Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • mpR
  • 21 Jun 2010

[deleted post]Liquidity comes first. You can get 2/3 of original price of iphone if you wanna sell after 18months. I got 200 pounds for iphone 2G when i sold last week. Try selling Nokia to get half of original price after a year.
User experience: No lag, No fussy confirmation like Nokia on Iphone. Fantastic music player and sound quality of iphone as tested by audio engineers.
Camera quality: When 5800 came out it claims VGA for video like iphone 3Gs but iphone performs a lot better. You can touch anything on screen to focus.
Built quality: Nice look of iphone is still unbeaten as no one invest on manufacturing cost like apple.
Screen quality: Retina display is one of the best here.
Noise cancellation : Iphone has built in 2 mic to cancel surrounding noise
Apps: games, tomtom, books, radio, tv stations, there are something for everyone.
Multitasking: Nokia phones has been able to multitask since 2 yrs ago. But u have to close apps b4 you run new one if 3 or 4 apps run in background. Apple has user friendly UI by smart multitasking.
Multitouch : It still works best on iphone
To be fair, Nokia xenon flash is useful but how many times you will use it? Megapixel is useless unless you wanna print poster. Camera lens is more important. HDMI out on N8 is useful but again it is not used everyday.
Tips: Buy sim free iphone 4 from orange for 489 pounds and sign sim only plan. It will save a lot

    • a
    • an onymous
    • naL
    • 20 Jun 2010

    Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010Never said they are not good phones. the long and short of ... morenot just camera, also USB connection/HDMI connection/MicroSd slot

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • nGW
      • 20 Jun 2010

      N8, 20 Jun 2010You are wrong mate,the N8 and the iphone are both good phon... moreNever said they are not good phones. the long and short of what am saying is both phones will have strengths and weaknesses. This whole argument started from some one claiming the N8 had better hardware, to which I replied that the only thing better was the camera.

        • T
        • Thanks GVS
        • mp%
        • 20 Jun 2010

        GVS, 20 Jun 2010indians go for n8.look at apple's concept of launching ipho... moreI will never buy an APPLE product again.

        Its a shame.

          • R
          • Roland
          • fju
          • 20 Jun 2010

          I will buy this device too. I will use it to stream movies (Wifi n) from my TerraServer network to my HDMI 65in screen. I even have a bluetooth mouse from my laptop. I will be able to check the movies on my server database right from my sitting room :) I guess the 21 century has arrived . . .

            • G
            • GVS
            • ut3
            • 20 Jun 2010

            indians go for n8.look at apple's concept of launching iphones in india.

            us=iphone --> india=***

            us=iphone 3g --> india=iphone

            us=iphone 3gs --> india=iphone 3g

            us=iphone 4 --> india=iphone 3gs

            us=new version of iphone --> india=iphone 4

              • N
              • N8
              • 0EZ
              • 20 Jun 2010

              Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010What u should have done was check were this started from. ... moreYou are wrong mate,the N8 and the iphone are both good phones just that the iphone is steeply overpriced.

                • m
                • mad
                • qQ2
                • 20 Jun 2010

                wow you can use a mouse with n8

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • nGW
                  • 20 Jun 2010

                  N8, 20 Jun 2010You seem to know more about ram than a company that has bee... moreThrough talking to third party developers and my experience with the N97 i've come to this conclusion. All the other manufacturers are not adding more RAM for the hell of it.

                    • N
                    • N8
                    • 0VR
                    • 20 Jun 2010

                    Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010I spent £500 on the N97 a phone that lucks RAM. So I'... moreYou seem to know more about ram than a company that has been producing mobile communication technology since the 1960s.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • nGW
                      • 20 Jun 2010

                      Anonymous, 20 Jun 2010Lets compare BLUETOOTH Rep- N8 New devices with Blueto... moreWhat u should have done was check were this started from.
                      Lets compare

                      Rep- N8
                      New devices with Bluetooth 3.0 will rise very soon.
                      Thus N8 have advantages over this.
                      Rep-And believe it or not when this becomes the standard iphone will get.

                      Rep - N8.
                      Iphone do not support file transfer via bluetooth and do not have memory card slot, thus doing large file transfer at outdoor from phone to phone is impossible.
                      Rep- Which Iphone are you referring to 3Gs or 4 coz 4 comes with bluetooth No card slots no big deal what large files you talking about? transferring large files is quicker via PC anyway.
                      Maps –
                      Rep- My driver friends prefer OVI maps while driving.
                      Because OVI maps have voices guidance.. "Turn Left.. go straight... turn right" and its free!!!
                      Not sure about Iphone, maybe u can find the similar things but you have to pay.
                      Rep-Google Maps Navigation is avialble for the iphone in beta mode for Europe even Nokia can get too.
                      No comment on this. Personal preferences.
                      AMOLED however, save more battery. Which is a great news for me.

                      HDMI is definitely a great Add On to me.
                      Rep- Again this will only benefit people with HDMI enabled TV's
                      3G network
                      N8 – The fact is, N8 support more networks!
                      Rep-Operating frequencies, taken from official spec sheets
                      Iphone 4
                      UMTS/HSDPA/HSUPA (850, 900, 1900, 2100 MHz)
                      GSM/EDGE (850, 900, 1800, 1900 MHz)
                      Nokia N8
                      GSM/EDGE 850/900/1800/1900
                      WCDMA 850/900/1700/1900/2100
                      HSDPA HSUPA
                      Could you please explain the difference for me.
                      Rep- N8 WIN! Its not like everywhere u can get WIFI hot spot.
                      Thus Iphone Video Call is restricted by areas.
                      Thus, remember i saw some where that Iphone video call is also platform dependence. Which mean only Iphone 4 to Iphone 4. Not Iphone to Nokia or Samsung.
                      While N8 can make video call to all mobile which support video call over 3G or WIFI.
                      Rep- Who currently makes video calls? Video Calls over 3g is pathetic
                      FM Radio –
                      What do u mean your N97 could only tune in to 3 stations? My N73 can tune into every radio stations.
                      It can also use the internet radio with my data plan.
                      However, not every radio stations have internet radio.
                      Thus again is N8 win! This is sooooo Obvious!
                      FM transmitter is also a great add on.
                      I can play my music in N8 at home with my stereo speaker radio, in my car...etc.
                      Rep- Like I said my N97 was unable to tune in to more than 3 stations so it's a pointless feature FM transmitter is not necessary with Iphone you just dock the damn thing and you're good.
                      Fair or not Fair N8 is not a better phone but neither is the Iphone.

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • nGW
                        • 20 Jun 2010

                        N8, 20 Jun 2010You complain so much about ram.The ram on the N8 is just fi... moreI spent £500 on the N97 a phone that lucks RAM. So I'll bloody go on about RAM if I want to. You don't like it ignore it. Nokia must be listening to fanboys like you, hence failing to compete in the high end category. Nokia themselves have admitted to finding the going a bit tough where high end devises are concerned and the problem is pretty simple a bit more RAM for those third party apps that add functionality to the phones should be considered.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • Lbx
                          • 20 Jun 2010

                          reyals, 19 Jun 2010too bad samsung has a terrible support. I8910hd could be gr... moreI sadly agree... I'll get rid off that shiny mp3(!) player as soon as possible...

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • N7D
                            • 20 Jun 2010

                            N8s cam can be updated from 12MP to 17MP via firmware, come on are u drank :D do u 've a headache

                              • N
                              • N8 Voting Results
                              • mp%
                              • 20 Jun 2010

                              One thing that I have learned.

                              It doesn't matter what are the Voting Results.

                              You should check the number of Votes. More the votes, more popular it is.

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • t7A
                                • 20 Jun 2010

                                [deleted post]I don't know how you do your math, If I break a phone that's cost $500 and nothing's lost in value. Hmmmnn unless the broken parts will turn into a $500 dollar bill instantly.

                                I know the N8 is cheap in ur eyes, yes its quite cheap literally and that's why there are loads of people waiting for this bcoz its a rare "BANG FOR THE BUCKS". Not all people are willing to pay $1,000 for a shiny Iphone while they can have half of the price but still satisfies their dream phone specs.

                                  • B
                                  • Babu
                                  • Pxx
                                  • 20 Jun 2010

                                  Is it windows mobile

                                    • N
                                    • Niraj
                                    • KFP
                                    • 20 Jun 2010

                                    [deleted post]I think you mean Iphone.. Yes u r right.!! Lol

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • NjH
                                      • 20 Jun 2010

                                      ?, 20 Jun 2010whichs touch screen is better apple 4 's or n8's?N8 has a better touch screen (it has an AMOLED screen)

                                        • k
                                        • krag
                                        • LxJ
                                        • 20 Jun 2010

                                        we need this phone to be realeased. it looks very innovative and interesting. i would also like to be one of the first owners of this phone. anyone knows when it will be available for pre-order?