Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • MasterZ
  • m2i
  • 01 May 2010

100% agree with glockrecoil.. Y Y Y Y didnt nokia include DivX & Xvid applicable software in the N8 ?? This phone would have been the majorities dream phone if those features also included. Please Nokia, include a sofware which plays all the movie formats just like the n900. Please..!!

    • ?
    • Anonymous
    • ssq
    • 01 May 2010

    f*** all those apps if all are useless:)

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • uSN
      • 01 May 2010

      Yeah symbian sux! Most of all the developers said that they are NOT interested in developing applications for symbian. Symbian is DEAD! Good luck to you nokia f@gboys with an application-less phone with an outdated shtty old ui while everyone has gone to flashy slick modern user interfaces.

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • 4Bb
        • 01 May 2010

        Never gonna buy a symbian again! Will spend money on real platform like the Android or apple, they have real apps store!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • LaB
          • 01 May 2010

          Anonymous, 01 May 2010the worst thing n nokia , they dont let u upgrade ur device... morebecause android, mac, wm and bb devices are below symbian !

            • x
            • xxx
            • k2n
            • 01 May 2010

            [deleted post]So when your company next ijunk will be release to all those stupid ijunk lover.

            When will you be going to the bar to get wasted & drop you 5g ijunk.

            Blackberry is king of all kingdom.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • nC1
              • 01 May 2010

              the worst thing n nokia , they dont let u upgrade ur device fore symbian3 to symbian 4 . For example. While we can when we get andriod ,mac windows phone devises !!

                • x
                • xxx
                • k2n
                • 01 May 2010

                KING, 01 May 2010nokia phones would be BETTER if: -they werent always so da... moreYou mean that your ijunk cost $600-$2000

                People spend that much money & still the their ijunk remains locked,lolzzzzz

                  • n
                  • nokia n9
                  • nC1
                  • 01 May 2010

                  i wish next device 2b with upcoming 1.5 ghz processor, 1gb ram and rom,3.7 wvga capasative multitouch antit scratch&fingerprints super amoled screen,1850 battery,1.3 front cam 4video call and video chat,full flash ajax support with proxy samelike skyfire,bluetooth4 , usb3,wmv avi divx xvid formats and wahtever codecs, 3g 4g ,wifi b g n and wimax. Hmmmm

                    • q
                    • qreza
                    • n9}
                    • 01 May 2010

                    come on steve jobs
                    come and buy a nokia n8
                    don't shy
                    come on

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • ssq
                      • 01 May 2010

                      hey king.i am sure you could not sleep for three days when you saw the nokia n8. there will be a new iphone comming out soon and you will be happy again :) it probably will have mms and video recording too :)

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • nC1
                        • 01 May 2010

                        although it has v gud features but nokia 4got old fasion same like 1ghz processor 576 ram. So why its not support full flash ajax ,avi divx xvid and wvga samelike n900?!

                          • K
                          • KING
                          • kCv
                          • 01 May 2010

                          [deleted post]those are 2 or 3 things you just listed. have you forgoten all of the other things they fixed since their original iphone 2g release? haha let me list some:
                          landscape keyboard
                          speed of phone itself
                          copy and paste
                          video recording
                          -those are just notable improvements. true most phones should have this to begin with but hey better late than never. Also on the new iphone OS 4 comes over 100 new features and many improvements. And please dont even get me started on this new iphone hd, 4g, pro what ever its gonna be called becasue that thing is gonna be crazy. Now these features the nokia n8 bring are great. But like i said symbian? cmon thats a true turn off. This phone is gonna have as much hype as the N95 or 5800 and then people are gonna realize a huge flaw whether it be how slow it is, the os sucks, missing something etc. and unlike android or apple nokia updates its phone maybe once in a blue moon. I see this phone ending up like the rest of its counterparts. Forgotten in a matter of months. I think people hate on the iphone because its so popular and everyone is always talking about it and etc. I mean seriously they didnt sell 50 million phones and it turns out that the phone sucked. no no no the phone changed the game, made history, now other companies try and copy but cant do it the same way. has anyone seen the resolution on that new iphone 4g? amazing 960 by 640 ithink. and it has better battery. that plus all the new improvements and features is all i need to want to come back and is why i keep coming back to apple. these other carriers cannot do the same and especially not in the same amount of time. face it...again...IPHONE FTW

                            • m
                            • miha
                            • ssq
                            • 01 May 2010

                            symbian is not so bad as you just like android or aple or windows..but symbian is also a great os.and there is a lot of people who will agree with me.i just dont like people who say the whorst of symbian but in real they never tryed it out.for me its a great os...others are good too..sorry my bad english.thaks!

                              • G
                              • Gucci
                              • 3Re
                              • 01 May 2010

                              nokia did b.s work in this mobile , they put the ( solo ) speaker on the back near the cam which will be muted easily when you put it on any surface. this information in confirmed by friend of mine work in nokia company

                                • K
                                • KING
                                • kCv
                                • 01 May 2010

                                [deleted post]nokia phones would be BETTER if:
                                -they werent always so dam slow
                                -if they didnt have sucky, slow, symbian
                                -had android
                                -didnt have symbian
                                -and most importantly. werent so dam expensive.
                                as for all the americans posting on here praising nokia they should realize that this phone is going to be $600-900. seriously. this many features in one phone is costly to companies and they will best be trying to make their money back. IPHONE FTW

                                  • D
                                  • Deep space bar
                                  • kDi
                                  • 01 May 2010

                                  Allan, 01 May 2010Is that why you bought the N95?No way it can't be you, your back man it's been a while

                                    • T
                                    • Tanz
                                    • uNV
                                    • 01 May 2010

                                    Nice move Nokia. But I'd still say that nokia needs to improve their OS a hell lot. I just dunno why they are stiking with Symbian. Just if this set came with even Android 2.1 eclair, it could've been their next N95. But they are a bit too bold to hire google. I wonder why. I think this phone may go to ruins like the First ever HD monster Samsung Omnia HD due to dull OS and a Nokia usual laggy UI. You I've never seen a Nokia High end that doesn't lag upon fulfilling most of the memory. I could tolerate my old N95 8GB though! ;)

                                      • K
                                      • KLPD
                                      • utX
                                      • 01 May 2010

                                      Bluetooth version is 3.0
                                      see this very own NOKIA site

                                        • a
                                        • ansgp
                                        • vGy
                                        • 01 May 2010

                                        ahmed, 01 May 2010bluetooth of n8 vertion 3 not 2.1bluetooth of n8 is v2.1+EDR and not v3.