Nokia N8
- A
- Andrews
- uNV
- 16 May 2010
You know guys...this phone is now facing sevaral challanges...
1. To beat the camera of Samsung W880 AMOLED (Though its only for korea) which is the 1st ever 12MP with optical zoom (should be easy).
2. To beat Vivaz's HD video (Not so easy because camera sensor largeness has little to do with video recording, its entirely software and processor dependant).
3. To at least match Omnia HD's AMOLED screen (Beating it would be impossible and Wave,beam,galaxyS super AMOLED screen is out of question).
4. To match the speed performance of Arm cortex A8 600MHz powered N900 (iPhone 3GS Not possible)
5. To get close to 5800's loud speaker with a louder mono speaker.
6. To match 5800 audio quality.
7. To get close to android UI flexibility and comfort.
8. To match the video playback capabilities of Omnia HD by including more formats like Divx/Xvid up to 720p (Nokia didn't comfirm it like they did with N900) because 3rd party apps like core, smart movie won't play 720p even if they play Divx/Xvid up to VGA.
9. To beat the Xenon flash power of SE C905 (Pixon12 and Satio failed).
10. To have a competative net browser (Symbian^1 browser was a failure).
If N8 stands up to these challanges than the phon will be another revolutionary N95 (and my next phone)...otherwise, a usual Nokia FAILURE.(N96, N97 etc.)...anyone dare to disagree with me??
- M
- Mihai
- 3cp
- 16 May 2010
Scorpions, 16 May 2010Totally agree and Mihai has lost its mind.
He sees world... moreLOL, guys! I did not lost my mind nor I see everything through my eyes only. ;) I agree with you Scorpions and Anonymous(except the chill pill lol ) I have nothing against cellphones and their evolution and their "all in one" method. If I had something against them I would have not bought a 550 euro cellphone last month ;) About the comparison you made between Panasonic G1 and N8(or any other phone)...pardon moi, but are you insane?How can you say that N8 is better than G1?! I dare you to take a photo with your phone and another one with the camera(same light, same conditions, same environment etc)and then let me know. ;)
In the near future I expect to see people saying that phones can beat HD cameras :D I say let's call Steven Spielberg and the other bunch of guys in Hollywood and tell them to get rid of their expensive cameras an buy some cellphones instead.This way they can save some money and get equal or even better performance.:D
Now, letting the jokes aside, these phones are indeed good for "point and shoot" events, but do not daydreaming.If you want to take photos(like real photos!)or real HD filming buy a dedicated photo or video camera.
Oh, by the way,I'm not here to argue... peace!
- p
- pappa
- tRp
- 16 May 2010
- s
- sagar
- wp7
- 16 May 2010
feature wise its quality phone but there should be something more with the processor. evwen lookwise its ony appealing in silver colour.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2@g
- 16 May 2010
koko, 16 May 2010no infrared port :((((((((((((((yeah and it wont even walk my dog :(((((((
- r
- rb
- w49
- 16 May 2010
Anonymous, 16 May 2010The new OS will be faster and will have much more eye candy... morethanx for the help mate
- t
- tochi
- ftV
- 16 May 2010
screen stil backwards at 3.5.......processor stil oldschool......operatin system stil the same old symbian....the camera sounds good lets hope its as fast as the satio in capturin as nokia is yet to impress me in user interface
- ?
- Anonymous
- PEd
- 16 May 2010
rb, 16 May 2010hey guys need some help.
wont this ph be havin sybion o^3 ... moreThe new OS will be faster and will have much more eye candy so complete with the New Androids and RIMs
Many regard this phone as the second incarnation of the popular 5800 (And the voting results show this). Therefore Nokia will probably sell this at a very competitive price too, just like the 5800.
All previous Symbian apps should work, and better too because of the graphic processor. Therefore, DIVX can be run using Smart Movie, WMV using the WMV (RUN) Player just like all previous Nokia's.
Perhaps Core-player will work on this too, thanks to the Hardware acceleration.
- S
- Sameepa
- PEd
- 16 May 2010
ramin, 16 May 2010i dont like this phone because OLD arm 11 cpu and regular 2... moreThen it won't be a Nokia, would it. Why don't they just go on and slap a Sony Ericsson badge on it too.
In fact, it does not run the usual Symbian OS. This new on may look similar but has one big improvement along with many small one. The old Symbian was quite good but lacked speed and this new OS has been designed to fix just that.
Bugs on Nokia's are quickly fixed by firmware updates so you need it worry about them.
- w
- woody
- 16 May 2010
[deleted post]Take a good look in your heart n tell me what do you see?
It's black n it's dark
n now is that how you want it to be?
It's up to you what you do will decide your own fate.
Make your choice now,
for tomorow maybe far too late.
- r
- rb
- w49
- 16 May 2010
hey guys need some help.
wont this ph be havin sybion o^3 version will it be much diff frm the prev sybion version???
and any idea abt wat the pricing might be???
ohhh 1 very imp thing will it hav hd video recordin like omnia hd and will it support video playback of xvid, divx???
plz guys do help.
- r
- ramin
- njB
- 16 May 2010
i dont like this phone because OLD arm 11 cpu and regular 256 mb of ram also OLD Nokia UI and symbian OS that is full of bugs
but camera&video&HDMI port of this phone is really impressive
if it had snapdragon cpu and at least 384 mb of tam and android OS and better UI then it would be a perfect phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 16 May 2010
Hart, 16 May 2010Is there any other phone on gsm arena with same voting resu... moreWait til the phone comes out, you would be surprised...
- ?
- Anonymous
- UiR
- 16 May 2010
Wow, "new" Symbian looks exactly the same as the sh***y old one! Contemporary Nokia = Fail.
- H
- Hart
- jsv
- 16 May 2010
Is there any other phone on gsm arena with same voting results as n8?
Design -------- 8.9
Features ------ 9.0
Performance --- 9.0
- ?
- Anonymous
- MiL
- 16 May 2010
There is no other phone with same spec and same price.
- d
- david
- TC$
- 16 May 2010
i think the success of this model will depend on user friendliness which already one big issue with N97 as the keyboard is either hard to work with or hard to use (no need talk about the lousy camera performance)...
tis one r without any physical keyboard, hopefully is working or else, u just end up with another "digital camera" or something then not sure about that again.
- k
- kareem
- 16 May 2010
daily interest of 95%.. wow.. looks cool, excellent design, widgets, ovi store getting more apps, looks solid..fully touch, the blue looks the best and a whopping 12 mp.. EDGE has moved up from their previous phones from 32 to 33.... apple, time for you to go down
- B
- Bong
- wHU
- 16 May 2010
Scorpions, 16 May 2010Quoted focal length of the lens, 5.4mm – as printed on the ... moreMan, you rock! Seriously!
- r
- rhafy
- Kx9
- 16 May 2010
ugly design