Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • IVB
  • 08 Jul 2010

Anonymous, 08 Jul 2010That's it, I'm fed up. What's the point of waiting for this... moreso is there any problem to navi you to the road most people use? or you like to walk all those alley that were actually for cat and mouse... you need a map but not a navigator.....bcause you are too clever to be lead by someone or something.....
please think twice before you talk

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • 4@v
    • 08 Jul 2010

    That's it, I'm fed up. What's the point of waiting for this phone which should have come out a year ago, when the rest of Nokia's services are in shambles? Messenger hasn't retrieved new mail in almost a week; Ovi Map ALWAYS picks the worst most congested route, OVi store can't even find Noki's own Chat app for the E71. Two years ago I would have laughed at the idea that Apple could produce a better phone for business users, but what's a communicator that can't communicate? The N8 is underpowered and memory starved from the get go. Nokia is more concerned with using up it's stock of obsolete ARMS processors and 128mb memory chips.

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • upH
      • 08 Jul 2010

      Voting result is terrible, even less than 8.4.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • uth
        • 08 Jul 2010

        As per wikipedia, Symbian ^3 phones will be first to run Symbian ^4 including Nokia N8. Read here:

        Symbian^4 is expected to be released in the first half of 2011.[20] Symbian^4 provides an entirely new user experience built with Qt.[21]

        The first phones running the open source version of the platform will be Symbian^3 phones; one such phone, Nokia N8, has been announced.[22]

          • E
          • Engineer Man
          • n5Q
          • 08 Jul 2010

          @Cindy & Jade!
          Yes S^3 is still limited to aspect ratio of 640x360 so that the Os & gpu driver doesn't have to scale apps to higher ratio therefore movies & games can fit the screen natively with no upconversion scaling needed they will look good & run well...

          S^4 will support 800x480 so nokias newer handsets have gpus that are faster right so the older apps may stay the same. However newer apps will then be written to the new standards for apps as native format aspect ratio 800x480.

          I couldn't see the time consuming of rewriting the code for resolutions in old apps. So gpus will upscale with no problem to higher res when support is embedded, written into into S^4 Os.

          Android 3.0 will be rewritten support 1280x720 res screens tocompete with win mob & other tablet Os's.

            • B
            • Bro
            • vaN
            • 08 Jul 2010

            DePth_CharGe, 08 Jul 2010No matter how long will it gonna take n8 to arrive here in ... moreim with you tol haha!!!

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • t7y
              • 08 Jul 2010

              [deleted post]and there's this guy who wants to buy a phone for wifi.. and here you are wanting it for music? go buy an ipod!!

              what's wrong with these bashers?? are they actually thinking?? who cares if it doesn't have the "dream sounds" you want? sorry if the phone only have a dolby digital..

              too bulky? go find a phone as light as a feather.. leave!

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • t7y
                • 08 Jul 2010

                abhi, 08 Jul 2010i jus wanna know how is its it smooth as xp... moreit's hard to tell if it can match xperia x10 with its "smoothness"/speed (whatever you call it).. the OS difference didn't help. so it's really on the buyer's preference.

                repent?? to whom?=)

                  • D
                  • DePth_CharGe
                  • whB
                  • 08 Jul 2010

                  No matter how long will it gonna take n8 to arrive here in Philippines... I can wait hahaha! I love the features of this phone...

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Mfx
                    • 08 Jul 2010

                    I wish nokia could make this phone as good as the E90. That was one of the most brilliant phones ever made by them. Ive got mine for years now and nothing simply comes close to it. Nokia should really consider a keyboard version of this phone, but with the E90 keyboard layout. If they can do that, then we would have an excellent multimedia phone as well as a business phone.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • wHR
                      • 08 Jul 2010

                      Actually in my opinion, the N8 still have some tweaking which are compulsory :
                      1. Change the goddamn default browser. Current Nokia browsers are terrible!!!!! And I do mean terrible!!! I mean, look at N1 and iphone 4. Their browsers are much more user friendly and can load faster (is it because of the RAM or processor?)
                      2. Ovi Map is outstanding, perfect even but still, since it is a touchscreen phone and with the current market demand, pinch-to-zoom in ovi map is a must. So hopefully the retail version will come with pinch-to-zoom on ovi map.
                      3. If possible, DivX/XviD support out of the box. This little add on will be appreciated by us consumers.
                      4. I still notice N8 suffer from some lag when swiping between the 3 home panels. This issue need to be addressed as I am sure it will definitely affect user experience.
                      5. Again, the memory full error. It would be really nice if Nokia can fix this annoying issue.

                      These are the few minor adjustments which I hope nokia will look into. Aside from that, the N8 pretty much meets all my demand.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • t7U
                        • 08 Jul 2010

                        it'll arrive in the Philippines two weeks after the official release of N8!

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • t7U
                          • 08 Jul 2010

                          n8 is the best compared to wave!

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • t7U
                            • 08 Jul 2010

                            ill purchase this too :)

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • t7U
                              • 08 Jul 2010

                              theyll get 12mp and an hdmi port for iphone when their grandsons go grandies too.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • t7U
                                • 08 Jul 2010

                                i can wait for months for the sure release of Nokia n8 here in the Philippines. It's confirmed in the official Nokia Philippines' site. It will cost about Php 24,000; much cheaper than the starting price of the n97s and a bit costlier than the starting price of Nokia e72 and Nokia n86 with the price of 21,000.

                                I assure long wait are worthy for a worthy N8!

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • t7y
                                  • 08 Jul 2010

                                  Sicked, 08 Jul 2010I m completely sicked waiting this think. What are waiting ... moresicked? what???

                                  uneducated bashers. nokia n8 is a nice phone, need not compare to other devices since, at least, i'm contented with its features.

                                  and well, good luck to those who are waiting for a 18megapixel, 5 Ghz processor, 100gb memory, ultra-fast web browser, super-duper omega amoled screen. maybe you can find it when you're "a little bit older".

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • t7U
                                    • 08 Jul 2010

                                    its a high end phone for mid range level. can you get it ?! its not even the flagship phone of nokia. but do you see how unique it is. it has 12mp, hd recording, hdmi, wifibgn, bt v.3.0, a powerful broadcom gpu, capacitive amoled 3.5" and can play 720p.

                                    so what do you expect from future n,s,x,c series. the sure thing is hdmi port and hd recording

                                      • J
                                      • Jade
                                      • nbF
                                      • 08 Jul 2010

                                      Cindy, 08 Jul 2010If this is Nokia's High-End phone, then why did they decide... more@ Cindy

                                      The Obvi Store has many Apps which are created for the nHD resolution. Higher resolution like 800x480 pixels need a scale optimization of every app. It could be possible to upgrade the n8 to S^4 since its Open Source but the 256 MB RAM makes this difficult.
                                      Better Ressourcemanagement updates could solve this problem in S^4 when Nokia works at this more sensitiv.
                                      in Symbian 3 we have QT integration which allows to install AApps of S^4, S^4 and Meego.
                                      Like i said before the apps would need only a scale optimization because of the different Display Resolutions. To avoid this Nokia uses a nHD display in the N8 because all apss are written for nHD now in the Ovi store. Thats the reason.