Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • A
  • Aseem
  • 2SZ
  • 01 Jun 2010

Tom-Helge, 01 Jun 2010Ladies and gentlemen. Here is a good example on someone tha... moreur really funny man....wait until n8 gets launched. u gonna sit in the corner nd mock at urself...i dn't understand wat ur trying to prove...n900 with 600mhz processor is a fast device..n8 with 680mhz nd that too with symbian^3 gonna rock. x10 would have rocked if it had android 2.2 or atleast 2.1 nw...anyways if ur x10 is really good yy it is getting all the bashing even motorola milestone is considered better than it. y nokia n8 is hit on every mobile website. Seems u cn't take n8 beating x10...enjoy man. carry on with ur argument bt u not gonna be successful. tc

    • T
    • Tom-Helge
    • Srd
    • 01 Jun 2010

    Tom-Helge, 01 Jun 2010Ladies and gentlemen. Here is a good example on someone tha... moreAnd i forgot to say another thing again heh.

    The Nokia N8 would also be a killer phone if it would have a replaceable battery with 1500-1800 mAh battery.

      • T
      • Tom-Helge
      • Srd
      • 01 Jun 2010

      aseem, 01 Jun 2010Come out of ur dream world man which is made up of what, co... moreLadies and gentlemen. Here is a good example on someone that don't know what good hardware specs is. Because you can't be serious if you say that N8 or N900 will beat the XPERIA X10.

      Only Nokia fanboys will say that.

      Now, i'm not saying the N900 is bad either, because i have already said it many times that the Nokia N900 is a good phone.

      If Nokia N8 could have had a 1 GHz Snapdragon CPU with the same GPU it have now. a 4 inch screen with 480x854 in resolution, 512 MB RAM and running Maemo 5, then this phone would be a killer phone, and i would consider it over the XPERIA X10. Also i would wait for this phone instead of buying the XPERIA X10.

      But i'll guess Nokia didn't want me to buy the Nokia N8 phone, because i'm a person that cares about having a really fast OS / phone with future proof hardware that can run many many new OS'es in the future without worrying about that the CPU might be to poor to run any other OS'es for example. And because N8 is running a poor OS for me when it's released.

        • M
        • Mikey
        • fuK
        • 01 Jun 2010

        Just why would Nokia want to install Android on their phones and lose revenue? Symbian and Maemo/Meego work just fine. Markets in the developing world love Nokia and symbian, and they still have a lot of room for growth there.

          • k
          • kevinaux
          • wcg
          • 01 Jun 2010

          [deleted post]At the moment its all estimation as its not released yet. You can try ordering online if its available in your location but that would mean you'd be paying way much more than the recommended 370 Euros.

            • k
            • kevinaux
            • wcg
            • 01 Jun 2010

            [deleted post]Dude, I thought the same before replying but then I reasoned that with so much crapping going on in this forum recently with all the trolls posting around, the valid questions and answers would have been lost.

              • a
              • aseem
              • 2S@
              • 01 Jun 2010

              Tom-Helge, 01 Jun 2010Oh noes, peoples have got their eyes up on what's good and ... moreCome out of ur dream world man which is made up of what, could, would, this, that, bla bla bla....abt x10. Face the reality. In present scenario x10 is no comparison to n8 or n900. till the time it will get android 2.2 many new phones gonna get launched then no body gonna care for x10. Even in x10 forum people are bashing it sooo much. yy don't u go there nd try to convince people over there bcoz here we nokia lovers are not gonna get convinced. u just wasting ur time by arguing....

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • 2S@
                • 01 Jun 2010

                0v0, 31 May 2010Assem: You own N900, so how it is? i want to get one but... moreyes my friend...n900 is a very good device. Wat i personally like abt this device is multi-tasking, full flash support in web browser, divx support nd many more. only the negative point is battery life. it lasts one nd half day on normal usage nd a full day if ur a extensive wifi user. If ur willing to buy it, then go for it. Instead of buying X10 buy n900.

                  • k
                  • kevinaux
                  • wcg
                  • 01 Jun 2010

                  dani, 01 Jun 2010do any body knows if N8 is able to open attachments in the ... moreYes it will. But what type of attachments are we talking about here. It will open doc, ppt, xls, jpeg, .. the usual stuff. But like any computing device, it will not open a format that it wont support.

                  For your second question, the answer is again yes. I will also suggest your check this video out

                    • d
                    • dani
                    • mg5
                    • 01 Jun 2010

                    another question is : do N8 has multi tasking?

                      • d
                      • dani
                      • mg5
                      • 01 Jun 2010

                      do any body knows if N8 is able to open attachments in the emails as n900 do ?

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • PS6
                        • 01 Jun 2010

                        Niraj, 31 May 2010I have already answered that type of posts.. Search and rea... morei agree with u. if nokia produce android phones i'm sure other brand will lose market share.

                        Can u imagine nokia CZ lens camera quality + XM sounds quality + Android OS in a smartphone??

                        At this moment they dont need android os they just need symbian^3 , symbian^4 and meego too sell phones to all range or mobile user. If all fails there always can produce android phone to become success and no 1 again.

                        But if symbian^4 and meego are more success other brands will start producing symbian^4 and meego device too. So lets wait and see what happen in the future.

                          • k
                          • kevinaux
                          • wcg
                          • 01 Jun 2010

                          Check this out

                            • T
                            • Tom-Helge
                            • Srd
                            • 01 Jun 2010

                            protel, 01 Jun 2010tom-helge used facebook to set up the mass votedown the oth... moreOh noes, peoples have got their eyes up on what's good and bad hardware on mobiles phones today and rate this phone bad because it only have hardware specs that are middle on the trees.

                            And they also see that Symbian ^3 is mostly the same as earlier Symbian OS'es. It's just that Symbian ^3 have new skins and UI and some few performance improvements over earlier Symbian OS.

                            So it's not a rocket science to understand why many will rate this phone more badly than other phones.

                              • k
                              • kevinaux
                              • wcg
                              • 01 Jun 2010

                              Did anyone notice that Meego is now available for download for netbooks and N900. Niraj, thats 3 OS that the N900 supports :) I will be installing the netbook version on my Dell Mini and will update soon.

                                • b
                                • brynn
                                • mXK
                                • 01 Jun 2010

                                Ricardo-Mexico, 31 May 2010Perfect phone!! I'm feeling the same emotion when I had ... moreME too its starting to generate that buzz feeling again..n95 for me tho instead of n82 but bothe excellent,excellent smartfones..

                                  • p
                                  • protel
                                  • Bw@
                                  • 01 Jun 2010

                                  tom-helge used facebook to set up the mass votedown the other nite,we caught u

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • wcg
                                    • 01 Jun 2010

                                    Ricardo-Mexico, 31 May 2010Perfect phone!! I'm feeling the same emotion when I had ... moreI share your feelings mate. I had Moby's In My Heart as my ringtone on my 6630 for months prior to getting the N95 and now I have the excellent N8 music as ringtone in my N95. Waiting to complete the full circle :)

                                      • k
                                      • kevinaux
                                      • wcg
                                      • 01 Jun 2010

                                      minjo, 01 Jun 2010that's Nokia problem, they announce a new phone but wait fo... moreDon't think the announcement was intentional. It was an 'unfortunate leak' as far as they were concerned. Following the Eldar dude's unfortunate little stunt, Nokia had to do damage control. I think a proper announcement would have been a month before Iphone's release, to give potential buyers something to look at.

                                        • n
                                        • nhd screen
                                        • 3YY
                                        • 01 Jun 2010

                                        after using nhd screen on my 5800xm for about one year it is harmfull for eye for sight.thats waht i feel.