Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • Nokia & ANDROID
  • mp%
  • 04 Jun 2010

SE has learned from its mistake and changed its strategy. They were going down on profit and their sales were decreasing quarter on quarter. Then they realized diversification and they released following devices.

• Windows Mobile - Xperia X1
• Symbian – Satio (Idou), Vivaz and Vivaz Pro
• Android - Xperia X10, Mini and Pro

It would not be a wonder if SE comes up with Bada Phone (if Samsung allows) and MeeGo based devices.

Now Nokia has finally realized the mistake and they started deversificationn.

• Symbian – Almost all Nokia devices
• Maemo - Nokia N900
• Windows – rumored
• Android – Can’t say

But it would not surprise me if Nokia embraces Android. Reason being, following companies have android based devices
1. Samsung
2. SE
3. HTC
5. Toshiba
6. Dell

Now NOKIA will be going where Market leads it and I am sure, no matter what people argue about, Android is future of Mobile OS.

    • A
    • Android is FUTURE
    • mp%
    • 04 Jun 2010

    While the Google-backed Android mobile operating system currently runs on less than 2% of all smartphones, Gartner Inc. predicts it will surge to 14% of the global smartphone market in 2012 -- ahead of the iPhone, as well as Windows Mobile and BlackBerry smartphones.

    In that year, Gartner forecasts Android will actually rank second globally, behind the Symbian OS, which is used in Nokia devices that are highly popular in Europe and many countries outside the U.S. Symbian now runs on about half of all smartphones, but will fall to 39% in 2012, Gartner says.

      • n
      • nute
      • Nhg
      • 04 Jun 2010

      I won't recommend any phone with less than 512MB Ram. I have constant issues with my Nokia 5800's 128MB app memory. And i hope they made this phone more stable than 5800 and N97.

        • s
        • semando
        • NhU
        • 04 Jun 2010

        Tan, 04 Jun ericsson have just launched 26m moreWe need Sony to go and Nokia to go so we can get best technology for lowest price

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • nH%
          • 04 Jun 2010

          Engineer Man, 04 Jun 2010Absolutely. You bet S^3 will be radically different from an... more Win 7 requires less powerful hardware operating requirements than Windows XP. ????? whaattt ? you have no idea what are you talking about... Engineer man :) maybe go to Microsoft courses - win 7 need 2gigs of ram for best performance - you can use 1gig unless you only listening winamp.

            • E
            • Engineer Man
            • n5Q
            • 04 Jun 2010

            Absolutely. You bet S^3 will be radically different from any other S^* device you'll have used before. People have no idea that S^* is a light OS. The only area it currently fails in is glamour. UI, widgets & especially simple & quick functionality. S^3 will radically change this.

            Nokia realise where S^* is weak & know where the competition is excelling. They have learned one or two things. There will definately be improvements this time on larger scale.

            For a start, symbian devices use great ARM processors, & because symbian is light & very efficient it isn't weighed down & doesn't need fast CPU's. It utilizes very little overheads in terms of CPU requests. It's also economical in the battery life department. Plus is isn't weighed down with bloatware.

            The difference you'll see is in the UI 3d interface of the OS, & widgets & homescreen department. This will be properly hardware accelerated by a dedicated GPU which is fast & will be responsible for drawing every pixel onto screen faster than CPU of before which no other Symbian phone has utlized before.

            Also S^3 will be much simpler & quicker to navigate through menu structure with one touch rather than double clicking through lots of menus in older OS's. More buttons will be implemented into each menu to make it Quicker to access.

            All this means that Symbian will excel & will be much quicker with a 680Mhz ARM CPU utilizing an ever lighter, kernel modified, memory management modified & GPU operated interface. Believe me when i say that the CPU is more than adequate enough.

            Android is much like comparing Older windows OS to newer ones from Microsoft. New OS came along needing higher requirements in terms of specification & hardware needing an upgrade in hardware such as vista for machine built for Windows XP for example. Then Win 7 came along & actually reversed that trend. Win 7 requires less powerful hardware operating requirements than Windows XP.

            The same can be said for Symbian vs Android devices. It's all about the operating requirements of the software, how manageable & resourceful the OS is. The N8 hardware & S^3 is still in beta testing stages. Don't make asumptions that the N8 doesn't have a fast enough CPU, that's just rubbish.

              • Y
              • Ying
              • qCW
              • 04 Jun 2010

              andy burgin, 04 Jun 2010Nokia keeping very Quite about the N8 an the new software o... moreThere are, or were, many Youtube videos demonstrating real time usage of the Nokia N8 capabilities from users with prototypes. The problem is that they are being removed quickly. Try searching Youtube for the most recent uploaded Nokia N8 videos every now and then.

              If you believe the Nokia N8 have Dolby Digital speakers on the device, it doesn't. The Nokia N8 have a single mono speaker equipped with a Class D amplifier. The HDMI feature on the Nokia N8 has the 1.3 version specification which supports output of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master audio streams.

                • Y
                • Ying
                • qCW
                • 04 Jun 2010

                It's a shame how people discredit Symbian without knowing its capabilities. This link demonstrates Symbian can meet and exceed the competition.


                  • a
                  • anosh
                  • SX@
                  • 04 Jun 2010

                  to be truethful Nokia, Samsung, LG, SE, and of course HTC, are all super devices. HTC dethroned iphone 3G. with Nexus 1 and Desire and Evo

                    • m
                    • mike
                    • m5J
                    • 04 Jun 2010

                    me, 04 Jun 2010android have a better look, plenty of apps n games, easy to... moreThat is what puts me off, the Symbian OS. I want this phone but I want Android!

                      • a
                      • andy burgin
                      • 3pH
                      • 04 Jun 2010

                      Nokia keeping very Quite about the N8 an the new software on it,we use to be able to see loads of websites showing off Nokia new mobiles,but the N8 not many showing this New Software an Features,an want to see a review about the Camera an the Dolby Speakers on the N8,Nokia might be waiting to see the New iPhone released before they start to really show off the N8

                        • a
                        • anosh
                        • SX@
                        • 04 Jun 2010

                        take a look at HTC Evo, Desire, Samsung Galaxie S, Omnia HD, LG gw 990 BL 40, SonyEricson Satio, Vivaz, and more from them and N8 all gseat an

                          • M
                          • Masih Majlesi
                          • Sbg
                          • 04 Jun 2010

                          Hi.i think when it comes to Iran it costs about 900euro.all cellphones here are like this!!!

                            • M
                            • Mark
                            • mby
                            • 04 Jun 2010

                            me, 04 Jun 2010android have a better look, plenty of apps n games, easy to... moreHi There,

                            To each his own. But you are incorrect about Android versus S^3.

                            For example, the things people use most on a phone, the phone, sms, music. In all of these things I prefer S^3 greatly over Android. In fact, the media player in Android is so bad, people are happy there are 3rd party apps to alleviate the stress.

                            We can disagree about a lot of things, but S^3 is still better for texting, calling & music.

                            Also, Hardware UI acceleration FTW! :)

                            Cheers, have a good day.

                              • C
                              • Cohen
                              • qLC
                              • 04 Jun 2010

                              this is truly a great mobile device. I was planning on getting the N86 but after seeing this I know I'm getting this instead. Nokia and Sony Ericsson are the best!

                                • M
                                • Mark
                                • mby
                                • 04 Jun 2010

                                anosh, 04 Jun 2010i think this is a truely great mobile comp N8. But it shoul... moreCPU is UNDERclocked and can be adjusted with firmware to 1Ghz. Like happened to 5800, increased speed with firmware...

                                In any case, its fast enough now.

                                  • A
                                  • Anis
                                  • 3EV
                                  • 04 Jun 2010

                                  anosh, 04 Jun 2010well friends, i think that nokia will try to meet demands o... morei am not sure if they gonna use Android! ... but for sure they will use Windows Mobile

                                    • a
                                    • anosh
                                    • SX@
                                    • 04 Jun 2010

                                    well friends, i think that nokia will try to meet demands of all clients in the near future and make phones with OS Android too

                                      • a
                                      • anosh
                                      • SX@
                                      • 04 Jun 2010

                                      I know that nokia is capeable to make great and super smartphones N8 is an example, just can imagine the next super comps.

                                        • A
                                        • Anis
                                        • 3EV
                                        • 04 Jun 2010

                                        anosh, 04 Jun 2010i think this is a truely great mobile comp N8. But it shoul... morewait for the future devices .. and skip this one