Nokia N8
- D
- Danz n8
- Kxs
- 06 Sep 2011
Hey Ray
i need your potential help now...i wont to install spiderman n do it...
- D
- AnonD-5400
- 7tK
- 06 Sep 2011
fred, 05 Sep 2011hi mr Ray, pls i need ur help. I download some unsigned gam... moreOPDA is now SHOUJIZU. Giving 20 years valid certificate and key...!
- D
- AnonD-3675
- N7S
- 06 Sep 2011
kali999, 05 Sep 2011Here is my review on my N8. In the beginning with PR 1 bor... moreThanks 4 your review .
- s
- shony
- f3t
- 05 Sep 2011
this is one mysterious and most flashy gadget i ever had. it is just a magic in the hand, iiiiiiiii llllllluuuuuuuuuvvvvvvvvvvvvvvvv tttttttttt
- M
- tRp
- 05 Sep 2011
can anyone plz tell me the way to get certificate and key file for n8 because is not working
- D
- AnonD-478
- YQx
- 05 Sep 2011
Plz someone suggest me.. Should i install the leaked version of symbian belle on my nokia n8 or i should wait for the official belle firmware.. Also whether i will be able to install the official belle firmware( after installing leaked belle firmware) when it is released,. I like the belle firmware very much. Thanks im advanve..
- S
- Sakif
- vQ1
- 05 Sep 2011
to Mr. Ray ..
i cant decide between buying NOKIA N8 and IPHONE 3GS 16gb... both of them have authentic features ... i have been a loyal brand user of nokia for the last 8 years but heard of some problems of N8 from my freinds. i m eager to buy it out... plz help me to decide .... thankz
- M
- M
- uNV
- 05 Sep 2011
Did u have it. I don't think so
- f
- fred
- ftV
- 05 Sep 2011
hi mr Ray, pls i need ur help. I download some unsigned games 4rm n8fanclub dat need signing. OPDA website is not working. Pls where can i get d certificate for my phone. I need ur help pls. Thank u.
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 05 Sep 2011
[deleted post]@Anu
There are two entries in the applications manager, one is for installed apps and the other is for installation files. There is a third for installation settings but that isn't relevant here.
Installed apps is where all your apps are installed, so removing entries there will also remove the app itself.
Installation files is where SIS files are kept ready to be installed. If there are any entries here, you can either tap on it to install it or long press it to delete it.
- s
- sid
- U@X
- 05 Sep 2011
sd, 04 Sep 2011friends just got my dark grey N8 , made in finland . Update... morerecently i bought n8 findland.the camera quality is not good.but video is to know my n8 is orginal or not.ray hipkiss u to reply
- D
- AnonD-19844
- ute
- 05 Sep 2011
hai ray,
i am a big fan of nokia & i love to hear your opinions, so keep telling us about nokia & be with us... you rock..
thank you...
- D
- AnonD-19568
- fCx
- 05 Sep 2011
Ray Hipkiss, 05 Sep 2011@ gaks Yes, the N8 can upgraded to Symbian Belle. If yo... morethanks for answering ray hipkiss
- N
- Not sad Ray
- 0Td
- 05 Sep 2011
Ray Hipkiss, 05 Sep 2011 I never went anywhere. RayWell Ray it looks like we have reached over 16.5 million faulty N8 phones or is it unhappy users and fifth by rate. Nokia must be doing something right.but in your world that will be all down to fan boys, are would it be mainly down to many happy users like me.
- T
- Tharun
- utJ
- 05 Sep 2011
AnonD-19568, 05 Sep 2011does n8 upgradable to symbian belle os.
If so does it supp... morethe N8 does not have a NFC chip, so it will never have near field capabilities.
- T
- Tharun
- utJ
- 05 Sep 2011
the best handset for ever i use c7,samsungwave2,5230,x6-16gb, but the nokia n8 is top handset for ever ( what will you do it with nokia n8)
- k
- keepnokiaing
- 7q5
- 05 Sep 2011
best symbian phone.......
- R
- Ray Hipkiss
- 3GK
- 05 Sep 2011
Anonymous, 05 Sep 2011Look who is back Mr Happy I never went anywhere.
- D
- AnonD-2665
- HkX
- 05 Sep 2011
.finally something good is hpnd ! Downloaded qt 4.7 latest release from n8fanclub and it has stopped hanging,automatic exit problems of molome and other qt applications !
- k
- kali999
- 04%
- 05 Sep 2011
Here is my review on my N8.
In the beginning with PR 1 boring and laaaaaaaaaa I dont know how to hack and tried to find for certificate on OPDA but could not found.
But when I tried flashing and used hacked belle
OMG its really awsome I can install any application of symbian and also big display gives me out of the world experience.
Though this phone hangs some times i tried to press for 3 sec switch off button thats it.
No matters about critics ............
I like the best things of nokia N8 is that it gives u a wide range of feaures and application.
I mean gaming is moderate whereas application usage is max.
I thanks alot for nicesoni for his nice CFW.
Really gr8, it has given a life to my phone.
Not all people can try for flashing, therefore I hope OPDA should start issuing certificate so that people should enjoy the actual essence of nokia N8.
To those people who are commenting for the bad quality of nokia n8, I think they are cheated by the cheap quality of mobile. Now a days i have seen duplicate quality of finland and china phones are made.
Even mine is china but working well and the battery for a moderate issue comes upto for a 2 days.
Pics are really gr8 when i have taken pics for running water i was just stunt, the pics still the bubbles and crystal molecules.Marvelous.
About the applicaiton working gr8.
Even call recording and Maps is perfect.
I Have medical and english dictionary working fine and useful.
The hold or grip is not that much perfect, i mean i dont like it. Thought it fall from my hands a couple of times but no marks or cracks as we can see in any phone.
In built features like fm transmitter, camera, memory, hdmi, usb, bluetooth, and metal casing is really superb.
Qt is doing good job.
Video gr8.
Watching movies good experience.
photo editing good.
overall as if now this is the only phone which can fulfill the thirst.
Expecting comments on review.
Thats it for now if u need some other info please let me know, happy to give reply.