 4 Weeks

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • 9xg
      • 30 Jul 2010

      pooper, 30 Jul 2010I watched symbian^3 demos on youtube and it looks a lot slo... moreYes i agree with you the symbian 3 is not a fast os it tends to lag and you can notice screen splitting issue in some of youtube videos,nokia and normal people can notice that and compare symbian 3 with andriod,iOS,and even bada and they will see how slow is symbian,other problem that people lieing about is that symbian does not need more processor speed and more ram while the truth is that symbian can not utilize faster processor and bigger ram,no one notice the first iphone was slow or first andriod phone was slow but by increasing the processor speed these phones become faster unlike the symbian which still slow.
      some people here are bashing samsung galaxy because it is made of plastic as if nokia never produced a plastic phones or as nokia stopped doing so.
      and for the one who said that he can not show his galaxy because it is made of plastic,i advice him to check the super amoled screen in a near by samsung dealer and he will know that no other phone can be showed in the presence of galaxy except the samsung wave.

        • D
        • Dr. Bidhan
        • TL5
        • 30 Jul 2010

        No guys i hv also seen d n8 on Youtube n its realy amazing,not slow at all. UI also pleasant

          • l
          • lynette
          • NaD
          • 30 Jul 2010

          over real mobile fone

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • IaH
            • 30 Jul 2010

            pooper, 30 Jul 2010I watched symbian^3 demos on youtube and it looks a lot slo... moreI watched it also. Not slow this was a demonstration of the FEATURES not the responsiveness. Long story short I had to use my "OLD" 6680 to complete this phone contract. It almost identical in weight the N8 is thinner which shows you what 5 years & Nokia can do. The 6680 cpu is 220 Mhz and I can d/load maps, multi task. Both the N97 & N86 are 434Mhz. Where the N8 excels is the 10.2/2.0 3G+ speeds, 6680 384
            this is a near perfect touch screen phone as phone goes.
            It makes you wonder what next? I personally would have been happy with 8mp as I sent some 20 photos using 2 emails (10 per email) due zip attachment beig too large that only 3.2mp camera phone

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • vGx
              • 30 Jul 2010

              nokia please release it fast other wise i die for this phone :(

                • k
                • kingbossa
                • fsX
                • 30 Jul 2010

                i will get this phone

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • 2@1
                  • 30 Jul 2010

                  Crunk, 30 Jul 2010I agree wit zangetsu, im glad nokia didnt pt 1 of dose dumb... moregood one
                  iphone needs a $2 bumper case to make a $800 gadget work
                  ha ha.. i am laughing very very loudly...

                    • A
                    • AMANITA
                    • s8e
                    • 30 Jul 2010

                    pooper, 30 Jul 2010I watched symbian^3 demos on youtube and it looks a lot slo... moreI guess something wrong has happened with ur eyes ! :D

                      • C
                      • Crunk
                      • IaN
                      • 30 Jul 2010

                      I agree wit zangetsu, im glad nokia didnt pt 1 of dose dumb 1ghz processors, dat would hv killed da battery so quik n da heat would b a bad thing 4 dat 12mpx lens, also i lyk da amount of ram nokia hav given it, i dnt do 2 much on my fne n multitasking on symbian iz a breeze since it requires little ram, 256mb iz more dan enuf, however i hope nokia made da right decision in makn da battery non removal coz incase of freezes we r screwd n wit symbian it usualy happns so i hope wit diz version of symbian, al errors and bugs r removd, i hav an e90 bt it hardly happns, im also happy nokia made this thing out of aluminium, nt sum cheap plastic lyk da galaxy s which every1 has been bashing this fone with, i would b so embarasd 2 remove a galaxy s out of my pocket at a business meeting bt with a n8 i wouldnt mind, thats y i also love da arte series, its al abt class! By da way did any1 realise in da specs 4 stand by time 390 h in 2G and 400 h in 3G i hope datz nt a mistake! N sorry 4 typin in shortcuts, i typd diz on an e65, nokia 4 lyf! Oh n 2 al dose iphone lovers dat r also bashing da n8, da iphone needs a $2 bumper case to make a $800 gadget work, hahaha steve jobs does a great job 2 influence u ppl 2 buy dat fone hahahaha

                        • p
                        • pooper
                        • w4B
                        • 30 Jul 2010

                        I watched symbian^3 demos on youtube and it looks a lot slower and unresponsive than android or ios phones. Significantly slower! And that is a shame because the N8 has one of the most all-rounded hardware out of any smartphone on the market.

                        That and the release date makes me wonder if the N8 is even going to succeed or not.

                          • O
                          • Optional
                          • 0BI
                          • 30 Jul 2010

                          After all it says Made in Finland. I didn't saw this from a very long time. I am ordering now.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • fnL
                            • 30 Jul 2010

                            I like it.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • Iad
                              • 30 Jul 2010

                              [deleted post]End of September NOW! :O(

                                • z
                                • zangetsu
                                • v0q
                                • 30 Jul 2010

                                watch dis video nokia n8 is so smooth flawless, no lags or hangs

                                  • z
                                  • zangetsu
                                  • v0q
                                  • 30 Jul 2010

                                  I don't get it why there are so many of you ignorant and angry fools bashing this phone (or any other phone, brand, etc) Let's take few examples:
                                  1: CPU: 680 MHz ARM11 and 256 MB RAM:- some OSs are not hungry for that crunching power of 1+GHz CPU and don't use as much RAM, therefore Nokia can afford to use a previews generation of CPU with lower clock speeds, because it can handle the OS good enough, it does not drain battery like crazy, and it doesn't get super HOT(i had problems with Moto Milestone(Droid) doing same things as my HTC Hero, the droid getting too hot in most common tasks like web browsing, even browsing the Market and installing apps).
                                  2: Display Resolution of 360*640 on a 3.5 inch screen is perfectly fine, remember the iPhone's res and screen size, it didn't seem to bother anyone, and the N8's is even higher. I have a PSP with 480*272 resolution and is decent enough to watch a movie/cartoon on it.
                                  3: Symbian^3 is a new OS, redesigned functionality wise. Of course, the UI resembles S60v5 a lot, but as far as i've seen it runs much smoother, and they've improve it a lot since it was first demoed.
                                  4: Camera is very important for some people, after all, for a phone the most common uses are: making calls, texting/email, taking pictures/videos and web browsing --which are very well implemented on the N8. Other features like gaming appeal more to a niche segment of the market, and the phone also manages to run a few up to date cross platform titles.
                                  I know there are phones with a lot more power under the hood, but you can't accomplish a lot more with that extra grunt.
                                  Please excuse me if i made any language mistakes, i'm from Romania.

                                    • m
                                    • moiz
                                    • utq
                                    • 30 Jul 2010

                                    QWERTY, 30 Jul 2010Ryan, How can Nokia place the antenna in the same place ... moremy freind its pre caution not percussion

                                      • M
                                      • Macky
                                      • 0Tc
                                      • 30 Jul 2010

                                      Trent, 30 Jul 2010Well.. Yes I did. As I really want the N8. But without that... moreHi trent. Just wondering where you saw/read about the checkerboard effect? If it's not too much trouble do you mind posting the link of your source? I'd like to see it too... it is a bit worrying if it does this. Thanks in advance.

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • tjF
                                        • 30 Jul 2010

                                        Jin, 30 Jul 2010I don't like the symbian OS, too slow and too boring. we w... moreI hate dual sim phone.
                                        I'd rather carry two different phone than having a dual sim phone.

                                        N8 is perfect.

                                        Me: Hey N8 bro, when will you be released from your cage?
                                        N8: I don't know, ask Nokia's head.
                                        M: sweat......