Nokia N8
- ?
- Anonymous
- wvT
- 29 May 2010
No stereo speakers???? Its gonna sound crap if u play music on it
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
celladik, 29 May 2010So what is x10 can do that htc can't do for example desire?The HTC Desire have Android 2.1 and multi touch, and that's the only 2 things that is better with the Desire over the X10.
X10 have bigger screen with higher resolution, it have a much much better screen when your outside in sun. XPERIA X10 have 5 times better camera than HTC Desire. Just look at the quality some of the users here can squeeze out of the XPERIA X10 camera here:
The movie recording on the HTC Desire is a complete joke with 15 fps @ 480x800 resolution on the recording. Here XPERIA X10 have 30 fps @ 480x800 resolution with much much better quality.
XPERIA X10 have double the storage space in the phone memory over HTC Desire.
XPERIA X10 is a bit bigger than HTC Desire, but still it weight the same as the Desire, also 135g.
And this is why i'll take the XPERIA X10 any days over the HTC Desire.
- c
- celladik
- PVh
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 29 May 2010When you have a good camera phone like Nokia N8, you will f... moreSo what is x10 can do that htc can't do for example desire?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PS6
- 29 May 2010
Saurabh, 28 May 2010flat strategy for buying nokia(my experience of >9 yrs).... moreagree with u, i'm waiting for n900 price drop to around 300pounds LOL.
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
phones fan, 29 May 2010you forgot this:
amoled vs TFT
12 MP vs 8 MP
xenon &... moreWhen you have a good camera phone like Nokia N8, you will for sure use the phone outside ALOT to take pictures. And because of that, then AMOLED is a BIIIG BIG disadvantage over normal TFT screens.
TFT screens anydays over AMOLED screens when it's about being outside in sun.
12 mpix vs 8 mpx. Don't fall for this and think that 12 mpix is better by default than 8 mpix. All that matters is that the phones have very good optics. And in this case Nokia N8 seems to be very good. Not because it have 12 mpix camera.
Xenon blitz helps when it's dark and nothing more. But believe me when i say it that the XPERIA X10 can still take insanly good pictures both when it's light and when it's dark outide. You just have to use the right settings. Just look here as an example:
Multi touch was never one of the reasons for me to buy the iPod Touch. The reason i bought it was because it was a very easy mp3 player to use. And because you could get alot of programs on it when you jailbreaked it. And that was just really cool back when the iPod Touch was released for the first time.
And how much do you think i have been using multi touch on my iPod Touch since i bought it some years ago?. Almost never. Maybe some very few times.
Yeah the lack of multi touch made some X10 owners angry, but after they saw how the new one hand touch thing is going to work, then most of those was happy anyways. Just look here:
XPERIA X10 will get the same feature as the X10 Mini in that video clip in that link.
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 29 May 2010
Please go away from , 29 May 2010Tom,
I think, the whole comparison of X10 with N8 is not... moreOk, i'm gonna answer you to.
1. The price on the N8 will be more than 320 pound when it's released, that's for sure.
2. If the programs in the background that isn't used are in idle modus, then they wont use more battery. If they are loaded into the RAM, they will stay there and be idle until you goes back to the program. So the program you went from then will then go into idle modus.
As far as i have seen, i haven't got any longer battery life on my X10 by killing idle programs in the background. It's the brightness when it's on full that really kills the battery.
The reason why we get told to set the brightness on the XPERIA X10 to automatic is because there is a bug that drains the battery quite alot. This will be fixed in the upcoming firmware update in some few weeks. And this firmware will gives us double battery time.
And not only that, but look here:
3. This comparsion is far from being in the same case as we are talkiing about. When it's about the CPU that are in the N8 vs the CPU that are in the XPERIA X10. I see what you mean, but you can't compare it that way. Because going from an Intel Atom CPU to an Intel Core I7 CPU is an extremely big / jump difference. And it's not that big difference between the CPU in the N8 to the 1 GHz Snapdragon CPU that are in the XPERIA X10.
4. Yes, there are some disadvantages with that, but in Android 2.2 you get a task manager with the OS where you can kill apps and that. Some programs have an option to exit the application in Android so it closes completely. But not all applications have that. And it's those who are sitting in the background and running.
5. When i say bulky, i mean like this phone:
It means that the phone doesn't have straight lines or looks very clean or have round edges.
XPERIA X10 have a 4 inch screen that is just really amazing if you watch movies on the phone, or if you use it to surf the web or if you use the GPS. 4 inch over 3.5 inch there any days then. And if your into gaming on phones, then 4 inch -> 3.5 inch any days to. No questions about that.
I know 3.5 inch screens works okish for that to, but when you see the difference from 3.5 inch to 4 inch, you will never go back to 3.5 inch ever again then.
I know how big the difference is, since i have the iPod Touch to that i can compare to the side of my XPERIA X10.
I'm also gonna tell you this, but no, i don't hate the Sony Ericsson XPERIA X10. Because first of all, i own it my self, and secondly, it's a lightning fast phone. And it's design is just pure awesome / sexy. The XPERIA X10 is really really powerfull. Nothing is lagging on it except for TimeScape and MediaScape some very few times.
And since you asked, yes i have also been in the XPERIA X10 opinions chat alot of times, so i already knows about that link.
- p
- phones fan
- fwM
- 29 May 2010
Please go away from , 29 May 2010Tom, I think, the whole comparison of X10 with N8 is not... moreit seems to be that you are a mobile expert,i've noticed screen splitting on n8 review video what do think causes that ?
- P
- Please go away from
- mp%
- 29 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 28 May 2010First off, this reply will get pretty long.
This is to ... moreTom,
I think, the whole comparison of X10 with N8 is not quite that we should be doing.
The reason being,
1. Price of N8 320Pounds, SE on its official site 499Pounds (I don’t care if you get it for less in other places.) That’s almost 35% less than X10.
2. You see, no phone applications should be build around using more RAM. Simple fact is more the active hardware, more drainage on battery. Why do you think it is advised to keep lesser brightness on your mobile to save battery or on your laptop?
3. Being an IT professional, we always try to optimize code to run with less memory usage and minimum overload on system resources so we should be having less device overload. On one side we have core i7 processor but the other side we have Intel Atom processor which are used in netbook. Why don’t we use Intel core i7 in netbook? What if there is an application which needs more processor speed with more RAM. The hardware goes along the device and portable should be something that should last for hours without draining the battery much.
4. The concept of killing applications which are running in background to regain memory – I request you not to talk about that functionality. Garbage collection (GC) is a form of automatic memory management. It is a special case of resource management, in which the limited resource being managed is memory. The garbage collector, or just collector, attempts to reclaim garbage, or memory occupied by objects that are no longer in use by the program. Please visit wiki page to understand disadvantages of this principle and disadvantages are higher than advantages.
5. What really do you mean by looks bulky – 4inch phone will bulky or 3.5 inch phone will look bulky. And weight of both phones is 135 gms.
I mean I can go on but I am tired and looks like you hate your X10 (Sorry, you are in deep Sh*t man that you can’t come out), all the time saying X10 is better. It might be. WE DON’T CARE. We love N8 and no matter how you try to convince us, we won’t.
And if you really Love X10, I am going to provide with GSMARENA link for X10 if you don’t have it, you can paste whatever we want and we don’t care.
So please go away from N8 and post your comments on X10.
- p
- phones fan
- fwM
- 29 May 2010
Niraj, 28 May 2010Answer to your questions
#1 have you see the current video... moreyou forgot this:
amoled vs TFT
12 MP vs 8 MP
xenon &led vs led
and the both phones are bulky but the xperia is much bulkier .
the multitouch is what made iphone so popular and what made a lot of X10 fans disappointed.
- m
- mr.x
- KxH
- 29 May 2010
Man to be honest, I dont like nokia.
To be honest again, I have to admit that N8 is an awsome phone (I think).
And to be honest again, I dont mind to get my hand on such device.
I want one..
- n
- nokia
- R0K
- 29 May 2010
go go nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- LaI
- 28 May 2010
Lol. so much emotional talk about a phone. Nokia funs, SE fun, google funs. :)))) It's just a phone.
I saw the first time the ad for this phone on youtube and I wanted to buy it but after doing a little research I realize that symbian is not so much changed, and I had some lag problems with symbian.
Doing a little more research I realize that this S^3 it's just a faze of renewing and that S^4 will be the final faze.
With other words on S^3 will try to make improvements on the OS core and make it run more smooth and on small hardware ( which I think it's important if you want to sell cheaper phones in not so developed countries). after sawing today video on youtube the S3 is exactly like I imagine. Few visual changes to the UI and more to the core( still with a few bugs- on conversation area , while the guy was scrolling the image was splitting in 2)
Nokia is #1 and a lot of people like their phones but lately I think the company is trying to rebrand and to be seen as a software company not just like phone maker company. They have some hard times because they are trying to rebuild an old and unmanaged OS.
Back to N8.
N8 it's a good phone (hardware speaking) but on a smartphone 75 is the OS and software and only 25% is the hardware.
I don't like the OS. it's similar with windows 95 compared to win 7
I think nokia are on the track even if they lose in image every day.
However I will buy N8 only if they will say that it will be upgradable to S4. If they will not support S4 on N8 Nokia will loose so much.
I know I have a long post. Sorry for that
- B
- Bingo
- pgu
- 28 May 2010
As usual with Symbian, fonts are very small. You need to buy magnifying glasses to read the screen. That is why now i buy Samsung, their font is Huge.
- T
- Tom-Helge
- Srd
- 28 May 2010
[deleted post]First off, this reply will get pretty long.
This is to you Anis.
You better check your facts out before you tell something that isn't true about the X10. The XPERIA X10 have 65k colors on the screen now ONLY because 65k colors is a limitation in Android 1.6. When XPERIA X10 gets Android 2.1, it will get 16.7 mill colors, since the screen is supporting that.
And yes, Android and Symbian have different requiremtns on hardware. That's fine. But when it's about running more heavy programs / movies and so on, like a 720p movie for example, then the XPERIA X10 wins hands down there but a huge margin. Nokia N8 have HDMI output, but can it run 720p movies with 8k kbps in bitrate via the HDMI output without stuttering like crazy?. I would like to see that happen on the Nokia N8.
Now to you Niraj. Now i'm gonna answer your points here.
1. Yes i have seen it and i was not impressed on how the OS is. Ofc, it's an improvements from the earlier Symbian OS'es.
2. No more comments needed.
3. If you want to watch movies and play games on a phone then 4 inch -> 3.5 inch any days. And XPERIA X10 is far from being bulky, even when it have a 4 inch screen. Nokia N8 looks much more bulky than the XPERIA X10 here.
4. Visual multitasking isn't needed in Android. It's because the way Android handles the programs that runs in the backgroud. Android runs alot of programs in the background, but it will kill the processes that isn't needed when the memory gets low. So if you have 256 mb RAM of 512 mb RAM doesn't matter that much, since Android will use most the RAM (yes the RAM is there to be used, not to have 50% free RAM all the time) and kill anything that isn't needed to be running in the background.
5. Even when the 1 GHz Snapdragon is much more powerfull CPU than the one that is in the Nokia N8, it doesn't automaticly means it will use any more power. Remember that the CPU that is in the Nokia N8 is old and might use quite alot of power over the more newer CPU's that are more new.
6. Yeah, Symbian use lesser RAM than Android. But what happens when you need to run an application that needs alot of RAM for example?. It's things like this why the more RAM you have, the better it is. I'm not thinking on what OS that uses as little RAM as possible. I'm talking about programs that might use alot of RAM.
And then to your last points. Yes, point 4, 5, and 6 is better on the N8 over the XPERIA X10. But point 1 isn't valid because you have microSD cards up to 32 GB you can store alot of movies and musics on your XPERIA X10.
Point 2 isn't really something that is needed. Point 3 is ofc what you prefer. I have an iPod Touch with multi touch. And even then, multi touch is almost never used there. Point 7 isn't something i use, so i'm fine without front camera. Point 8 only helps if your phone is powerfull enough to run movies and games via the HDMI port. Well ofc, the HDMI port work nice for showing off pictures and movies you have recorded with your phone. And to play games via your phone.
And i don't care if SE is loosing some few SE haters, because all that matters is that the phones SE makes are very good.
And then this is to you hani.
Do you know why someone might see XPERIA X10 as a little slow?. It's because of the Android 1.6. Nothing else. When you moves around in the menues and open programs and so on, the XPERIA X10 is lightning fast. The only place i see my X10 is lagging a little is in the TimeScape and some few times in the MediaScape.
And if you don't know it already, but EVERY tests of the XPERIA X10 says the XPERIA X10 have excelent sound quality. No tests says the sound quality is poor.
And Android is FAAAAAAAAR from needing 512 mb with RAM to run smooth. How is my XPERIA X10 with 384 mb supposed to run Android smooth then?. Like i said, it's just some few lags in TimeScape and MediaScape, and that's it for me.
XPERIA X10 runs everything except for TimeScape and MediaScape totally lag free, even with 384 mb RAM, so the statement that Android needs 512 mb RAM to run smooth is false.
And the thing that the XPERIA X10 lacks some features is only because XPERIA X10 is running Android 1.6. The day XPERIA gets Android 2.1 / 2.2, it will be awesome as hell. Those who waits usually waits for something good :-).
Alright, that was my long and nice reply for today.
- F
- Fool#1
- mcj
- 28 May 2010
Seems like a perfect upgrade to my n82,but b4 that i just gotta learn not to drop my phone all the tym whenever im pissed off :)...thats one other thing to consider guys, the build quality which is something se fails to offer.south africa is waiting for this cutty-py best believe that
- ?
- Anonymous
- tV3
- 28 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 28 May 2010This is what XPERIA X10 have that is much much better. 1... morethis X10 fre*ak fans are in every other forum then their own h/s forum,this people are being overcharged by se for an outdated h/s and they have to petition to se for android 2.2 which they are not going to get but they visit every forum and try to do sales for se.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 00c
- 28 May 2010
The best phone so far.
- S
- Saurabh
- TL5
- 28 May 2010
i personally never preferred SE or samsung.for me it has to be either nokia or htc or apple.and so far the built quality of apple,performance of nokia and Hardware of htc is the best what i have experienced.i hope someday will come,when we will have all the three from one manufacturer.and ya if u havent checked out android 2.2 froyo yet.go for it.god,its damn fast.
Google is marking its presence slowly but have almost discarded win mobile. :)
cheers to google.cant wait for the day,they launch chrome os.i ll throw of the crappy ms win 7.
- h
- hani
- mcY
- 28 May 2010
Tom-Helge, 28 May 2010This is what XPERIA X10 have that is much much better. 1... moreif u dont like the phone why u come everyday here and post stupid opinions about ur x10 ? x10 even with 1ghz and 384 mb its slow and have alot of lag android required 512mb ram to work very smoth just look at the htc desire its beats the x10 very easy much faster and much powerful even they have the same cpu and it have better audio quailty according to serverl online reviews x10 audio quailty very poor outdated os 1.6 no multitouch support wont have 2.1 eclair update before Q4 2010 even dont know what month in Q4 maybe dec thats like 7 months far from now even now android 2.2 is out so x10 will get 2.2 update after 1 year? while by Q4 htc desire will have 2.2 even maybe Q3 N8 beats ur x10 by serverl feauters while x10 beats n8 in just 2 features the 1ghz cpu and screen it dont beat it in ram since symbian dont need much ram while android needs more than 384 mb ram to works smooth and thats too according to severel online reviewers like just look at omnia hd which run symbian s1 it can run up to 50 app in same time with out any lag and thats over 256 mb ram and 600 mhz cpu ! x10 is a good device but i cannot beats n8 in feauters it have very poor features to Offer .
- S
- Saurabh
- TL5
- 28 May 2010
Things come and things go but some things choose to stay and nokia n97 is one of those matter what the tech specs chart speak today,they are just add ons to what n97 already offers.nothing can beat it.its complete and perfect.
whats the use of such a huge screen and huge memory if you cant watch a complete movie on it.m speaking of dell streak aNd nokia can they forget to include a kickstand,what a miss! so no matter how much you love your phone you wont be able to hold it longer than 15 mins to watch a video,forget about watching movies.surfing web on my n97 is a sheer pleasure and the experience has been like no can type email on it faster than any qwerty device in the market,thanks to its tilt and slide screen and physical qwerty keyboard.nobody can match apple's capacitive touch screen typing if its not apple,a physical qwerty keyboard is a must.
with nice software upgrades,my n97 has got even better,more free ram and snappier performance.the audio quality with correct equalizer settings will definitely bewilder you.give it a try.
and am happy that its no more into production because such beautiful things need to be rare.n97 still befits the Kings' throne,N8 is just a flagship..or you can say a prototype for testing their new OS sym^3.