Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • s
  • syed
  • ttc
  • 03 Jun 2010

this phone is really hi tech after n95.

    • A
    • upf
    • 03 Jun 2010

    noit, 03 Jun 2010Please give credits where it's due, THE ONLY thing i can fi... moreYeah I am agree with u! N8 has 16gb onboard & x10 has only 1gb+8gb(provided memory card) then I think x10fans have to waste more money to buy a 16gb memory card & x10 is already overpriced :D
    N8 has full flash support to web and edge class 33, x10 lacks flash support n edge class 10 :D
    N8 has 12mp,x10 8mp(camera on x10 seems like just a hole created on itz backside :D
    x10 is ahead only in cpu deprtment but Nokia ll overclock itz speed if it ll b slow ;)
    N8 has better features than x10,x10 lacks many features n behind NOKIA :D
    But the funny thing is that x10 has double price than N8 !
    I ll buy 2 Nokia N8(orange n black) instead of buying x10 :D:D:D

      • A
      • Anis
      • 3EV
      • 03 Jun 2010

      Nokia is going in the right direction ..

      C1 C2, Dual Sim phones :D way to go nokia way to go

        • d
        • developer guru
        • P$t
        • 03 Jun 2010

        @ Nokia fans, 03 Jun 2010All the Nokia haters, Samsung fanboy, isheeps, SE fanboys a... moreWhat’s gold will shine.. Gold is not bought by voting and will be owned by all.. so Nokia fans... need not to worry abt both capturing... N8 IS!! Going to be neighbor’s envy and owner’s pride...

          • @
          • @ Nokia fans
          • KFP
          • 03 Jun 2010

          All the Nokia haters, Samsung fanboy, isheeps, SE fanboys are voting negatively against Nokia N8. Please vote N8 10/10
          and each time you vote it also vote 1/10 to Wave, Galaxy S, beam and others phone who are not superior than N8 but still due to fanboyism they are getting higher vote.
          ( To Nokia haters: dont need to delete my comment, if you do so I will post this comment regulary to All Nokia phone sections)

            • P
            • Pengait
            • PS6
            • 03 Jun 2010

            john smith, 03 Jun 2010true the N8 is not a device to last, but is any device real... moreagree with u. In few years time each company marketing plan also going to change. We cant predict the future.

            The rule of thumb is to get a device that suite your needs. Dont entice user to buy a particular smartphone just because you think the phone is the best. It might be the best for you but for other people that phone is not suitable for them.

            Life is full of choices. You can give user advise but can cant choose for them.

              • n
              • noit
              • 4Va
              • 03 Jun 2010

              [deleted post]Please give credits where it's due, THE ONLY thing i can find the x10 bettering the n8 in comparing the specs between the two is the CPU and screen res while everything else the n8 trumps the x10. also i do wish the cpu of n8 was a little faster, but whos to say the n8 isn't fast? PLs wait til release to truly c how fast it really is. EVEN if it is a little slower than your x10, i'd still take the n8 over the x10 anyday for its advantages in feature. :) 1500 mAh batt on ur x10 is need to support the dated tft screen with "2x the res"

                • j
                • john smith
                • 4Va
                • 03 Jun 2010

                [deleted post]true the N8 is not a device to last, but is any device really designed to last? Do you think any manufacturers would design a handset with enough HW and spec for future upgrades lasting more than several yrs? They are in Business to make technology is advancing so fast that no consumer would even use a set for more than 2 or 3 yrs at most.

                  • P
                  • Pengait
                  • PS6
                  • 03 Jun 2010

                  when is bluetooth 4.0 going to be in the market??
                  i think 2011 devices going to use bluetooth 4.0.

                    • P
                    • Pengait
                    • PS6
                    • 03 Jun 2010

                    C1 have 3 variants C1-00 , C1-01 , C1-02 launch at the same time.

                    Why nokia dont launch N8-00, N8-01, N8-02

                    N8-01 should have qwerty keyboard and 512bm ram.

                    N8-02 should run symbian^4, 512mb Ram, ARM11 880mhz

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • uC4
                      • 03 Jun 2010

                      this is sure a very good phone to buy and i confirm tat this phone can talk up to 4 hours more and the phone more stable than any phone i already see the real model and tested it

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • 4Va
                        • 03 Jun 2010

                        [deleted post]just because bluetooth 3.0 isn't supported on many devices right now doesn't mean nokia shouldn't implement it. if only every manufacture think like you, technology would probly regress back to the stone age. You have to walk before you can run--nokia --->leader not follower. While sometime nokia maybe slower to implement a feature than other manufacturers, what they do, they do it right. No use having a feature that full of bug and don't work correctly...

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • MB1
                          • 03 Jun 2010

                          Some people must have stayed up all night arguing. I just went through the X10 specs and it still has tft 65k colours. In fact this is a waste of time.
                          The X10 looses in every department except with the cpu.
                          Yet you have someone here arguing its case.
                          That's like me getting a laptop with 1998 features but just upgrading the cpu to core i7. (mind you this is not possible in real life due to the sockets but you get what i mean.) and saying its better than a laptop someone bought today with a core i5 which has all luxury features. This is dumb dumb dumb. Its as simple as.

                            • C
                            • Corby Lover
                            • t78
                            • 03 Jun 2010

                            Yeah. X10 Forum is a LOT more peaceful.

                            But still, there are a lot of, you know, commenters,, saying lies, saying that it hangs, it gets a problem after some months or years, and worst, saying bad things about the phone.

                            whoever who will read this comment, which is a basher of these gsmarena comments, i hope you will stop, because our gsmarena samsung comments, is continuously having infected by these bashers and trollers. and most of these are nokia fans, i hope they stop though.

                            anyways kudos to nokia, another milestone for them:)

                              • s
                              • sameer sinha ....
                              • TL5
                              • 03 Jun 2010

                              i think there is another friend of mine .... Hii sameer ....
                              Guy i said about n98 .. Ok .. To distinguish us see the ip adress right to the date and time .... Or i will go with my full name ... Thanks .....

                                • ?
                                • Anonymous
                                • uth
                                • 03 Jun 2010

                                A graet phone! Eager to buy.

                                  • k
                                  • kevinaux
                                  • RNy
                                  • 03 Jun 2010

                                  Mark, 03 Jun 2010Forget about it man. The guy cannot reason, fails to respon... moreNo true words were uttered all day.

                                    • M
                                    • Mark
                                    • mby
                                    • 03 Jun 2010

                                    kevinaux, 03 Jun 2010"So you sounds pretty dumb to even talk about mobile p... moreForget about it man. The guy cannot reason, fails to respond properly, and when cornered starts a new topic and then the whole thing repeats itself. The difference between him and a regular troll is a moderate degree of written english, and a general lack of swearing. Other than that, a troll.

                                      • k
                                      • kevinaux
                                      • RNy
                                      • 03 Jun 2010

                                      Tom-Helge, 03 Jun 2010Oh and also, do you know the difference from a Windows exte... more"So you sounds pretty dumb to even talk about mobile phones."
                                      Let me have a quick Ha Ha.

                                      Are you familiar with the term modding. That is when you take a normal sanctioned app or OS and hack it to do more than what it was intended to do.

                                      I did say in one of my previous replies (maybe it is you who are not reading things properly) that I might have jumped the gun when I included Iphone because obviously, I have not had the pleasure of putting this into practice (be assured I will). But what I was trying to tell you was that the possibilities for a USB host enabled device is numerous e.g. USB keyboard, printers, ect.

                                        • k
                                        • kevinaux
                                        • RNy
                                        • 03 Jun 2010

                                        [deleted post]"Doesn't matter if it's an extension or a normal program."

                                        As a matter of fact it does. With a "normal program" you will have to launch that program to access the features I was talking about.

                                        With a Windows extension, the feature is integrated into the OS and as such you don't need to open anything extra, Windows Explorer will do.

                                        I think I should remind you again (please read back my post) that I never said the feature is available just like that. What do you think I meant when I said "..don't mind getting your feet wet"?