Nokia N8
- A
- s86
- 06 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Yeah,thatz what we want ! But the samsung fanboys r unable to understand anything ! They have kept barking here :D They write useless posts abt their phones here in which we r not interested :D They have just a 1 word,'superamoled' nothng else :p
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2010
Dav, 06 Jul 2010i don't understand why people do alot of talking without re... moreI think u get me wrongly.
My point is. Apple's device out sell Samsung Wave + Galaxy!
But N8 alone will will out sell Apple!
U get me?
- D
- Dav
- M}n
- 06 Jul 2010
[deleted post]i don't understand why people do alot of talking without really knowing what they are talking about!!Apple calls it's iphone a smartphone right?and iphone is the only device that apple sells as a smart right?so the fair comparison you can do is to compare the amount of smartphones nokia sold in 3 day to the amount of iphone and that'll be fair!!as you know nokia has tons of smarts and sells tens of millions of it's smartphones so guys(maybe gays) stop yawning about apple's 1.7m sales!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2010
john, 06 Jul 2010that's the same samsung wave which has problems using excha... morePlease spare him pal.
Read one of the comment posted by him in WAVE topic something like.
to all people-----> shud i buy samsung wave or htc legend or htc desire? suggestions pls
He is interested in WAVE but yet still not confident of WAVE's performance.
Thus, he is here to step down N8, another big threat for his WAVE to gain some confident and security in his choice.
- j
- john
- mdb
- 06 Jul 2010
[deleted post]that's the same samsung wave which has problems using exchange, emailaccounts etc.?
and still the wave is NOT a smartphone, its a featurephone, unlike N8 which IS a smartphone
- P
- Pppppc
- N7D
- 06 Jul 2010
mk, 06 Jul 2010 U se mie fren ,day wond nabber lev aour 4um bcaz day hab a... moreHey MK this Samasunga junkys should just disappear. Thanx 4 helping to drive them out of our forum. & i speak english(KenYA). I might not understand what u've written. Nway thanx.
- S
- Sun Dong Ah
- 06 Jul 2010
Ashman, 06 Jul 2010Who says plastic cannot be strong and durable... remember C... moreCasio uses rubber plastic material with advance technology from japan, not using plastic for bucket
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2010
[deleted post]Well, prove it. :)
If you are unable to prove it, whatever you mentioned are just pure valueless except contribution of hit to the N8 daily interest.
Thanks :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2010
93nto, 06 Jul 2010i have one Nokia N8 prototype tester and it's really cool a... moreGreat man!!!
Can you do us a favor by perform a test on low light video shooting.
If possible, shoot someone talking. I want to see if the sound and video are able to sync correctly in the recording.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2010
Woaw! 200,000 Palaxtyc S already sold! Woaw, hope korean people will be just fine now.
- 9
- 93nto
- 9F@
- 06 Jul 2010
i have one Nokia N8 prototype tester and it's really cool and much better than iphone. believe me ^_^
- m
- mk
- s8a
- 06 Jul 2010
Pppppc, 06 Jul 2010SAMASUNGA; is this the new Samsung's name. Sounds like a sa... more U se mie fren ,day wond nabber lev aour 4um bcaz day hab ah DOGGY FACE 2 sow uz. Day ar nuthing oder dan ah BARKING UNWELCUMD INTRUDING DOGS.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2010
[deleted post]But both Samsung WAVE + Galaxy total sales still cannot out do Iphone 4 1.7 million sales in three days rite?
I have strong believe that one N8 alone can out do that figure in short time.
Thanks for your constant contribution of post to increase the daily interest of this phone man!
See, is 77% already!!
I don't think any current Samsung devices can surpass SE X10 popularity let alone Nokia N8.
Cheers! :)
- ?
- Anonymous
- 06 Jul 2010
Pppppc, 06 Jul 2010ROM (Read Only Mem), applies in stuf like Pdf. 'Portable do... moreok, thanks for the info!
I will give N8 a chance.
Just hope it release soon :)
- P
- Pppppc
- N7D
- 06 Jul 2010
mk, 06 Jul 2010have u forget that this is n8 forum not SAMASUNGA's wave fo... moreSAMASUNGA; is this the new Samsung's name. Sounds like a sandwich. Can all the Sandwich luvers get lost. ASAP
- P
- Pppppc
- N7D
- 06 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010Thanks again. Yea so it should be 512mb - 377mb = 135mb ... moreROM (Read Only Mem), applies in stuf like Pdf. 'Portable document format', that is documents only. Some documents can be very big & hence consume more ROM. E.g a 2GB document. A phone with less ROM wil hang while opening such a document.
- m
- mk
- upa
- 06 Jul 2010
[deleted post]have u forget that this is n8 forum not SAMASUNGA's wave forum, and we r n8 lovers. We dont care anything about ur superamoleded toy. Why r u posting here. Get lost, intruder.
- P
- Pppppc
- N7D
- 06 Jul 2010
Anonymous, 06 Jul 2010everytime i install apps and games in N81, it always give m... moreRAM (Random Access Mem), is a component that stores programs that will be executed & the data this components will execute. That's the more the apps one opens the more the RAM used & the bigger the RAM the more the apps one is likely to open. A major Xtic of the RAM is that it is volatile, That's the presence of data depends on the presence of power. N8's RAM is 256mb. When u boot the phone it automaticaly consumes 121mb of the 256 & whats left is 135, which can be used for apps and games. If u open a game it might take 20mb of the 135. 135-20=115. If u open other games and apps simultaneously, it wil finnish up the 115 left and it wil give u a 'Memory full error'. If u instal apps that consume part of the RAM prior to being opened then u wil be left with very little RAM. E.g antivirus programs. Sawa
- m
- mk
- upa
- 06 Jul 2010
amrit singh(hacker), 06 Jul 2010if it hangs press the button it cant happen that after pres... moreNokia is pretty much confident that it ll never hang.