Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
This chat is for all types of opinions. That's why it's called 'Read Opinions'.
And i have given my opinions about this phone.
Everyone is free to tell their opinions about this phone, even if the opinions are something negative about this phone.
This is not a 'Everyone that loves Nokia N8 can only post here' place.
I'm still waiting for the facts against my facts.
Before that comes, it doesn't matter if i have a Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 or any other Samsung phones. My points are 100% valid until i'm proven totally wrong.
- C
- Christi
- 0UY
- 29 May 2010
Nokia number 1 in the world!
- ?
- Anonymous
- s8e
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010My opinions here is far from being useless here as long NO ... morethe day when any android device chart 95% interests, come here n advertise it.. bye till then..
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
My opinions here is far from being useless here as long NO ONE of you here can defend what i'm saying. As long you don't defend what i'm saying, then my points just get much much stronger and it's gets more true to.
So start giving facts back if you believe that i'm lying to all of you here.
I'm waiting for some really good facts here now.
- N
- Niraj
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010Just a little typo fix. It should be 135000 x 92. Not 13... moreYou Reminds me ' Rakesh'. He was also SE fan and was continuously advertising for Sony Ericsson like you. But atlast after a month he sold his SE phone and bought a Nokia. And now he is a happy owner of Nokia.
- m
- minjo
- pwD
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010How can you say that even before Symbian ^3 is released?.
... moretom... would u please leave this page for it's real purpose that is for nokia n8 and take your android trash out of here...
u can sheer for ur x10 on the x10 page...
n8 rules....
- D
- Dd
- fsx
- 29 May 2010
Really looks nice and smart, when is it exactly coming out? i need one urgently...... How durable will the phone be?
- ?
- Anonymous
- tVq
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010Before the day Symbian ^3 gets released, then Android will ... moreAre u out of your mind?please dont simply made a best and crappiest list and post it right here. It shows how c2pid you are. Please show us some fact and evidence, nobody care about what do you think.
After my survey this is my list of
The Crappiest Thing In The world:
1. Tom Heldge
2. List of best and crappiest OS made by Tom Heldge
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
sameer, 29 May 2010tom u have gone mad ....
no one can beat symbian 3...
no ... moreHow can you say that even before Symbian ^3 is released?.
Like i said, wait and see what will happens. I think many of you that have high hopes for Symbian ^3 might be in for a big suprise.
- A
- Anthony
- 2G{
- 29 May 2010
Nokia, thank you for such an awesome phone. I am defiantly buying you when you are released :)
- s
- sameer
- TL5
- 29 May 2010
tom u have gone mad ....
no one can beat symbian 3...
no andriod so good so far ...
- ?
- Anonymous
- mpr
- 29 May 2010
watched the video and as usual nokia release a phone that is too slow!!
i don`t ask for much, just a phone that when you want a screen or a program to run you don`t have to wait for it to pop up.
shouldn`t be this slow with all the tech these days....
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010Before the day Symbian ^3 gets released, then Android will ... moreJust a little typo fix.
It should be 135000 x 92. Not 1350 x 92.
And also. The multi touch link you gave me Mark, doesn't help when i don't use multi touch. It doesn't tempt me anything at all.
- P
- Poor People
- KgZ
- 29 May 2010
Damn... We Wanna buy this phone but we don't have money... :p
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
[deleted post]Before the day Symbian ^3 gets released, then Android will sells like 150-170k units A DAY.
Now today Android sells 100k units per day. And how much does that gets before Symbian ^3 is released?.
Lets take 135k as an average sell amount per day and then divide that with how many days it's left until Symbian ^3 gets officially released.
And lets says it's 3 months until the Symbian ^3 is released. Then you take 1350 x 92 days from today.
That will be 12420000 (12.42 mill) units sold before Symbian ^3 is released.
Good luck Symbian.
Well in total now, Symbian in total sells alot more than Android, but i'll just say wait and see.
Within a year Android will take over both Symbian and iPhone OS both in total numbers at the same time if Android continues to grow as fast as it have done the last time now.
But i know the numbers for Android will skyrocket like crazy now, so saying Symbian ^3 will beat Android there is something i would like to see happening before you speak to high about Symbian. But i really doubt it will ever happen.
And to the last thing. Those who compares an iPhone to the Nokia N8, you are pretty dumb. Have you seen this what i have written about the iPhone?:
Those points is not made by me, it's points made by what ALOT of others are saying. It's based on facts from many tests and experts.
So by those points, iPhone is a pile of junk in absolutely everything.
Well some few of the points in that list will go away when iPhone 4G is released, but your still as much controlled by Steve Jobs in everything on that phone, so it doesn't matter.
So in this case. Symbian ^3 / Symbian ^3 devices -> iPhone OS 4 / iPhone 4G any days.
So as far as things looks now today, then my list of what's the best and crappiest Mobile OS is.
1. Android 3.x.
2. Android 2.2.
3. Android 1.6.
4. Windows Phone 7.
5. Maemo 5 (Made by Nokia).
6. Symbian ^4.
7. Symbian ^3.
7. Windows Mobile 6.5.
8. Windows Mobile 6.1.
9. iPhone OS 4.
10. iPhone OS 3.
This list might change later one time though. But the 2 last OS'es here will stay there no matter what though.
- C
- C-note
- N7D
- 29 May 2010
N8 will crash the Samsungs & Sony ericssons high end devices into tiny pieces. Actually into some fine powder.
- ?
- Anonymous
- S65
- 29 May 2010
does realplayer play mp4(h264) with resolution bigger than 320*240?
- ?
- Anonymous
- i2m
- 29 May 2010
it is really fascinating i wann know the price of it and get it asap
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4$s
- 29 May 2010
multitasking wise symbian and meego rule. you can call this nokia a personal mobile computer PMC
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
hani, 29 May 2010yea u have to wait 1 year to get 2.2 by that time android 2... moreNah, i don't think that.
If Android 2.1 and 2.2 is basicly the same, then Sony Ericsson doesn't need to code TimeScape and MediaScape up from the ground. Since going from ANdroid 1.6 to 2.1 is a very big step and it's extremely big difference on how those 2 versions are.
But going from Android 2.1 to 2.2 just needs some few code changes, so if i think it will be like that, then i think it will be short time from when we get Android 2.1 on our XPERIA X10 until we have Android 2.2.
Since the only reason Android 2.1 is delayed so much is because Sony Ericsson have to make TimeScape and MediaScape and some few other things to Android 2.1, and they can't port that from Android 1.6 either. So they have to make it from the ground. That's why it takes so long time.
So they can most likely port that very fast to Android 2.2 if i'm not to wrong.
So we might get Android 2.2 faster than we might think on our XPERIA X10's.