Nokia N8
- N
- Niraj
- 29 Apr 2010
Nokia and symbian gives full freedom to users.. You can watch youtube videos on your phone, send/recieve anything via bluetooth, use secondry camera for video call, download applications and contents from any where.. Full freedom..
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSN
- 29 Apr 2010
[deleted post]"not good as iphone" thanks for admitting =))
and yeah it has same hardware. woppie-doo... but sorry but no one develops those cool apps for nokia. they only develop mostly for iphone and android. symbian is left in the dust. they can barely even reach a thousand apps! xD all left is outdated useless apps. lol!
- A
- Arash
- mg}
- 29 Apr 2010
I love this phone,good job Nokia,happy to see you are waking after repeat your self since N95 to N97 with same proccessor and camera and software.Nice Job
- ?
- Anonymous
- Rxd
- 29 Apr 2010
the best thing about symbian is not having to rely on one app store iphone owners seem to think that the only way u can get apps for them is to go to the ovi store theres thousands of places u can get apps for them un like apple witch dictate what apps u can have... its called freedom.....
- N
- Nokia Lover
- PG3
- 29 Apr 2010
Do we have any Apps for the Symbian ^3 OS?
or can we install old apps with .sisx extension?
Just curious to know, actually I love to install apps on my phone e.g MS Dictionary etc...
N8 seem Awesome... :)
- x
- xtreme xecutor
- miN
- 29 Apr 2010
I agree, an I-phone is not a smartphone. People that buy them get intoxicated with a venom that causes Stockholm-syndrome and unjustified feelings of joy....
- c
- celladik
- vaN
- 29 Apr 2010
Good job nokia. A lot of jealous guyz are here.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSN
- 29 Apr 2010
[deleted post]And by one of the oldest you mean one of the most oudated sht ever? LOL! That Symbian with its shtty so last decade UI hasn't even reached a thousand apps and you claim its the best OS?? LMAO!! You cant even do anything with its useless ugly slow apps. LOL! You haven't been on the itunes appstore, have yah kid?
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7w
- 29 Apr 2010
If only there are
vlc player made for symbian
microsoft office for symbian are out now
xvid/vxid player for n8
free oxford advanced dictionary
nintendo and psp emulator built-in
many of us would be over happy
- A
- Arash
- mg}
- 29 Apr 2010
Dear GSMARENA, Nokia officially announced that N8 support bluetooth 3.0.why do you mentioned 2.1?!
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSN
- 29 Apr 2010
[deleted post]As I said the iPhone has one of the best apps in a mobile phone. If not the best. You should try visiting the iTune App store and see how shtty that ovi store looks now with its lame ugly looking useless apps. =PPP
- ?
- Anonymous
- nIA
- 29 Apr 2010
For me the only thing that excites me about this phone is the camera and HDMI.
The design is nothing fancy I'd rather they reshaped those extruding bits at the top and bottom.
They have made a few tweeks to the UI but nothing to make go WOW.
Am still sceptical about RAM and CPU after the N97 fiasco. While other Manufactures are taking that extra caution by pumping in more RAM Nokia seem quite content with smaller amounts.
- b
- braindead
- MuJ
- 29 Apr 2010
Herocoder, 29 Apr 2010Funniest post ever .. lol .. your arguments dont stand at a... moreI'm with you brother :) !!
I didnt like nokia for few years, but this phone changed my mind. If it will have these spec. and for price like said about 500$ it could be top noch :). NO near Iphone even 4g.
The only thing Iphone have is app store. But just like you said - YOu dont need 200k apps, (by the way - all good apps on Iphone are for $ - and thats shit... ). I dont need 100 call managing apps, 100 email apps and 100k apps for kids (piano, guitar, games and so on)... It phone was like toy ok we can count app store as plus, but now - its mobile.
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSN
- 29 Apr 2010
Herocoder, 29 Apr 2010Funniest post ever .. lol .. your arguments dont stand at a... more"proper" working OS? lol! Please try using android or iPhone and youll see theres a HUGE difference. Youll realize how stupidly effing slow symbian is.
- ?
- Anonymous
- LaB
- 29 Apr 2010
YOMAMMA, 29 Apr 2010yeh iphone aint a smart a smart phone but it sure as hell i... moreyeah yeah only WISh Iphone were that smart :)) name me just a few specs that are better !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- uSN
- 29 Apr 2010
Herocoder, 29 Apr 2010Funniest post ever .. lol .. your arguments dont stand at a... moreWow.. you really need a news flash on that build up thing. fyi, nokia had some major flaws with their products. Like the n97 camera cover which is supposed to "protect" the lens actually scratches it, the massive battery issues, the chargers they released that caused electric shock, name it... Yeah sure they tried fixing it but they are stupid enough for actually releasing it in the first place...
- F
- Franco
- vC8
- 29 Apr 2010
Does this really have 802.11/n??
That's not what it says on Nokia's Website...
- H
- Herocoder
- 1ZE
- 29 Apr 2010
sam, 29 Apr 2010compare to iphone 4g ,i give vote/go for iphone. why , 1st ... moreFunniest post ever .. lol .. your arguments dont stand at all ..
iphone 4g is not yet released .. and its going to take the same 6 months ..
How many apps do you actually USE? its good to have options .. but its more to do with what you need .. symbian has done it since a long time buddy ..
bad buildup?? .. Nokias are the sturdiest when it comes to build buddy .. ask ANYONE!
HD video .. you dont know when you havent used it .. yeah .. the specs are not cutting edge .. true .. but I think its good enuff to do the job given a proper working OS ..
excessive features .. ROFLMAO .. you are getting less for your money with Apple .. I NEED 12MP CAM on my mobile .. ok?? I dont like lugging around digicams and ipods .. One good do-it-all mobile is what I need ..
It is removable battery there is a specific model number as well .. and even if it doesnt whats the difference with the IPHONE??
OS upgrade?? it happens you know .. all the time .. u'd know if you ever used 5800 ..
APP manager update?? whats that seriously!!
you like IPHONE .. stick to it .. its a good phone .. dont go spamming other phones .. you 'i like to be apple's puppet' .. :-P
- ?
- Anonymous
- nIA
- 29 Apr 2010
Jean, 29 Apr 2010Check that : symbian ^3 demo moreYeah the drastic changes I think are being held back for Symbian ^ 4, from what I gather ^ 3 devises will be mid range while ^4 will be High End devises.
The general feeling on here is that this is a great phone, how is it a great phone when no one has used it yet??? lol easy peeps easy!
- A
- Amol
- vbV
- 29 Apr 2010
it contains 3.0 Bluetooth According To Nokia Europe