Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • tVw
  • 08 Jun 2010

stevie, 08 Jun 2010definitely not the best looking phone after all. 12 mp came... moreYeah. . i have to agree wit you, n8 and iphone4 definitely
not in the same league becoz iphone it's just basic the way you can compare the new iphone4 with 5530xm and you can take the winner...but don compare wit 5800xm becoz im sure iphone4 lose..5800XM FAR WAY BETTER THAN IPHONE4

    • a
    • azizi
    • tV0
    • 08 Jun 2010

    i think a future phone should has ram indicator light that shows whether the ram is busy or not as it is on the pc...hahaha..

      • M
      • Mark
      • mby
      • 08 Jun 2010

      Ankur, 08 Jun 2010iPhone 4 16GB would be USD100 expensive then Nokia n8. for ... moreSee my comments:

      iPhone 4 16GB would be USD100 expensive then Nokia n8. for this 100 bucks what are the difference?
      iPhone over N8: Over here in Europe, unlocked, the difference is 160 to 230, depending on taxes.

      1) better Display resolution with IPS and better sunlight view ability.

      2) Processor and Graphics. WRONG, benchmarks say N8 owns A4.
      3) Great App store.
      4) Best OS and UI. Best UI, terrible OS.
      5) gyro sensor. Can it find kebabs too? Kidding.
      6) Really slim design and beautiful too. So is the N8, no difference.
      7) 11% larger display.
      8) last and the most important. A device where all the mentioned features actually work and don't just end up being something great on paper. Which is something you cannot assess for the N8 yet, thank you.

      N8 over iPhone 4
      1) HDMI TV output.
      2) 12 MP camera + xenon flash
      3) USB on the go
      4) Dolby Digital
      5) Free life time Navigation
      FLASH supporting browser, big deal!

      Miscellaneous feature advantages not mentioned in both the list.

        • S
        • Symbianworld
        • p@E
        • 08 Jun 2010

        A new hands on video:

          • M
          • Mark
          • mby
          • 08 Jun 2010

          Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010You guys really believe about the 12hrs talk time? Nokia ph... moreWhat are you talking about, Nokia phones are industry leading when it comes to power management. I would rather doubt the I-device qouted specs.

          On a different note, even in the US, on engadget, the N8 stacks up nicely against the new Iphone. At a fraction of the price of the other devices, the N8 will be a sure hit.

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • t7Z
            • 08 Jun 2010

            You guys really believe about the 12hrs talk time? Nokia phones are poor when it comes to battery management, im willing to be my life that real world talk time is less than 8hrs on a fully charged battery. If you get over 5hrs then your pretty damn lucky!

            2 days music playback is IMPOSSIBLE for this phone probably 15-16hrs at best.

              • G
              • Gigis
              • MFc
              • 08 Jun 2010

              Ankur, 08 Jun 2010iPhone 4 16GB would be USD100 expensive then Nokia n8. for ... moreiPhone 4 doesn't have 11% larger display..its the same size but the n8 has 16:9 aspect :)

                • b
                • bbb
                • 04M
                • 08 Jun 2010

                and they really think Apple will make better phone than nokia :D

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • Y}x
                  • 08 Jun 2010

                  stevie, 08 Jun 2010definitely not the best looking phone after all. 12 mp came... moreAs per specifications N8 has 12 hr 30 min of 2G talktime . Also 2 days of music play . Boy am i dreaming or what. Unlike n900 which had no support for java apps, n8 supports java and hence apps like opera mini & others will run on it.

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • Y}x
                    • 08 Jun 2010

                    stevie, 08 Jun 2010definitely not the best looking phone after all. 12 mp came... moreAs per specifications N8 has 12 hr 30 min of 2G talktime . Also 2 days of music play . Boy am i dreaming or what. Unlike n900 which had no support for java apps, n8 supports java and hence apps like opera mini & others will run on it.

                      • r
                      • rebel
                      • fsV
                      • 08 Jun 2010

                      Trula, 08 Jun 2010I just saw iphone 4, I must say, finally Apple is starting ... moreN8 doesn't have much support because it runs maemo. Its about the only phone running that os. Symbian has the largest collection of apps and by far the largest of free apps. I just hope symbian^3 would be compatible with symbian^1 apps.

                      As far as i'm concerned, iphone is popular because of its simplicity. It is made for the below average people who don't know anything about mobiles and technology and have tonnes of cash in their pockets. How else can you explain someone paying so much a phone without multitasking or java support? These are things i don't think i can live without.

                      The only edge iphone 4g has over the n8 is its staggering screen resolution. (which i find excessive and unnecessary) its almost magical. All other ways, its not a competition. The n8 flogs the shit out of the i phone.

                        • A
                        • Ankur
                        • utr
                        • 08 Jun 2010

                        iPhone 4 16GB would be USD100 expensive then Nokia n8. for this 100 bucks what are the difference?
                        iPhone over N8
                        1) better Display resolution with IPS and better sunlight view ability.
                        2) Processor and Graphics.
                        3) Great App store.
                        4) Best OS and UI.
                        5) gyro sensor.
                        6) Really slim design and beautiful too.
                        7) 11% larger display.
                        8) last and the most important. A device where all the mentioned features actually work and don't just end up being something great on paper.

                        N8 over iPhone 4
                        1) HDMI TV output.
                        2) 12 MP camera + xenon flash
                        3) USB on the go
                        4) Dolby Digital
                        5) Free life time Navigation

                        Miscellaneous feature advantages not mentioned in both the list.

                          • E
                          • Engineer Man
                          • n5Q
                          • 08 Jun 2010

                          For those that say the n8's only has one good feature. Come out of your shell! For a start, the N8 arm 1176 cpu is specifically designed for media performance & especially optimized for gaming. The n8's broadcom gpu is specifically designed for gaming. S^3 is revamped for gpu accelerated front end. The high quality lens is not just designed for still cameras. It will drive 720p very well with full hardware decoding at native res of the loveley oled screen utilizing the gret cpu, gpu working together in harmony. Fm radio & transmitter. Bt3.0 + HS utilizing 802.11 module for 24mbps data transfers. Usb otg, multi touch ui capacitive touchscreen which is something apple can not match. & most but not all of the features mentioned are in nokias mid range device, this is high end specs for samsung. Way to go nokia geniuses. More for less pocket.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • IWN
                            • 08 Jun 2010

                            I think

                            symbian ui may consider this

                            less menu as possible
                            cancel pop up menu, use other method

                            iphone ui use almost no menu bar
                            make thing viusalize

                            it is the key of making great ui

                              • S
                              • SK
                              • uti
                              • 08 Jun 2010

                              [deleted post]This phone looks rubbish to you becoz you cant even dream Apple to develop this kind of High end smart phones......

                                • E
                                • Engineer Man
                                • n5Q
                                • 08 Jun 2010

                                1 other reason N8 is the most smart phone. It have usb otg. Use phone as a host to exchange files between other usb devices. Nokia does it again, another new innovation first reason to buy n8.

                                The n8 has more partitions. Because of the added 256mb over the n5800 which had less memory for os & application mapping. The n8 phone will have an extra 16GB partition & I would think you'll be able to install apps to that which increases the amount of rom available over the n5800 two fold.

                                  • S
                                  • SK
                                  • uti
                                  • 08 Jun 2010

                                  stevie, 08 Jun 2010definitely not the best looking phone after all. 12 mp came... moreIf 12MP camera is illusion for you then a 5MP camera for an iPhone 4 is nothing but a piece of garbage, it doesnt even have the Carl Zesis optics!.....forget it......just compare both the phones side by side.....u would notice much difference then.....

                                    • f
                                    • farhad
                                    • 3be
                                    • 08 Jun 2010

                                    by Nokia N8,, apple iphone4 has nothing really to say

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • t7Z
                                      • 08 Jun 2010

                                      I agree the iPhone is even better than this, the only edge is has is the semi-useless 12mpixel camera

                                        • s
                                        • stevie
                                        • 0Rc
                                        • 08 Jun 2010

                                        definitely not the best looking phone after all. 12 mp camera is just illusion, 5 and above will do the same job. the main point is if this device is fast enough, easy to use and how is battery life? I know many n900 buyers are very regretful cos of battery life. ovarall it would be so unfair to compare this device to iphone, they are definitely not in the same league!