Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • Dev
  • upf
  • 03 Jun 2010

Nokia & Qualcomm, 02 Jun 2010And all the people claiming that Nokia do not need higher p... moreThey might have thought it for MeeGo but lately its Intel doing that job. Sorry Qualcomm AND too old links BTW.

    • M
    • Mark
    • mby
    • 03 Jun 2010

    Dev, 02 Jun 2010Honestly speaking, I am not finding it too much I candy as ... moreBut do you think the UI, good or not, will run smooth, since the GPU supports it?

    Excited about Qt too!

      • N
      • Nokia & Qualcomm
      • mp%
      • 02 Jun 2010

      And all the people claiming that Nokia do not need higher power processor because it’s a OS that needs low processing speed.

      But Nokia’s CEO hints of a Snapdragon-powered handset

      Also, it wasn’t that Nokia never wanted to use High power processor. They were not having any choice because only they had issues with Qualcomm

      Nokia and Qualcomm tie up after years in court

      "I don't see the markets reacting since the products are expected to be sold only around mid-2010," said Nordea analyst Martti Larjo. "(But) at least the cooperation shows that Nokia is focusing its efforts on the North American market."

        • D
        • Dev
        • upf
        • 02 Jun 2010

        Mark, 02 Jun 2010Thank you. May I have your opinion on the S^3 UI, which can... moreHonestly speaking, I am not finding it too much I candy as I was expecting considering it can be brough to that level one usually expect considering GPU. But I believe in customization abilities of Symbian, its themeable, can be modded with custom firmwares bringing whole new effects, home screens so I wont mind if it lacks in eyecandyness out of the box.
        But I really have big hopes from the whole new Qt based UI of S^4. Its alreay a most powerful UI with great potential but should be nicer on look to really compete with Android. Thanks, Symbian is not fragmented as the care with which I am comparing it. Thats a another stronger point of it.

          • M
          • Mark
          • mby
          • 02 Jun 2010

          Answer Honestly Plea, 02 Jun 2010Agree Mark that all phone hangs. But lets Hope that N8 s... moreOk, now you are just being stupid. The aptly called 8 sec reset, you can do at any time, to fix any issue, which you will very unlikely see happen. You will never need a different device, except for when your battery runs out.

          I just explained this to you.

            • A
            • Answer Honestly Plea
            • mp%
            • 02 Jun 2010

            Mark, 02 Jun 2010Hi, Any smartphone can hang, I see it all the time on d... moreAgree Mark that all phone hangs.

            But lets Hope that N8 should not hang else you will have to always carry 2 phones,

            1. Fully functional N8 which can ditch you anytime
            2. A phone that works just as a phone

              • D
              • Dev
              • upf
              • 02 Jun 2010

              Answer Honestly Plea, 02 Jun 2010Hi Guys, I would like to know whether your NOKIA Smartph... moreA great thing introduced later from S60v5 devices is that if unfortunately anything goes wrong with device, it just restarts automatically and thats a quick boot up happens within seconds. Again this situation arises very rarely and mainly depend on how you use your device. Using more than 90% of total available RAM for countinous and considerably long period can cause heating of device and ultimately to auto restart it to free up RAM. (no more hanging and removal of battery anymore!)

                • M
                • Mark
                • mby
                • 02 Jun 2010

                Dev, 02 Jun 2010Let me correct you that CPU used in N8 (ARM 1176) has a def... moreThank you. May I have your opinion on the S^3 UI, which can use the Broadcom GPU. Just curious what you think.

                  • M
                  • Mark
                  • mby
                  • 02 Jun 2010

                  Answer Honestly Plea, 02 Jun 2010Hi Guys, I would like to know whether your NOKIA Smartph... moreHi,

                  Any smartphone can hang, I see it all the time on different OS's.

                  For Nokia, there is a 8 second reset, that will hard reset the device without needing to remove the battery.

                  This will not be a problem in the N8.

                    • T
                    • Tom
                    • mby
                    • 02 Jun 2010

                    [deleted post]Tom,

                    You are right when you say the NOKIA N8 will be a good device. You are also right that the CPU is old. But you never mention that this does not matter as much as you think. EVA knows what he or she is talking abour, but he or she still does not mention the fact that S^3 behaves very differently the Android, it uses the hardware very differently. My point was, and still is, that you cannot judge performance based on proc because of this.

                    Every time you respond, you just rehash your opinion, and you do not give numbers, or take into account differences in technology. S^3 is very different from Android. Accept that, and the fact that you cannot say the phone is less usable than the X10. That is a flat out lie, not matter how much you choose to ignore other points.

                    In essence, you already have said it yourself. The N8, purely based on spec and tech (who knows maybe it is terrible when it comes out) is a better gaming device, is a better multimedia device, has most likely better battery life, has free worldwide maps, HDMI, Dolby, BT 3.0, a hardware accelerated UI ( I CANNOT STRESS THIS OINT ENOUGH) a whole list of good stuff. A slow CPU though.

                    The X10 has a better processor, a bigger screen (with limited colors now) an OS with less features (untill 2.2 or 3.0), both the possibility it will get 2.2 and 3.0 (great), and a risk that it will not, (promises are promises, not facts) a marketplace with more apps (not much more though) will have trouble with demanding games, has a lesser camera (though better than other devices), no xenon flash and a UI skin that needs to be reworked occasionally, making the X10 lag the latest Android OS by at least a few months.

                    Anyway, for me the situation is different, as I get a new phone every year, for free, since I run pretty big bills. So for me even the fact that the N8 is much cheaper than the X10 is irrelevant. For others I might be a great selling point. In fact, the fact that you get so worked up over a phone that costs significantly less, and arguably has a broader set of specs, albeit with a slower cpu, is a great compliment to what Nokia have achieved here. Almost 2 million hits already, before the device is released. Serious discussion on a board like this.

                    And the best is still to come for the N8, I think. With EA creating games tailored for the N8 (its OS, its GPU, its CPU) this thing will run games better than the competition I think, the exception being the Galaxy S, and possibly the new Iphone. Both of those suck in the departments the N8 rocks at, like the camera and flash. (Can you believe the Galaxy S has no flash whatsoever)

                    This is the first device from Nokia for the mass market since the N95 that is really a big step forward. I own the N900, which has cortex A8 and I my mind is a much better (though heavier) device than anything else out there. So for purists, geeks, tech savvy people, the N900 is the way to go. It will be the first device to sport MeeGo, in a community build. Awesome stuff.

                    I think the N8 will sell like crazy. I am thinking 5800 numbers. 50 to 70 million. This is a wise move for Nokia, to bring out a mid range device, running aps in Qt, and S60 5th software, untill the Qt only devices come.

                    Vey smart move, also to stick with Symbian now. If Nokia would adopt android, it would be an instant worldwide dominating win for Google. Companies like SE would not be able to produce the vivaz, all mobile software would be American owned (nice country, but still a bad idea), manufacturers would be left building boxes. You can see clearly in the market that people want to use Android, but want to make it their own. That is going to be a fragmentation disaster, just as the Symbian world and MeeGo is getting rid of it .

                    Anywho, some more thoughts from me, lets see what happens.

                    I think the N8 will be the most succesful Nokia device since the 5800. If it nears that number, it will have sold as many as all Iphones ever combined. If it does that, it will sell more N8's than SE sells phones in a year. Just like the 5800.

                    Tom, let us remember to do some proper benchmark for the devices when both are out. I will even let you use Froyo, even though it might take a while before you can use it. Maybe never ;)

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • M}n
                      • 02 Jun 2010

                      Eva, 02 Jun 2010Let me tell you my friend, I brought my first PC with 550Mh... morelisten eva you gave an answer to your own question even before asking it.your 550mhz computer worked fast enough while a 2ghz seemed slow!!notice anything awkward Eva?

                        • A
                        • Answer Honestly Plea
                        • mp%
                        • 02 Jun 2010

                        Hi Guys,

                        I would like to know whether your NOKIA Smartphone has ever hanged or not and only way to restart it is by VIA removing the battery and putting it back.

                        I have used Nokia's in past and they all have hanged.

                        And N8 doesn't seem to have option to remove battery easily though it has option to do that with screws.

                        So this is my question to all of those, claim NOKIA SMARTPHONE that has not hanged in past

                        And Please be Honest.

                          • D
                          • Dev
                          • upf
                          • 02 Jun 2010

                          AMANITA, 02 Jun 2010nokia ll release n8 xpress music/music edition (32gb inbuil... moreNo need! Device already has dolby surround sound, a first in class,

                            • D
                            • Dev
                            • upf
                            • 02 Jun 2010

                            Eva, 02 Jun 2010Let me tell you my friend, I brought my first PC with 550Mh... moreLet me correct you that CPU used in N8 (ARM 1176) has a default clock rate of 740Mhz and it can be overclocked to up to 1Ghz. (check specs of this CPU on ARM website and check forum Nokia libraries to confirm N8 using same family processor, I am too tired to search & post links again).
                            And you know Nokia using it with just 680Mhz means obviously its under clocked. If you are smart enough, you will get why. You can relate it to ARM1136 in Nokia 5800. Initially, it was underclocked to 387Mhz or something (not sure about figure but it was) and later it was brought to normal clock rate via firmware upgrades when kinetic scrolling was introduced.
                            Nokia are smart enough about balancing the hardware. I am sure that N8 is not an exception and 680Mhz will be like charm with GPU device has got.

                              • N
                              • N8
                              • u46
                              • 02 Jun 2010

                              Andy burgin, 02 Jun 2010The N8 might be the last Symbian mobile, if the N8 turns ou... moreThose who feel this phone is crap but you spend your time on this forum and taking the pain of writting long posts, I don't understand it.

                              I go to other forums but I don't go and start bashing people there or writting so long because I'm not interested in the phone.

                              If you don't like this phone I like it.

                                • A
                                • AMANITA
                                • up6
                                • 02 Jun 2010

                                nokia ll release n8 xpress music/music edition (32gb inbuild)
                                i beg u nokia release n8 as soon as possible ! i am dying to get it :d

                                  • A
                                  • AMANITA
                                  • up6
                                  • 02 Jun 2010

                                  I am waiting for this phone ! Great thing about N8 is availability of various colours ! I ll buy it for sure but I am not able to decide abt colour choice :D,Help me NOKIA FANS ;)
                                  thx NOKIA & ALL NOKIA FANS
                                  NOKIA N8 IS GOING TO ROCK!

                                    • M
                                    • Mark
                                    • mby
                                    • 02 Jun 2010

                                    Eva, 02 Jun 2010Let me tell you my friend, I brought my first PC with 550Mh... moreEva,

                                    Of all the companies and devices you list, which one is running an OS with a GUI that is fully hardware accelerated like S^3?

                                    Honest question.

                                      • M
                                      • Mark
                                      • mby
                                      • 02 Jun 2010

                                      EVA, 02 Jun 2010Mark & Tom, Point 1. X10 processor is way better tha... moreHi Eva,

                                      I have to disagree about your point of GPU, since S^3 GUI is fully hardware accelerated, you must concede that this strain is not to be beared by the CPU, in contrast to the X1O. Not just media and games are done by GPU, this is my main point.

                                      This is straight from the Symbian site:

                                      A new 2D and 3D graphics architecture paves the way for a faster and more engaging user interface by enabling hardware acceleration of all graphics operations.

                                      All graphics operations also means all GUI work, which is an enormous strain in the case of nice effects, etc. All of this comes to the CPU in case of the X10.

                                      I never argued that the N8 is better than the X10, or vice versa. I merely stated that you cannot dismiss the N8 based on the fact is has a lower spec CPU, since the OS functions very differently from Android (Which really is running in a VM, which is inherently inefficient:

                                      "Source: Wikipedia: While Android applications are written in Java, there's no Java Virtual Machine in the platform and Java byte code is not executed. Java classes get recompiled into Dalvik executable and run on Dalvik virtual machine")

                                      I have also provided the benchmarks for the N8 as it stands a few pages back.

                                      In essence my point is, even though the CPU in the X10 is much stronger, it might not be faster than the N8, since it works differently and the GPU takes on tasks.

                                      I feel the only way to compare this is to do real life performance tests, on games, gl benchmarks, etc. What we have seen so far is that the N8 far exceeds the 8910, with a much better processor (and a GPU) and a GUI that is not hardware accelerated.

                                      Getting 60fps consistently, running games very quickly, means this setup runs fine.

                                      I said you cannot base judgment on CPU alone, and I am right.

                                        • E
                                        • Eva
                                        • mp%
                                        • 02 Jun 2010

                                        Eva, 02 Jun 2010Let me tell you my friend, I brought my first PC with 550Mh... moreApologies that was 2GB RAM