Nokia N8
- a
- ansgp
- vGx
- 02 May 2010
KLPD, 01 May 2010Bluetooth version is 3.0
see this very own NOKIA site
htt... moreso may be this site is not owned by nokia:
This nokia site says bt version is 2.1 while nokia europe site says it to be 3.0 ??
- A
- AmbrosiA
- 2@S
- 02 May 2010
Nokia,,,u should have come out with this phone much earlier....but better late than never..Ladies and gentlemen,,N8 is in da house and it rockzz!!!
- A
- Alirezadds
- nsA
- 02 May 2010
This one needs a snapdragon
- P
- Polo99an
- n35
- 02 May 2010
I can't belive that people are complaining about the price. Just wait to see the price on the iphone 4g. This co,ment was posted on my e71.
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{A
- 02 May 2010
Let's go further, 02 May 2010Do you mean the N8 is just a vision?
Is it just a phantasy... morewow....i am soo sorry, i did not realize i was talking with a handicap....dude i am VERY sorry i even started this, yea im totally sure you can find stores that would sell this phone today for less than the release price 4-5 months before its released, and there will be cake, and balloons too!
soo you take care, and i hope your day is as special as you are!.....which isnt very special, nevertheless, do take care.
- L
- Let's go further
- nXT
- 02 May 2010
Do you mean the N8 is just a vision?
Is it just a phantasy that does not exist in materialized form on any stores to buy today?
Then why the hell would we have to read these fairy tales about non-existing junk?
If that's the case, why wouldn't we talk about phone with 3D 1080p and 30x optical zoom that might be released someday, if it would?
- I
- Interested
- nXT
- 02 May 2010
Are there places I could buy one for less than 370?
If smneone knows, give me some links to the shops?
- ?
- Anonymous
- Kec
- 02 May 2010
Have you ever thought of this
if we take out the sim card off nokia phones, it works as dedicated gps device and dedicated camera and not that bad game device!
What would it be if you take out the sim card off your non nokia phone?
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{A
- 02 May 2010
Where, 02 May 2010Where from can I buy it for 370 today?
Give a lint to the people read the specs page anymore? lol
the phone isnt going to be released till Q3 of this year, that is July-September, and in case of delays it could be early october for a Q4 release.
- W
- Where
- nXT
- 02 May 2010
Where from can I buy it for 370 today?
Give a lint to the shop.
- R
- Rick (tm)
- vj1
- 02 May 2010
after being gone in the arena's page, well, here i am again.. i'm back.. :)) miss this page..:))
this phone is astonishing.. this surely will be one of my prospect stuffs to buy for the year 2010.. i love the 12MP camera with the most important element for imaging devices is ------> Xenon Flash!!! it means bye bye foggy, blurred shots.. no matter what the angle is, no matter what the position will be. .just a shot & the moment is Captured Precisely & Digitally Still!!!:)) whoa.. Plus the HD Video Capture. .i love that too.. say goodbye to bulky handheld videocamera's.. say hello to N8.. yeeeehhaaaa... :))
- ?
- Anonymous
- q{A
- 02 May 2010
Confused, 02 May 2010Why Would I buy this for 570€ if I can buy Sony Ericsson Vi... more570?....are you blind? the price tag is 370, its very clear....also, the vivaz cam is pretty low standard. it runs on a vanilla s60 5th ed. which cant take the same apps as say, the s60 5th ed. on a N97 or 5800, nor does it have the free ovi maps from nokia. soo for an extra 70 i'd say its beyond worth it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- Ke1
- 02 May 2010
iphone users can only bash this phone for poor ovi store which is developing even greater with this phone
the design of this phone is beatiful, at least nokia touch phones are different looks
- C
- Confused
- nXT
- 02 May 2010
Why Would I buy this for 570€ if I can buy Sony Ericsson Vivaz for 400€ ?
Does the N8 contain some golden parts for the additional 170 euros?
I think 300€ would be normal price for such toy.
- R
- Rep
- Rc3
- 02 May 2010
KING, 01 May 2010those are 2 or 3 things you just listed. have you forgoten ... moreDoes the iphone 4g have multitasking? Does it have flash? Then why is it a phone? Its comparable to the nokia 6700 lol.
- N
- Nilesh
- TL5
- 02 May 2010
Its looking like a nice phone with 12 mega-pixel camera.Its physical look is good and it's a smart phone.What does any one need more than this!The only wrong thing with this is that it is to costly.
- S
- Surprised
- nXT
- 02 May 2010
Just 720p only?
What happened to Nokias phone that would have 1080p full HD camera?
Two years ago they boasted that it would be released in two years.
- A
- Anonymous
- tVX
- 02 May 2010
Anonymous, 01 May 2010Samsung galaxy s (i9000) is better than N8 in everything (e... moreHave you read the specs of the N8 properly... i9000... piece of junk
- ?
- Anonymous
- 02 May 2010
Finally we dont need to argue with iphone users, we just need to market this phone to others
it will be the world best selling smartphone, price, scratch resistant camera and capacitive screen, design are all good, good game device as well
- ?
- Anonymous
- LaB
- 02 May 2010
Utkarsh, 02 May 2010""Nokia phones always look cheap like toys when e... is crap...just PLASTIC phones...that look like they cost two cents. No WAY...that is samsungs biggerst fault...using low quality materials. Except the Ego.....i have not seen any Samsung phone with decent build quality...they all get scratched, matted out, parts and joints move...