Nokia N8
- Y
- Ying
- qCW
- 03 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010thats true,
for me I dont want to charge my 1ghz phone ... moreRofl!
"Hey guys! I got the latest Android phone with the 1.3 Ghz Snapdragon. Look at all the cool eye candy!"
"What! Low battery already? I just charged this thing before I left home about an hour ago!"
"That sucks. At least the way the low battery warning popped up was cool!"
"I know! This phone owns all others!"
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 03 Jun 2010
Ying, 03 Jun 2010That only holds true to a Nokia devices that does not have ... morewhere YOU READ this? (sym 3 gpu acc)
i am read developement kit and GPU acc will become in sym 4!
Do not write lies and not take for each well-intentioned criticism of evil!
SYMBIAN 3 is NOT GPU accelerated!!!
- s
- sserwanga
- ftV
- 03 Jun 2010
I think this phone looks very good. Not used it yet but I would not mind buying one. For those who don't like it the sreen and or any other feature you have a whole world of phones to choose from so don't be petty in your criticism. What is good is good and Nokia is known for quality products. Personally I love the whole look.
- ?
- Anonymous
- PS6
- 03 Jun 2010
Ying, 03 Jun 2010People only want a 1ghz clocked CPU for bragging rights. Th... morethats true,
for me I dont want to charge my 1ghz phone 1 or 2 times a day.
Its a burden to my life style.
MAybe some people like to show of the phone by charging at shoping mall,office,beside the pool even in a coffee shop cause they phone battery died. LOL
- Y
- Ying
- qCW
- 03 Jun 2010
Pengait, 03 Jun 2010If a mobile can have unlimited power like desktop computer ... morePeople only want a 1ghz clocked CPU for bragging rights. They would rather bloat about how their numbers are bigger and badder rather than have a well balanced performing device with can actually meet and exceed the competition.
- P
- Pengait
- PS6
- 03 Jun 2010
If a mobile can have unlimited power like desktop computer i am sure nokia will use 1ghz or 2ghz or even 3ghz processor.
Unless the battery technologies evolve, nokia will still use under 1ghz processor on symbian since it is design/optimized for processor under 1ghz.
Do you think nokia do not want to use a 1ghz processor??
What is the point using 1ghz processor when symbian^3 can run pretty reasonable at 680mhz(what i saw on the video).
If nokia overclock N8 to 1ghz, people will still complaint that its using Symbian^3.
I think most of the people here that bash N8 like N8. The only thing they dont like is nokia not producing any android phone. I'm sure they will praise nokia if N8 comes with android OS. They Will close one eye even if it have N8 have 680mhz processor just because it an android phone.
So the point is N8 basher Like Android OS. Other Brand cant make an android phone with full of features for them thats why they hate nokia for making a full of features device for a symbian device.
They actually envy symbian user. Why an outdated os have that many features when our high-end android phone dont have that features.
- Y
- Ying
- qCW
- 03 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010Hold down, relax! Did you know, symbian OS work in menus, ... moreThat only holds true to a Nokia devices that does not have a dedicated GPU. Furthermore, like Mark mentioned, Symbian^3 is GPU accelerated. If you can't understand this, perhaps you need not to comment.
- Y
- Ying
- qCW
- 03 Jun 2010
Mark, 03 Jun 2010Hi Bobby, I cannot change the design of the UI, you eith... moreSome people are just lost causes for they can't think beyond their limited ideals. The average person knows nothing truly about CPUs, their architects, Symbian, and so forth but what they hear from friends and read from other ignorant people.
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 03 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010Hold down, relax!
Did you know, symbian OS work in menus, ... moreNot true! Not anymore. S^3 GUI is fully hw accelerated all the way. All of the effects go to GPU! Look at the link a few posts back, where the graphics performance is benchmarked. It is strong! S60 5th did not have this, big changes in S^3.
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 03 Jun 2010
Bobby, 03 Jun 2010what do you wan't to say with this video?
this speed is ex... moreHi Bobby,
I cannot change the design of the UI, you either like it, or you dont. Personally I like that the interface is similar to older versions, to me eye candy for the sake of eye candy is not smart.
Anyway, lets compare this device to other symbian devices like 8910 or android devices even.
Right now, with still not final and optimized software, with debugging running, on an older processor, the N8 device in the vid I showed runs as fast as an 8910, with a heavily modded custom firmware, and a much stronger processor.
My point is, the slower processor doesnt have to make the device slow. And the video's I have seen from official channels all suck pretty badly compared to other vids I have seen, like the one I linked to.
Imagine the N8, without debugging software, after a firmware update that removes the underclocking from the cpu, maybe even a custom fw, or accelerator.
Already now, not even finished, it is beating the competition in the most important benchmarks:
I a not saying the device is the best phone of all time, or that it sucks. I am saying dont judge the device based on the cpu. It means relatively little in this software & hardware setup. Try one when you get a chance, and then form your opinion.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kx%
- 03 Jun 2010
[deleted post]Hold down, relax!
Did you know, symbian OS work in menus, kinetic scroll, kastor effects...etc, only with CPU speed?!
GPU only work with some apps that require 3D rendering!
- B
- Bobby
- kx%
- 03 Jun 2010
Tahnik, 03 Jun 2010i was very glad after seeing nokia n8 specifications....but... moreReally do not know why they were needed based on symbian OS and why they put such a slow processor?
I hope they read these reviews and will change some things!
- B
- Bobby
- kx%
- 03 Jun 2010
Mark, 03 Jun 2010Trust me, the vids you have seen are all running older sw. ... morewhat do you wan't to say with this video?
this speed is exactly like Omnia HD with HX firmwares!
I am talk about something NEW!
Did you see how smooth 3GS work? or Galaxy S? or Wawe?
I wan't from Nokia something like other trends!
Oldtime menus and old processor is not good for new times for Nokia :(
- N
- N8
- 3V}
- 03 Jun 2010
Anonymous, 03 Jun 2010SB: When you were talking about Nokia N8 on Monday, everyon... more"It means that Nokia is trying to change the rules of the game. They produce very cheap phones. E.g. – low end phones for India for $10, very cheap phones from 16-30 Euro, and for these phones they have huge sales. If you check the average selling price for Nokia devices, it’s getting lower and lower each quarter. Nowadays it’s 62 Euro. It means, that high end phones from Nokia are not selling very well. Nokia sees that, and they are trying to play another game. They are trying to sell more cheaper high end devices. They are trying to push more smartphones into the market. And this strategy is very clear in N8"
Whoever posted this should go and study marketing bcos its not useful in this forum.
- T
- Tahnik
- vQ1
- 03 Jun 2010
i was very glad after seeing nokia n8 specifications....but again a have to sucks sometime....symbian again...i'm bored with symbian...and one of the slow mobile...while there is 720p video and 12 mp camera they have given 688mghz
- t
- the lord
- vGj
- 03 Jun 2010
its availabel in india for Rs.24000/ around 510$. check
- c
- celladik
- vaP
- 03 Jun 2010
Mark, 03 Jun 2010Trust me, the vids you have seen are all running older sw. ... morereally nice video. im excited to get my hands on one...
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 03 Jun 2010
Bobby, 03 Jun 2010Voting is not result from Nokia haters... it's result from ... moreTrust me, the vids you have seen are all running older sw. Take a look at the speed with which the homescreen changes in this video, compared to the ones in the demo's we have seen. It is instant:
Media player loads in less than a second, with media on a connected USB. That is fast as well.
All of these proto's are running debug sw alongside the sw, and the video's of Nokia themselves were so old it still said C0 iso N8.
So try before you buy, but dont worry.
- M
- Mark
- mby
- 03 Jun 2010
Pengait, 03 Jun 2010C1 have 3 variants C1-00 , C1-01 , C1-02 launch at the same... moreDont worry, N8 with keyboard will come, lesser camera, better specs in other areas. Do realize the ARM11 can be sped up to 1 Ghz if need be via a simple firmware update.
- B
- Bobby
- kx%
- 03 Jun 2010
@ Nokia fans, 03 Jun 2010All the Nokia haters, Samsung fanboy, isheeps, SE fanboys a... moreVoting is not result from Nokia haters... it's result from last N8 videos... it's really sucks!
slow, laggy and poor :(
i love Nokia.. but.. this is ENOUGH!
After n97 it's next "utopia" from Nokia...
Exactly like n97, N8 have slow processor and this is for me, big mistake from Nokia :(