Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0RF
- 09 Jun 2010
IamAnonymous, 08 Jun 2010take a moment and think about this: the n8 and the iphone... morethats rigt not to forget N8 has got 12.1 mega ves iphone 5 mega almost 3x more and with a larger sensor this is on another planet for shooting quality both stills and video.
- N
- N8
- MiL
- 09 Jun 2010
This phone is going to be a MEGA HIT!!!!
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 09 Jun 2010
almost 2 million views for this device already. and its not even out yet... truly awesome
- ?
- Anonymous
- tjF
- 09 Jun 2010
IamAnonymous, 08 Jun 2010take a moment and think about this:
the n8 and the iphone... moreThis is the only one thing that Iphone 4 is better than N8... Maybe.
Don't forget N8 is using AMOLED technology which is also a monster in display area.
- S
- 3Y2
- 08 Jun 2010
now that's what i call a smartphone!
- S
- Stefan
- Q2K
- 08 Jun 2010
Dear Nokia, can you release this phone with Maemo OS?
- B
- Borut
- nxE
- 08 Jun 2010
IamAnonymous, 08 Jun 2010take a moment and think about this: the n8 and the iphone... moreCheck what's wrong with your uberRetina Display at
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 08 Jun 2010
drummond86, 08 Jun 2010Good camera, shame about the rest of the phone with its bel... moreWhich is why even engadget gave it more positives than the Iphone 4 and twice as many as the Evo....
N8 kicks ass.
- A
- Anis
- 3EV
- 08 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010is the nokia n8 a better buy that the samsung i9000 galaxy ... moreBoth devices are great, but they cant be compared to each other, each one is uniqe!
N8 run Symbian, Galaxy run Android
Each OS requirments to run are different from each other.
so its all about what do you like...
I will wait N8, its good for me as it is with/without its good/bad side's!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 08 Jun 2010
is the nokia n8 a better buy that the samsung i9000 galaxy s and does anyone have any idea what the price is gonna be?
- A
- Anis
- 3EV
- 08 Jun 2010
Wizard, 08 Jun 2010Too bad it doesnt hAve a Handwriting recognitionHandwritting fails anyway lol slowwww
- W
- Wizard
- fvG
- 08 Jun 2010
Too bad it doesnt hAve a Handwriting recognition
- r
- rebel
- fsV
- 08 Jun 2010
IamAnonymous, 08 Jun 2010take a moment and think about this:
the n8 and the iphone... moreNo doubt the iphone has a much better screen but the question is how many of those 600000+ pixels can you actually see? The nokia n8 pixel density is perfect. The iphones is excessive. You'ld only appreciate that much pixels if you view your screen with a magnifying glass.
Besides, what use is a good screen with nothing to display. The iphone os is the crappiest piece of shit there ever was. Its comparable to nokia proprietor os. The type used on the 5130.
Nokia n8 kicks the hell out of the iphone from which ever angle you look at it. Come on. 5mp! That is so 2007. + no multitasking, no flash, no java. . .
- A
- Ali Abdulla
- 0ZU
- 08 Jun 2010
Ali Abdulla, 08 Jun 2010Bluetooth 3.0 uses the wireless card... if its on all the t... morei know this aint the correct forum to ask, but well:
can i turn a wireless card(say usb), into a bluetooth 3.0, by means of software?
i have it as an extra... could make a use out of it :(
- A
- Ali Abdulla
- 0ZU
- 08 Jun 2010
N8, 08 Jun 2010Are you saying the bluetooth on n8 can be set to switch on ... moreBluetooth 3.0 uses the wireless card... if its on all the time, it will drain the battery. and for nothing :D
im not sure thought if the device remains "discoverable" or do u have to "manually" open it every time u want to receive a pic :)
- p
- prakash
- uwc
- 08 Jun 2010
what a sexy phone.... when this mobile will be launch????????
- d
- drummond86
- Iax
- 08 Jun 2010
Good camera, shame about the rest of the phone with its below standard features, lol!
- k
- koko n95
- 0T4
- 08 Jun 2010
Powerful monster :)
- N
- N8
- R1L
- 08 Jun 2010
Engineer Man, 08 Jun 2010Here are all the features which the iphone 4 misses.
1.... moreAre you saying the bluetooth on n8 can be set to switch on automatically when needed?
What makes you so sure?
- t
- test
- mJd
- 08 Jun 2010
This phone i great!