Nokia N8
- S
- Subhadip
- t@x
- 13 May 2010
[deleted post]I enjoyed your frustration. May be the people for who you are arguing, are not smart enough. That's why some Indians are leading there.
You offer your foot for free? No one will even like your brain for free. So bogus you are.
Anyway Sunil was simply helping us. If you cannot help then please let others to do it.
- b
- brynn
- nGB
- 13 May 2010
I8910 user, 13 May 2010Judging by all the coments in this fourum, this will be a m... moreThe trouble with samsung is their update support,,my innov8 i had 3 times never got the lip sync solved and my mates i8910 was updated using an italian firmware which then had to be changed to english,,hes on about some hack by someone to make i8910 better but i suppose it voids the warrenty..
Its odd about 5800 it was one of the most refreshing fones ive had in years..looking forward to n8 and your comment about ovi apps well thats sums up most app stores full of junk and duplicate apps,,i laugh at the argument that so and so has 40,000apps and another platform has 50,000 apss..IF YOU TRIED OUT 1 APP FOR 10 MINUTES THATS 50,000 10 MINUTES WHOS GOING TO DO THAT???? I am still not convinced by touchscreen usage out in real world its to difficult,and its all due to i-phone which has loads of mags in the newsagents and now its invaded my fave mag smartfone essentials which i will buy no more due to heavy coverage of i-phone...thought i-phone was perfect so why has it got a problems page??? cant be that perfect...T o me i-phone has destroyed the smartfone world and the sooner we get away from these miserable tablets with no style or character the happier the world will be..
- E
- Edu
- fuQ
- 13 May 2010
Good to see positive comments now. For those still complaining u should know tht Nokia phones are refined with time. An example is the N97 which had issues wen it came but after a couple of firmware updates it is very good. And for the same reason, the 5800 is one of the best touch screen phone. Advice: dont rush into buying.
- d
- dannie
- u7Z
- 13 May 2010
this is one of the best nokia phone spec ever!! i will always use nokia coz is really user friendly..when ever i change or buy new nokia phone's i can transfer all my data easily by phone to phone! unlike other brands out there, you have to use a god damn pc to back up and restore i hate that!
- I
- Iman
- St}
- 13 May 2010
Nice design ! But the big problem is OS,
I have a Omnia HD and and i love this but i have a lot of problem with OS
Symbian S****
- ?
- Anonymous
- fjf
- 13 May 2010
oho, 13 May 2010Wow.. they're releasing HD4 before HD3!! You seem to know t... morenokia will go for 1080p but just check for motorola xtreme coming soon no comment
- K
- Kamian
- j6q
- 13 May 2010
You all that cry about the battery know that Li-Po is a better battery than Li-on..
- h
- heya!
- 3aL
- 13 May 2010
Sunil, 13 May 2010I just got my hands on one of the pre-release prototype of ... moreHi Sunil,
-Does the N8 have cool transitions???
-How many games come pre-installed???
-How fast is the n8 compared to say an iphone???
-Any new apps???
And please I beg of thee, please take a five minutes video of the N8 running with theme effects on and post the link here...
Thats all for now, Cheers mate.
- B
- Bong
- uCk
- 13 May 2010
[deleted post]Bro, Sunil is hust trying to help out here. Don't be so harsh on words. Please respect others.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kec
- 13 May 2010
With nokia phone
you do not need to install any apps
there are many essential third party apps are already available for nokia sybian touch, and most of them are free
ovi store just need more good games and tomtom if you are not happy with the free ovi maps.
Qt is a great tool for developers btw
- B
- Bong
- uCk
- 13 May 2010
Sunil, 13 May 2010I just got my hands on one of the pre-release prototype of ... moreHello sunil. Great post you have there. So we could probably expect great video camera from this device. I am intrigued to know about it's music quality. Plus I am also very interested in whether it will suffer any lag if I used only 4GB of the memory provided. How's the experience from watching a movie? Splendid? Also, how does the camera performs under low light condition. Are the pictures taken during daytime show any visible trait of noise etc.? Lastly, how fast is the phone while browsing the Net and how fluid is it's multi-touch application?
Thank you in advance ^^
- b
- bilal & bilal mo
- utL
- 13 May 2010
he is gud phone but he is not compire to n900 i think n900 is the best phone in nokia bcoz i use this one thank u
- j
- jansel pinoy
- sxt
- 13 May 2010
definitely it has an astounding hardware specs, but the question is, does it really have a good software apps like the apple store has?
when buying smartphone, u should consider both the hardware and the software. Nokia must have a good software store apps in order for the consumer to enjoy and continuously patronize its product.
I own an e71 and i have 40 apps installed on my phone.Only one application is paid mostly free and wid keygens.hehe.
Think twice b4 buying.
- B
- Big Bang
- uth
- 13 May 2010
Sunil, 13 May 2010I just got my hands on one of the pre-release prototype of ... moreCan you tell when N8 will be released in India.....
And the second thing i want to ask is that , is it true that nokia phones that come to Indian market are made in china and have in general low quality of materials being used...
Since you are using i8910 would you recommend to buy this phone considering the features and overall package....
- C
- Chris
- UG4
- 13 May 2010
One thing I've noticed here in this forum regarding the N8 is this: there is a very vast misunderstanding of its OS. Symbian^3 is certainly not the same as Symbian^1 (S60v3). I am appalled at the number of individuals who either think or worse still, insist that this device is using the Symbian^1 OS.
I am also appalled at the amount of blind consumerism amongst this community - I believe that as intelligent, mature consumers, we should be objective rather than subjective and look at the technology and specifications of any one device, and then examine the implementation of the said technology. A device with an 800mhz CPU could have a poorly-coded OS, and a device with a supposedly slower CPU could have exceptional coding in its OS.
It is only with this mindset can we effect change in any consumer market, by making (or forcing) mega corporations like Apple, Nokia, Microsoft, etc to be more competitive in their pricing and quality and functionality of their products.
It is only unintelligent to say that the technology for Apple to make an iPhone with a decent camera and flash, with multitasking has not existed till now, with its latest iPhone OS and the upcoming iPhone 4G. Such tech has existed for so many years, and yet the iPhone is one of the most successful mobile devices simply because of blind consumerism and loyalty. Some food for thought, no? I wish you all the best in shopping for your next mobile device. :)
- K
- wrk
- 13 May 2010
Sunil, 13 May 2010I just got my hands on one of the pre-release prototype of ... moreYou're not lying arent you?
hmmm, then what about the UI?
and ofcourse, how's the Symbian^3? how's the multitasking? is the OS stable?
how's the camera performance in a low light condition?
How's the threaded sms feature? is it nice?
how's the contact? I hear it's could be synced to Facebook etc?
hmmm, I guess that's it for now
- I
- I8910 user
- 2CT
- 13 May 2010
Judging by all the coments in this fourum, this will be a make or break fone for nokia...i used to buy nokias all the time..until i got the dreadful 5800...i now have an i8910 omnia hd and its fantastic..the n8 specs are top shelf,, but i dont think nokia can have made many gems in the past..i still regard the 6300 as one of the greatest..the e series are great...e71, the best fone ever made..e63 is also very good..BUT nokia has let other makers take the lead in tech and are now so much may have an app store( ovi ) but most of the apps are pointless rubbish...will the n8 be the saving grace?? Its gonna have to be good,,real good , or its its going to sink faster than the titanic..and if the post about it not having stereo speakers is accurate.its not off to a good start..
- t
- thebizzle
- Mx@
- 13 May 2010
Does anyone know whether this handset comes with FM transmitter as I have an N900 and use this and TV output constantly. Thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kec
- 13 May 2010
I ccan see the significant rise in market share for 2010 for nokia
n8 looks very promising, the chaepest yet best multimedia phone
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0UY
- 13 May 2010
Sunil, 13 May 2010I just got my hands on one of the pre-release prototype of ... moreHello Sunil i was wondering about the screen of the it scratch rezistent?(i mean the 3.5 " screen)..and another thing....does it feel good in your hand,i mean the build quality if it is that awsome!thanks