Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- up6
- 29 May 2010
facethedanger, 29 May 2010i just want to tell those who are talking about symbian ^3 ... morewhatever if they do so, it will just differ in naming not anything like they are skipping the generation of improvements. I wont be surpriced if they skip anything containing digit 4 as its unlucky for them. I have read like that somewhere. They have no model no. having this digit, also it was s60v5 directly after s60v3.. this is all in agreement.
- H
- Ha Ha Ha
- mp%
- 29 May 2010
Hey by the way, 2 phones are released today here in UK
1. Samsung Wave
2. Blackberry 9105
Samsung Wave for £319.99 on eXpansys
Link is
Samsung Wave in Carphone warehouse is 20Pounds for 24months, not much.
Blackberry 9105 on £25 contract in Carphone warehouse
- H
- Ha Ha Ha
- mp%
- 29 May 2010
Anonymous, 29 May 2010Just curios...
what happen if Nokia decided to put the... moreThen I would compare on RAM
N8 256MB RAM
X10 384 MB RAM
- ?
- Anonymous
- K15
- 29 May 2010
facethedanger, 29 May 2010i just want to tell those who are talking about symbian ^3 ... morethats very true
- ?
- Anonymous
- K15
- 29 May 2010
Ha Ha Ha, 29 May 2010One thing where I would like to agree with Tom is about, th... moreJust curios...
what happen if Nokia decided to put the powerful 1GHz processor. is it possiible?
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
[deleted post]Thank you.
Well i have been writing there to, but not that much. it's more because i don't have much to talk about there.
I'm more on the Norwegian mobile forums to write alot though, since i'm from Norway.
- f
- facethedanger
- S90
- 29 May 2010
i just want to tell those who are talking about symbian ^3 is not true just wait until n8 will be release than start comments. Second there will be no symbian^4 nokia will jump directly to symbian^5 i will post the link later
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
Ha Ha Ha, 29 May 2010One thing where I would like to agree with Tom is about, th... moreBingo, your the first one to finally see what i'm also talking about.
That's what i was talking about earlier. Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 have lifetime support, while Nokia doesn't have that. They support a phone for about 1 year, and that's it.
See now why XPERIA X10 have such powerfull CPU?.
Because it can get big major updates later and not just some few firmware updates that just fix some errors here and there.
XPERIA X10 can get a much much better Android OS later / after some years that is much better than the Android OS'es are today.
- N
- N8 is 370 Euro
- mp%
- 29 May 2010
hani, 29 May 2010who told u n8 going cost 370$ ? the price of n8 is 370 euro... moreQ: When can I get my hands on a Nokia N8?
A: The Nokia N8 will be available in some markets during the third quarter of this year, with an estimated retail price of €370.
Read official Nokia Blog, answer from Nokia Representatives
- H
- Ha Ha Ha
- mp%
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010Good reply back goron goron. This is something we can discu... moreOne thing where I would like to agree with Tom is about, the future of OS in X10 and N8.
X10 has got android 1.6 and they promised to deliver 2.1 on X10. This indicates SE is supporting their device and with future update. This was latest when SE annocunced it and 2.2 came later than that.
N8 has no word on SYMBIAN 4 which will be next OS. The Q@A on official NOKIA blog states something like below
Sheridan01: Is the N8 upgradeable to Symbian 4?
Nokia: We have not announced any such plans.
And if they have to release Symbian 4 on N8, chances are it will be not so good as it will lag due to 680MHz processor while X10 can support many more updates,,,, reason being the powerful 1GHz processor.
- h
- hani
- mcY
- 29 May 2010
goron goron, 29 May 2010well tom i used to be nokia hater and im also used other br... morewho told u n8 going cost 370$ ? the price of n8 is 370 euro up to 470 euro .
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
goron goron, 29 May 2010well tom i used to be nokia hater and im also used other br... moreGood reply back goron goron. This is something we can discuss without screaming at each others.
Yes, Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10 is not the cheapest phone out on the market today. But Sony / Sony Ericsson have quality products, so that's why their products cost a bit.
But because i needed a phone with biggest possible screen today that also have a pretty good camera while it have a very nice CPU, then my choice went for the XPERIA X10 earlier when i had the money to buy a phone like that.
Here you can see 2 pictures that i have taken with my XPERIA X10 on full resolution (8 mpix):§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=367836
And then this one:§ion=attach&attach_rel_module=post&attach_id=369778
I wouldn't call that for bad at all :-).
If Nokia N8 will cost under 400 euro when it's released, then i will say it will be worth it.
Like now after all taxes and that kind of stuffs on the mobile phones here in Norway, then i have payed 528 euro for my Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10.
Now 528 euro might seems pretty much to you guys out there, but when you take those 528 euros and convert that into Norwegian Kroner, then it's not that much to be honest. 1 euro is worth 7,965 Norwegian Kroner today.
A Nexus One cost 641 euro here in Norway. And a HTC Desire cost about 473 euro here. But then, it have way way poorer camera than the XPERIA X10, so the price is fair that way.
- g
- goron goron
- Khs
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010Nah, i don't think that.
If Android 2.1 and 2.2 is basic... morewell tom i used to be nokia hater and im also used other brand and believe it is right to hate nokia phone cause nokia selling phone higer than it real cost.
but my opinion change since 5800xm come to my hand.before i have 5800xm i already have iphone(6month and i found that iphone not that smart for me),and i jump to SE M600i this phone is smart and gud for work but lack of memory and it can't handled long email and very slow in office and handwriting.then it come 5800xm,full complete pack with almost everything i ever dream like tv-out,handwriting(not as gud as m600i but still ok),mediocare camera but its fine for snap some text to remember things,gps,wifi and i bought it only for $260.i will not complain bcause that price fill with full loads of apps and ability.
x10 is a monster but it sell for $600++ in my contry and when u compare with the promising n8 that will probably only cost u $370,i think SE overpriced their phone like usual.its economic crisis now and x10 overpriced will not help us to have a good phone,u were lucky to be able to spend $600 for a phone,for me $370 phone with n8 ability is treasure.btw i already brick my 5800xm when im flashing it with cfw and i dont even think twice to do it and it is fun to make cfw for my ownphone,how bout u??do u ready to tune ur x10 $600 phone and prob to brick it??i still love my 5800xm and i can tune it with whatever i want,i brick it i fix it and etc.well try it to experiment with ur shiny $600 phone man and u will see why some people still love their old laggy gadget,but for me its only 260 i can buy another one if i need.
n8 = gud price and gud phone,everyone will know that and it useless to push them to buy android.cause everybody know the droid still in growing pain,just google it and u will see how much people do really complain about this and that.nothing perfect in mobilephone world but the key is to find the phone that will fit ur pocket and ur wallet.
and i already set my next browsing and movie gadget is viliv s5 same price with x10 but have alot more capable things to do with it,i can even convert songs and video file with it,can u do it with that super shiny high price x10?
- i
- i wating or not wati
- 3if
- 29 May 2010
(680) MHz processor??. =(
HA,HA,HAA ...too SLOW!!. =/
- J
- Jean
- fs9
- 29 May 2010
Just to say, Out of this world...!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4cx
- 29 May 2010
Why people keep saying NOKIA is #1?
everyone agree nokia have been decline in the past few year, even hardcore fan know that the fact.
The only ways nokia become #1 again is improve in every aspect such as sales, products, ect.
The Truth hurt, but it is the truth. NOKIA know that, that explain why they want the "creator" of N95 to design the phone.
I am not hating nokia here, I am giving them and hardcore fan ideas and opinion here.
- @
- @MiR
- fvB
- 29 May 2010
guys nokia is great,SE is too.its not about which phone is better every one has its +s and -s.everyone chooses the brand which he likes thats why i ve choosen motorola cause i like it,milestone aint the greater but its the best for me.
- u
- user
- vjs
- 29 May 2010
I have to admit that Nokia is improving in their specification but it is so slow!! u have to improve in that Nokia!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- mp}
- 29 May 2010
the better a phone is the more expensive it becomes..thats why the htchd2 is top of the pile
- ?
- Anonymous
- ib4
- 29 May 2010
Tom Helge, look at what others commenting you my list of The Crappiest Thing In The World is not simply trash and looks like your standing in The Crappiest Thing in the world is unbeatable.