Nokia N8
- B
- Buck
- X{X
- 22 Mar 2015
yeh, it's bulky and have no software support. No new good games. No new apps. Camera is bad at night but closer shot with flash looks well. It's metal body gradually ware off it's color. No wifi shareing facility with other android device. Buy it if you get it within 50 $
- D
- AnonD-356670
- 86w
- 18 Mar 2015
MdN8, 29 Jan 2015No no no, installing Delight is like flashing a new firmwar... moreOkay thanks alot brother, if u fibd a way i can throw belle on here tho please let me know!
- a
- asnif
- Hkt
- 15 Mar 2015
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2015can i use viber,whatsapp,tango,we chat on nokia n8???plz cmntzyes
- S
- Salman
- rAP
- 14 Mar 2015
My friend buy it. I used for one month. Good mobile, camera is very good, and xenon flash is also very very very good. Avtar hd 225mb game play smoothly with 256mb ram, and 680khz cpu speed, on android 4.2 jelle bean 512mb, 1200khz xperia u hang on 50mb game. Thanks to nokia for symbian and also belle too. I like u very much.
- y
- yoyo
- y$h
- 14 Mar 2015
Salman, 13 Mar 2015Go settings-phone-display-frontI did that. Their bigger font still feel small in belle refresh. Need bit bigger with more space.
- D
- AnonD-374683
- 7tB
- 13 Mar 2015
Hey guy it is nokia's unforgettable phone.none of able to compare this.
- S
- Salman
- rAW
- 13 Mar 2015
Salman, 13 Mar 2015Go settings-phone-display-frontMy friend buy it. I used for one month. Good mobile, camera is very good, and xenon flash is also very very very good. Avtar hd 225mb game play smoothly with 256mb ram, and 680khz cpu speed, on android 4.4 kitkat 512mb, 1200khz xperia u hang on 50mb game. Thanks to nokia for symbian and also belle too. I like u very much.
- S
- Salman
- rAP
- 13 Mar 2015
AnonD-374021, 12 Mar 2015Help, how to change all font in N8 become more biger font ?... moreGo settings-phone-display-front
- D
- AnonD-374021
- y$h
- 12 Mar 2015
Help, how to change all font in N8 become more biger font ? I try download font zoomer but canot ( file corupted ) . In n8 seting have font chaner but even big still small for some old eyes . Please help. Thanks
- ?
- Anonymous
- uvh
- 11 Mar 2015
plz tell me how i can get adobe reader ? Because pdf file does not open .
- S
- Supremo
- s8b
- 08 Mar 2015
Awais, 08 Mar 2015hi friends i am using nokia n8. these days i face a problem... moreHi dude are you sure the battery is 100 percent original Nokia battery? These days unknown manufacturer makes batteries and put big company sticker on them so as to trick customers into believing that it is original. Since you said its a new battery which may or may not be 100 percent original, it must have something to do with charging cycle. Drain the battery until it says battery low and then plug in the charger and let your phone charge to 100 percent without interrupting. After that monitor the backup it gives. If it's too low then change the battery with a geniune Nokia battery.
- S
- Supremo
- rKG
- 08 Mar 2015
Nokia Store now directs to the default web browser which opens the Opera Store for Symbian site.
- A
- Awais
- Mfx
- 08 Mar 2015
hi friends i am using nokia n8. these days i face a problem about battery timing when battery charge is show 40% then phone within second battery down 0% and phone will be off. i was changed battery before 5 days but same problem. plz any body tell me what i can do???? thanks
- M
- MdN8
- akv
- 07 Mar 2015
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2015can i use viber,whatsapp,tango,we chat on nokia n8???plz cmntzThere are Viber, Whatsapp and WeChat for the N8. Some of them don't have full functionality like on other platforms.
In other news, now it's 2 years since I bought my N8 (used) and no problems yet except the battery doesn't last as long as it used to. Everything else still works fine and I do use it a lot. Best phone in my life. Once I tried to see how long I can keep it on before something goes wrong, but I gave up after... (see pic) and rebooted it to refresh it a little. :-)
- D
- AnonD-20890
- ut%
- 06 Mar 2015
Superemo, 19 Feb 2015Yes, those are indeed nice phones but still no match for th... moreLumia phones will become superhit only Microsoft introduces the resolution changing option like 3, 5, 10 MP and 640x 480, 1280x720, 1920x1080.
- D
- AnonD-20890
- ut%
- 06 Mar 2015
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2015can i use viber,whatsapp,tango,we chat on nokia n8???plz cmntzViber will work. But only texting will work. Voice facility is not there :-(
- n
- nokian8flash
- Xu{
- 06 Mar 2015
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2015can i use viber,whatsapp,tango,we chat on nokia n8???plz cmntzflash
- ?
- Anonymous
- uNV
- 06 Mar 2015
can i use viber,whatsapp,tango,we chat on nokia n8???plz cmntz
- p
- pc
- fuN
- 04 Mar 2015
Aadrian, 04 Mar 2015Did you get the update to opera mini store when you opened ... moreno update