Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • b
  • bronxbioshock
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  • 08 Jun 2010

Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010i understand that the os makes a huge difference. a general... morewell hopefully the final firmware version of the phone or a sooner update would use the 780Mhz the ARM1176 processor has. for some dumb reason Nokia declocks the phone's processor upon release, like the 5800 @ only 300+mhz and after the v21 update they put it to the proper 434Mhz of the ARM1136.

    • B
    • IaH
    • 08 Jun 2010

    Well I disagree with that., you want a camera then buy Panasonic DMC-FX70 or Samsung NX5 or Sony Alpha 290 DSLR., not so good OS of this phone., which it has high OS and RAM then this will be a real monster phone like Samsung Galaxy S

      • m
      • mothman
      • uNV
      • 08 Jun 2010

      hi....why the ram is like old one 256?first n8 has amoled display,second of its os like symbian^3,third 3d graphics accelar.these things need no too much power and thing these things save ur money too.....why spend 700 to 1000 usd?why not 400 to 500 usd ?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • tjF
        • 08 Jun 2010

        BRAND NAME, 08 Jun 2010Ooowww an what do have here., another monster phone from no... moreThe reason it is famous are because it has the best camera compared to all HTC phone.

        It also is the first device to run on Symbian^3.

        The over all build is using great material that u cannot find on any of HTC phone.

        The look (design) also not bad :)

        Yea.. partly is because it is from Nokia.
        Because Nokia provide the best customer support after sales. :)

          • m
          • mothman
          • uNV
          • 08 Jun 2010

          Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010i understand that the os makes a huge difference. a general... moreyes u r right but remember ''money talks''.if n8 has those config. then the price must be in 700 to 900usd.check the price some device which one has that kinda config.nice to meet u sir.the world market is falling and think about cheaper device but with high end ..........good luck

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • khS
            • 08 Jun 2010

            mothman, 08 Jun 2010sorry sir..its about the operating software.symbian^3,read ... morei understand that the os makes a huge difference. a general analogy would be putting a great race driver in a mediocre car and competing against the top... i like this phone quite much. The least i want to see is a lagging sluggish device that would have had a huge potential. Just think nokia should not afford such position when this is supposed to be kind of a come back. and you know that's what the end consumer would judge against. By end of august competitors will be announcing 1.2GHZ processors with 1G RAM. go compete against that... my two cents for what they are worth. nice talk tho..

              • B
              • BRAND NAME
              • IaH
              • 08 Jun 2010

              Ooowww an what do have here., another monster phone from not so famous brand HTC..



              hhhmmm looks like this phone is less specs and need to catch up., the reason why it has high rating because of its brand name NOKIA,,,

                • m
                • mothman
                • uNV
                • 08 Jun 2010

                Anonymous, 08 Jun 2010im reading quite carefully. still no indication how 256 RAM... moresorry sir..its about the operating software.symbian^3,read about the operating software....think evrything will be clear and thanks for the good question

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • snT
                  • 08 Jun 2010

                  specs on site must be wrong! There's no way that this pone has ARM 11 compatible processor!
                  It must have TI's OMAP 3000 series based on Cortex-A8 core!!

                  The pone is beautiful, it would be grate to have this kind of Android device!

                    • ?
                    • Anonymous
                    • khS
                    • 08 Jun 2010

                    mothman, 08 Jun 2010plz read carefully....sir.u will get ur answerim reading quite carefully. still no indication how 256 RAM would suffice in real life. There is a real life performance and marketing description of a product. Why would every other leading OS phone go up for 512? Plus its like a dual core vs pentium... i guess they both will run your computer.... the question is how well. Android is a pretty capable linux based os and again they go for 512..

                      • m
                      • mothman
                      • uNV
                      • 08 Jun 2010

                      What is Amoled screen/display ?

                      in GENERAL
                      AMOLED display is a new and
                      advanced display which is being
                      used by companies like Samsung, LG,
                      etc. in their mobile phones,
                      notebook, and LCD TV displays.
                      AMOLED means (Active-matrix
                      organic light-emitting diode) display
                      consists of OLED pixels that have
                      been deposited or integrated onto a
                      thin film transistor (TFT). Amoled
                      screens are ultra thin, ultra bright
                      and doesn’t require a backlight to
                      An amoled display consumes less
                      power and offers a high refresh rate
                      with superior image quality. They
                      are flexible and unbreakable in

                        • m
                        • mothman
                        • uNV
                        • 08 Jun 2010

                        p, 08 Jun 2010Yet again, no matter what a marketing presentation for an A... moreplz read carefully....sir.u will get ur answer

                          • m
                          • mothman
                          • uNV
                          • 08 Jun 2010

                          What is Symbian^3?
                          Symbian^3 is the first fully open
                          source version of the Symbian
                          platform, and the second release of
                          the Symbian platform by the
                          Symbian Foundation. It extends
                          Symbian^2 in many ways, including
                          graphics support for advanced
                          layering and effects, full HDMI
                          support for a great television
                          playback experience and improved
                          data performance - ideal for
                          streaming high definition audio and

                            • W
                            • WHY NOT
                            • IaH
                            • 08 Jun 2010

                            Anonymous, 07 Jun 2010Nokia N8 vs Motorola Milestone XT720 http://www.gsmarena.c... moreWhy not…..Nokia N8 vs Samsung Galaxy S l9000..


                            clearly N8 only edge is its Camera?? Hhhmmm and I heard that Galaxy S is downloadable to Androd 2.2 Froyo., according to news Galaxy S os the monster phone this year…

                              • p
                              • p
                              • khS
                              • 08 Jun 2010

                              mothman, 08 Jun 2010The ARM11™ processor family provides the engine that power... moreYet again, no matter what a marketing presentation for an ARM 11 would say I still think they might have been in a better position upping it a bit.However if we consider the graphic accelerator it might be ok. The RAM I think is def low. it will have to handle 12 MP images, plus up to 48GB of combined storage.... that's a lot of computing... Plus all the updates that hopefully will be coming up...

                                • m
                                • mothman
                                • uNV
                                • 08 Jun 2010

                                virtually every portable device now
                                uses USB for PC connectivity. As
                                these products increase in
                                popularity, there is a growing need
                                for them to communicate both with
                                USB peripherals and directly with
                                each other when a PC is not
                                available. There is also an increase in
                                the number of other, non-PC hosts
                                (Embedded Hosts) which support
                                USB in order to connect to USB
                                The newly published Revision 2.0 of
                                the USB On-The-Go and Embedded
                                Host Supplement addresses these
                                scenarios by allowing portable
                                devices and non-PC hosts to have the
                                following enhancements:
                                Targeted host capability to
                                communicate with selected other
                                USB peripherals
                                Support for direct connections
                                between OTG devices
                                A small USB connector to fit the
                                mobile form factor
                                Power saving features to preserve
                                battery life
                                Compliance testing for low-speed,
                                full-speed and high-speed USB
                                Embedded Hosts and On-The-Go
                                products is available now. An
                                updated compliance program for
                                Revision 2.0 of the USB On-The-Go
                                and Embedded Host Supplement is
                                being developed.

                                  • m
                                  • mothman
                                  • uNV
                                  • 08 Jun 2010

                                  The ARM11™ processor family
                                  provides the engine that powers
                                  most smartphones in production
                                  today; it is also widely used in
                                  consumer, home, and embedded
                                  applications. It delivers extreme low
                                  power and a range of performance
                                  from 350 MHz in small area designs
                                  up to 1 GHz in speed optimized
                                  designs in 45 and 65 nm. ARM11
                                  processor software is compatible
                                  with all previous generations of ARM
                                  processors, and introduces 32-bit
                                  SIMD for media processing,
                                  physically tagged caches to improve
                                  OS context switch performance,
                                  TrustZone for hardware-enforced
                                  security, and tightly coupled
                                  memories for real-time application

                                    • p
                                    • p
                                    • khS
                                    • 08 Jun 2010

                                    If only nokia would add a faster processor and 512 RAM. Its just putting it physically at a disadvantage now... What happens if you filled up all memory with random stuff (as some ppl would)? Even if they had to add 50 bucks it would've been worthy.. ugh....

                                      • m
                                      • minjo
                                      • pwD
                                      • 08 Jun 2010

                                      iphone 4 is out and it will get beat by n8 when n8 will be released, but for now let the isheep enjoy their toy as it brings nothing new to the world...
                                      nokia respects it's customers by giving them as more features possible to get with less money than apple charge for nothing new...
                                      comparing n8 with iphone 4, shows how apple are so behind...

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • upf
                                        • 07 Jun 2010

                                        Evoss, 07 Jun 2010now immediatelly nokia fails in display resolution against ... moreya but thats too high on same sized screen that of N8. I dont know technically but read lot of people stating diffience can not be noticed by naked human eyes.. If its true then high resolution hardly makes sense..