Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Chris
  • ssg
  • 07 Jun 2010

Exactly, you are right, like the pc. the exclusion from 680mh to 1gh is not to far. My previous smartphone had a clockrate at 800 with a fine operating system and the time delay to do the task was like having a 400 processor.

It's like pc, ether you have a clock at 2gh or a 2.5gh. The different is very small. So to have to have a good machine with no crashes and delay you have to give a fortune. Or maybe you can built another machine with chip hardware but good performance and with a low price.

That's is what nokia doing. A high performance smartphone with good hardware and low price to give people the possibility to buy it and not to see it from the distance. And from the apps you download from ovi, you dont need a computer to run them. I saw a racing game to run on n8 and the result was flawless. And the multi-tasking you said with symbian s3... is comparing worthy the most developed smart phones.

    • E
    • Engineer Man
    • n5Q
    • 07 Jun 2010

    @ anonymous KE1N.

    Simply YES. :)

    The Live Wallpapers are basically wallpapers, but they respond to movement or touch. So behind the widgets on the N8, you would have a moving wallpaper that would move as you move the N8 around. The cool part of this is, well, looks really good and is an impressive feature; the bad aspect is that there are a limited amount of Live Wallpapers and they consume battery but not much.

      • S
      • SK
      • uti
      • 07 Jun 2010

      kevinaux, 07 Jun 2010Pardon my ignorance, why do you think this phone should com... moreOf course for good and improved response/performance of the device and what else....? The N97 lost its ground due to it's irritating UI...even though the N8's OS is improved, Nokia is sticking with 680Mhz which may again cause the OS be sluggish and laggy....

        • m
        • mattb
        • 0yY
        • 07 Jun 2010

        ???????? when when when when??????

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • Ke1
          • 07 Jun 2010

          Does n8 have

          loopable wallpaper like n900?
          Live wallpaper?

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • Ke1
            • 07 Jun 2010

            Nokia flagship is always announced at the end of the year, so n8 is not flagship of 2010

            n98 and n920, i am in love with it already

            n8 still has it own charm after meego and s4

              • B
              • Bong
              • PVV
              • 07 Jun 2010

              kevinaux, 07 Jun 2010I'm sorry Rajesh, I fail to see where I answered my own que... moreI totally agree with you. By squeezing in a 1Ghz processor, the battery will be drained at a faster rate and more heat will be produced since it will re running more heavily.

              I recently got a notebook with a T4400 processor and when I compared it with my friend's i5 processor notebook, the speed difference is barely noticeable. Plus, with S^3, I believe it will be quite similar to the i5 processor where it will manage it's power consumption more effectively while maintaining the overall performance of the mobile phone.

              Actually, in my opinion, a 680Mhz processor, though a bit of a disappointment, will be able to handle every day to day task flawlessly. I can't say the same when it comes to surfing the web or running heavy apps, but I believe it will still be able to run them smoothly, if not as fast. Plus, from what I have read so far, the N8 is heavily dependent on the GPU so most of the time the CPU will be left untouched allowing longer battery life.

              All in all, I believe the N8 is a superb phone and with it's affordable price tag, I truly believe it will be a huge success. To be honest, I haven't been this excited ever since the N82 was released. Currently still using it and it is able to handle my daily needs superbly, though a bit on the slow side. XD

                • C
                • Chris
                • ss6
                • 07 Jun 2010

                well... yeah, when you see a phone like this wich it is armed with the latest technology like bluetooth, g class 33, wi fi n else with the best price for this catergory of phones maybe you dont care about the rating, or maybe if you like it or not. but... if see you such a high rating from all of the people, it isn't accidental. I' ve done my researche from videos on popular sites and the presentations from nokia and my opinion is not to make quick conclusions... I mean, look at it... I think nokia making good approaching steps

                  • N
                  • Nokia_Tec
                  • fvV
                  • 07 Jun 2010

                  kevinaux, 07 Jun 2010I'm sorry Rajesh, I fail to see where I answered my own que... moreI totally agree, it is the most clever to produce most out of the least. I goin to relate cars, for example a 911 turbo boosts a 480 horsepower out of v6 3.6 liter engine, while a shelby gt500 uses a v8 5.4 liter boosts 540 horsepower, guess who run faster? the porsche, u dont need a 1ghz to have a good phone!!!!

                    • k
                    • kevinaux
                    • RNy
                    • 07 Jun 2010

                    Rajesh, 07 Jun 2010You did not realise that you answered all your questions in... moreI'm sorry Rajesh, I fail to see where I answered my own question there. I did ask why they stopped P4 range of CPU at 3.8 GHtz and all you added was what they were offering now.

                    In any case, I think we are digressing here. Let me share my two cents worth and try to explain why I think the N8 doesn't sport a 1 GHtz CPU (the original comment).

                    Having worked directly in the PC industry before and have seen faster and faster CPUs come and go. I know for a fact when the last fastest P4 was released (it was clocked at 3.8 Ghtz), as impressive as the speed was, you could not hide the fact it was a power hungry beast that consumed as much power as it produced heat. To get one operating, you needed to invest on a good PSU unit and an equally good "heatsink".
                    I am using this example primarily to point out the hidden cost of using a very fast processor in any device.

                    Now coming back to mobiles devices, having a very fast CPU has other implications than just the cost of the CPU itself. Lets just disregard the question whether it needs a 1Ghtz CPU for a minute and just assume that the N8 carried a 1 Ghtz CPU. This would mean the originally designed battery will need to be changed to a bigger size to handle the power consumption. This would then mean either an increase of dimension or Nokia might decide to squeeze out other hardware features in order to preserve good aesthetics (I'm reminded of any number of Apple products here).
                    Fortunately with the use of Symbian^3 and how its able to use both a lower spec'd CPU in tandem with a GPU to operate (at the level it was intended to), the N8 strikes a fine balance of functionality, speed and looks over cost that makes it a very special device in so many people's eyes. Just to add to that, I do not think the N8 can pull off the same magic if it ran any other OS as that would cause a chain reaction of changes that would lead to a unavoidable cost increase.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • uSS
                      • 07 Jun 2010

                      the most anticipated phone ever!

                        • R
                        • Rajesh
                        • uEA
                        • 07 Jun 2010

                        kevinaux, 07 Jun 2010Thank you Rajesh for lending your opinion. I can answer you... moreYou did not realise that you answered all your questions in one good question. Intel stopped P4 in mobile computers at 2.4 Ghz and now they are multiplying the cores in Duo and Quadros. Now if you opt for core i7 you will be able to get a clock speed of 3 Ghz up and in multiples which is actually 4 times faster than the highest mobile P4 processor.

                          • k
                          • kevinaux
                          • RNy
                          • 07 Jun 2010

                          Rajesh, 07 Jun 2010Answer to your question would be a question, why do you thi... moreThank you Rajesh for lending your opinion. I can answer your question with an answer which I don't think will answer mine though.

                          But since we are asking, why do you think Intel stopped the Gigahertz race with P4 and started concentrating on producing more practical and effective CPUs with multicores and multi threads?

                            • R
                            • Rajesh
                            • uEA
                            • 07 Jun 2010

                            kevinaux, 07 Jun 2010Pardon my ignorance, why do you think this phone should com... moreAnswer to your question would be a question, why do you think processor companies are producing higher and higher clock speed processors. Today they are talking about 1,5 Ghz.

                              • k
                              • kevinaux
                              • RNy
                              • 07 Jun 2010

                              Sk, 07 Jun 2010Why Does Nokia stick around with that Bull**IT 600Mhz proce... morePardon my ignorance, why do you think this phone should come with a 1 Ghz CPU?

                                • G
                                • Greg
                                • fjf
                                • 07 Jun 2010

                                WOW . . . The N8 got almost 2 million site hits and over 45 thousand votes ! ! ! And is not even out yet ! I think the N8 will broke records when it will go on sale. Certainly is very very popular all over the world. Some internet sites talk about 450-USD,yet it competes favorably with cells costing almost twice as much !

                                  • S
                                  • Sk
                                  • uti
                                  • 07 Jun 2010

                                  Why Does Nokia stick around with that Bull**IT 600Mhz processors? Are they so lame to produce a phone with 1Ghz processor?.....This phone should hv been a 1Ghz one.....

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • PGs
                                    • 07 Jun 2010

                                    i think that its a supub fon.....i'd love 2 use it..

                                      • g
                                      • goron goron
                                      • Khs
                                      • 07 Jun 2010

                                      N8 Nokias next FLAGS, 05 Jun 2010N8 is Nokias next FLAGSHIP Device MeeGo Q&A with A... morewell.for a few month?
                                      and still with it price N8 is focus to fill the gap between $500>> and the phones under $400.
                                      still its not a big deal if it is a flagship or not.
                                      as long as it run smoothly.not like n97.
                                      i think i'v got to start to saving my money now XD

                                        • g
                                        • goron goron
                                        • Khs
                                        • 07 Jun 2010

                                        [deleted post]hai i dont think phone rating is a big deal,i decide to buy my SE M600,iphone,5800xm not because the ratings.most of the people dont care bout it almost 3years reading gsmarena and never ever gonna care bout voting results.
                                        if it a gud phone people will buy it
                                        if it bad no one will buy it
                                        it is that simple.
                                        im not nokia fans,SE hater,or a fanboy of any company.for me,im just a costumer who want a gud phone.
                                        plis peolpe who always like to judge phone only base on their asumption plis stop it.
                                        if people get wrong information and their will buy the phone they will regrets and thats a bad thing to play with other people money.
                                        for the reader,no one know how gud this phone will be.
                                        just wait for the official gsmarena review.
                                        the haters club in here know less bout
                                        OS,stability,UI speed,battery life,etc
                                        phone company is not a religion so dont listen to the is ur money and u want a gud phone just read trusted article or watch real video that compare the phone fairly.its not a highend or a flagship but N8 is promising.waiting for the review.