Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • C
  • Christi
  • 0UY
  • 02 Jun 2010

Nokia number 1 mobile company in the world,it's a proven fact...the majority,samsung,motorola etc etc really sucks....

    • N
    • Niraj
    • KFQ
    • 02 Jun 2010

    People can hate Nokia but dont deny the fact Nokia gives many features to users for free.
    Ovi Maps
    Ovi file
    Great applications from Nokia beta labs for free
    Regular firmware support
    customer support
    if you call Samsung Customer Support, usually they dont respond your email. You have to go their office.

      • M
      • Moonsorrow
      • RBV
      • 02 Jun 2010

      [deleted post]

      on what basis you concluded this ??
      i agree for only one thing, smasung PRICE is chaep,
      because that is the only way they can compete with others..

      check the Daily Interest and Votes dude,
      Nokia N8 not yet released but still its gaining interest from everyone..

      only in ur dreams ur WAVE can match N8

        • N
        • Niraj
        • KFQ
        • 02 Jun 2010

        Another recent Nokia phone: Nokia X6-16 gb. Europe price 350 euro = 21k Indian Rupees ; launched in India less than 19k now 16k (in less than two month)

          • M
          • Moonsorrow
          • RBV
          • 02 Jun 2010

          Mr.Rajesh , Anonymous's and other supporters of Samsung.

          stop comparing Nokia phone with ur beloved Samsung phones and look foolish in front of others :(

          its more like samsung paid some people or having a separate division to praise them and disgrace other vendors,
          this rating attack is one of the examples.

          get a life dudes

            • N
            • Niraj
            • KFQ
            • 02 Jun 2010

            [deleted post]I'm not angry with you, mate..! But in India Nokia phones are more cheaper than europe. Well but they also release phones in India some 1 month late, so I think it will be the reason to be late. But I dont like when you say 'Utopia' no one is perfect. See this picture of N8 to realize from this angle N8 looks very handsome. But I agree from some angle it also looks ugly.
            Specs wise, N8 is a rich product. And you can enable AP router via 3rd party applications. You can also find them for free. And I think the video of N8 will be better (also see the review of Vivaz), because each frame of video is very clear ( due to large sensor more detail fit in all frames, and seeing the video from youtube you even cant believe it is taken by phone, crystal clear).
            Better OS: By the way I still think Symbian is better than Android (but lacks eye candy and). Cant tell about bada. But reading a lot of reviews it is same as touch wiz on their feature phones but more features are integreted.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • upf
              • 02 Jun 2010

              Ali abdulla, 02 Jun 2010instabilities= usability*****, guess i wrote wat i was thin... moreThe biggest selling point of N8 is gonna be a 'features to price ratio' (someone from management field shall better undertand it). And N8 have got it really high. Hardly few people count shortcomes when price is really low, take the case of bad camera on 5800. And there merely seems to be any such with N8.

                • R
                • Rajesh
                • uEA
                • 02 Jun 2010

                [deleted post]This shows how much knowledge you have about Nokia. You are Zero...You are here to mislead people for own sake...If Nokia declares a published price of 340 euros it does not mean every country will sell at that price. Even if you compare the price in Europoe itself the price vary in Germany, Italy, France, Portugal etc etc. Asia is always different and specially in countries like India, Pakistan, Bangladesh and Sri Lanka sometimes Nokia sell at a higher price. Sometimes the difference even go upto 100 Euros specially at the time of initial launch...It depends also on season and availabity and demand...If N8 hits India around Festive season of Diwali it will be priced much higher.

                You know nothing and you are making statements here like a pro.

                  • A
                  • Ali abdulla
                  • 3LB
                  • 02 Jun 2010

                  Ali Abdulla, 02 Jun 2010what future and what present :S, as far as everyone is conc... moreinstabilities= usability*****, guess i wrote wat i was thinking about, i really hope it would be stable when it launches..

                  also, "Amoled" ... i dont know why is there a +2 after each Amoled i typed XD, meh, i copy pasted the word form a previous post.. noobish :D

                    • A
                    • Ali Abdulla
                    • 3LB
                    • 02 Jun 2010

                    [deleted post]what future and what present :S, as far as everyone is concerned, this is a N8 thread. if you want to chat out of subject, the internet is FULL of other more suitable places/threads..

                    no one cares if there is a good nokia in the market atm, or isnt(and even if, this aint the right thread for it), what matters is, the N8, and we'll all see how good/bad it would be..

                    spec wise, it just pawns most of the mobiles out there, wether present or the near future.. its the MANY small functions that counts, not one big gun..
                    -apple appstore alone wont cut it for me
                    -super Amoled +2 wont
                    -a slightly more attractive OS, or in other words, more user friendly(for noobs that is).. wont do either

                    what else is there that the N8 dont have? hmm? hmm?
                    please dont mention the processor, stop beating the dead dog of an argument already..
                    Amoled +2
                    the N8 will prosper with its many many functions and instabilities, and its THREE big guns ,awesome GPU, unique camera and low price(if 370 euros) .. people will mainly buy it for the hardware.
                    lets not forget qt, programmers will rush again to Symbian^3 if the N8 sells...
                    people will buy it for its Specs, its one of the rare phones that HW>SW .. (my speculation of course)

                    only limitation i didnt like about the N8, is Dual led, i dont care about video recording(Dual led isnt that strong anyways), but using dual led as a flashlight is really handy :(..

                      • D
                      • Dev
                      • upf
                      • 02 Jun 2010

                      Would be having hands on Wave next week. Not much thrilled though, when I went through reviews out there by critics as well users, I found there are atleast 15 concerning bugs in OS. Samsung might fix them later but at this moment, Wave is pretty immature. Please there are few shortcome like very limited number of applications and touch wiz still there layerd on Bada.
                      Samsung might be loosing it if they can't set things OK before N8.

                        • N
                        • Niraj
                        • KFQ
                        • 02 Jun 2010

                        Rajesh, 02 Jun 2010My smart buddy, you did not read my post earlier...OTG is a... moreMy friend sure it drain battery fast. But how fast..? I dont think if you connect any phone to N8 for five minute it will drain all the battery.. And you know there are lots of Android phones suffer from battery problem even if they have 1500 mAh. For example X10. It cant even get a full day standby in moderate usage. Ask Tom how much he charge his phone. And I think you know that many people have got N8 for testing purpose. And according to them N8 can survive 1.5 day when bluetooth was on and phone was online all the time. Its a great achievement. So my friends dont see only numbers. See the real facts what I usually says. Come up with some real facts. Good luck.

                          • k
                          • kevinaux
                          • RNy
                          • 02 Jun 2010

                          Bingo, 02 Jun 2010Too bad it is Symbian. Old OS, not designed for touchscreen... moreMate, you might be new here so giving you the benefit of the doubt, let me explain again since your concerns have been addressed many times over in these pages. The Symbian name is old but the OS running on the N8 is Symbian^3. If you are not familiar, that's the latest OS completely re-written from scratch and meant to be optimized not only for touchscreen phones but especially for touch/keypad hybrid units.

                          And your second point, Nokia is late to the market. In an oddly ironic way you are somewhat right but your statement can't be any wronger. Nokia first introduce touchscreen mobiles with the 7700 in 2003, another in 2004 and then 2005. Problem is instead of pushing it further in an lukewarm market, their touch screen took a back seat until after a three years gap, 5800 came running along.

                          Want prove, check this out:

                          The Nokia 7710 was a very good phone at the time and I almost got my hands on one but was afraid the platform, the ultra-uber Symbian Series 90 would not be supported for long. I ended up getting a 6630 and being right.

                            • N
                            • Niraj
                            • KFQ
                            • 02 Jun 2010

                            [deleted post]I was thinking and thinking which one is better. I conclusion
                            for wave
                            1) super Amoled +2
                            2) fast processer +1
                            3) great video player +1
                            for N8
                            1) Design and colors +1
                            2) true multitasking +1
                            3) applications (there are plenty of applications what I want for symbian) +1
                            4) far far more specs +3
                            5) xenon flash +1

                            and now price
                            Samsung wave in India 25k and N8 is also 25-26 k. So you tell me, which is better choice.

                              • ?
                              • Anonymous
                              • vx7
                              • 02 Jun 2010

                              BADA is nothing. touchwiz sucks. its useless! BADA is BADlooking! go buy wave and go surf the sea and dont come back.

                                • R
                                • Rajesh
                                • uEA
                                • 02 Jun 2010

                                Niraj, 02 Jun 2010Talk about N8. This post is for N8 not about technology. We... moreMy smart buddy, you did not read my post earlier...OTG is a updated technology of what O2 flame offered in 2007 but it failed as transferring data via USB takes a heap of processor power which drains the battery. Basically its a 3 year old technology refined by Nokia...but the major drawback in N8 is going to be its battery which only max out at 1200 mAH

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • vx7
                                  • 02 Jun 2010

                                  n8 is the best in photography and rest!

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • vx7
                                    • 02 Jun 2010

                                    who said nokia have lost the market share last year? are u thinking? it just decreased by about 1-2% well that isn't a big lost. even with that. nokia is still number 1! i know they'll be more powerful when n8 will hit the shelves soon.

                                      • N
                                      • Niraj
                                      • KFQ
                                      • 02 Jun 2010

                                      Rajesh, 02 Jun 2010You are talking about future...I am talking about the prese... moreTalk about N8. This post is for N8 not about technology. Well sure in technologies like hd video Nokia is behind. But can you name any device which has or usb otg..? Vivaz and Satio only centered on camera point. In rest they fails. You should know. One thing dont make a good phone. N8 has all the specs.

                                        • R
                                        • Rajesh
                                        • uEA
                                        • 02 Jun 2010

                                        [deleted post]You are talking about future...I am talking about the present...and its a fact Nokia is far behind in technology in comparision to SE and Samsung...thats why to prove it I gave examples of Satio and Vivaz...Future, we dont know but present Nokia is much behind...If you say in future Nokia will do this and will do that...thats misleading people as there is no proof to what you are saying...whereas I have spoken about today and proved my points by way of examples...You are misleading people