Nokia N8
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 13 Oct 2011
dks, 13 Oct 2011nokia want android but google can't want nokia because afte... more @ dks
What in the world was that all about?
Nokia didn't bother releasing an Android phone because Android is unsafe and insecure. Not to mention Android is still limited as an OS in what it can or can't do.
What do you mean about the N8 being Nokia's first Android phone?
- J
- 38d
- 13 Oct 2011
the nokia people up nord still living in the 1980! waithing for belle what a joke
- R
- RR
- wrj
- 13 Oct 2011
where can i download big game such angry bird, NFS, etc ? reply please :)
- a
- azhar khan
- utR
- 13 Oct 2011
I am planing to buy this set. But plz tell me What is Baterry life of this phone is satisfy or not
- d
- dks
- TL5
- 13 Oct 2011
nokia want android but google can't want nokia because after 2008 nokia priveces symbian google don't go for nokia.
Nokia n8 has first android phone by nokia but google don't like nokia.
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 13 Oct 2011
AnonD-1097, 13 Oct 2011Guys this news is official...Symbian Belle coming mid Nov..... more@Becool.
Do you get some sort of cheap thrill from spreading Bullcrap?
It happens every time an update is due. Some muppet starts posting rubbish like that.
The sad thing is, that if the update does get released by then you will post back saying you were right, but in actual fact you will just be very lucky.
We should all post a date when we think the update will be released, and one of us are bound to get it right.
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 13 Oct 2011
Robert D, 13 Oct 2011Ref below question: The settings of the OVI store is it lin... more@ Robert D
Ovi store will use whatever access point you have defined in the connectivity settings. Also, make sure to select internet as the default access point in the phones native web browser.
- s
- singankit
- RKj
- 13 Oct 2011
I m very happy to choose nokia
- R
- Robert D
- mAP
- 13 Oct 2011
Ref below question: The settings of the OVI store is it linked with the settings of the symbian internet browser, so that if I set to use a WIFI spot so does the OVI store?
Thanks guys!
- R
- Robert D
- mAP
- 13 Oct 2011
is there someone who knows how can you set in the OVI store (Nokia store) the access point? How can I choose to use WIFI or the internet provided by the network?
Thanks guys!
- d
- digs
- UD}
- 13 Oct 2011
i love my much...
- D
- AnonD-1097
- bCc
- 13 Oct 2011
Guys this news is official...Symbian Belle coming mid Nov...i was told by very impt Nokia Guy...thou iam loving my unofficial belle too my N8
- a
- arX
- v0q
- 13 Oct 2011
I've been using my n8 for almost a year now and i'm really enjoying its feature. Esp. fm transmitter, camera and video..superb!
I accidentally drop it 5x hard but no scratch at all and still works fine, its a great value for my money.. My wife has an Iphone 4 but she's amaze about n8's capability.
for me it's a practical most, rugged and useful phone ever created by Nokia
- N
- Ninth Delegate
- 3Hh
- 12 Oct 2011
I've had my N8 close to a full year now, and have had no serious issues with it. On average, I can get a weeks charge using power saving mode. 9 days at a push with very low usage.
The few negative points I have is the flash gives a smokey effect on night time photos and every so often the screen remains on when the phone is locked and on standby.
Overall a decent phone. A worthy upgrade from my n95-8gig.
- a
- akey
- tVj
- 12 Oct 2011
I've upgrade my OS to Symbian Anna but then, I face a problem with my phone. It become slower and then when I want to restart my phone, it stuck and give a notification message "Start up problem, contact retailer" do anyone face a same problem with me and do anyone got a solution for my problem. If there is a solution, please let me know. I almost give up with this phone, if this problem not solve I will sell it and trade it with another phone from another brand.
- ?
- Anonymous
- NaU
- 12 Oct 2011
I am also using it but it has freeze so what should i do please?
- a
- anonymous
- fq4
- 12 Oct 2011
is this phone really 12MP? is it a slow phone?
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 12 Oct 2011
Anonymous, 12 Oct 2011n8 or n9 is good???
The N8 and N9 are two very different phones running different operating systems.
The N8 runs Symbian ^3 and the N9 runs MeeGo.
So, it's up to the end user what they consider to be the best out of the two. I personally do not like the N8 anymore since Nokia ruined it with the Anna update and would swap my N8 for the N9 in an instant. But there are many here who will disagree with me on that.
All the best
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 12 Oct 2011
sahil khan, 12 Oct 2011Superb N8 friends i got it updated to anna and i got surpri... more @sahil khan
The N8 already had this functionality with P.R 1.2.
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 12 Oct 2011
Anonymous, 12 Oct 2011the n8 can perform better if it possess a 1.4 ghz processor Probably wouldn't make much difference if it did have a 1.4GHz CPU. You see, it still only has 256 MB of RAM which is more important than processing speed on the N8. Symbian is optimised to run on a sub 1 GHz CPU, and runs smooth enough as it is.
Furthermore, the OS would need to be re-coded to account for the extra MHz's not to mention, it would need a bigger battery to power it and, by extension a new motherboard.
So what we are talking about here is a new phone altogether, because it's impossible to upgrade the hardware on a mobile phone.
If you are after a 1.4 GHz mobile phone you should consider the Samsung Galaxy W.
All the best