Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • B
  • vpH
  • 02 Aug 2011

I have a NOKIA N8 & I assure you all that this multimedia mobile phone meet your standards in terms of any realization that comes into your mind. Powerful communication medium which put you on to the next level. What you have to do is to buy & have the rest of your life fulfilled with "information technology-future generated lifestyle". I Love You All

    • B
    • vpH
    • 02 Aug 2011

    i have a nokia n8 and i assure you all that this multimedia mobile phone meet your standards in terms of any realizations that comes into your mind. powerful phone that handles tough tasks and any directives. what you'll just do is to buy one and have the rest of yourself fulfilled with "information technology-future generated" lifestyle. i love you all

      • j
      • jeet
      • utu
      • 02 Aug 2011

      i love that n 8 nice smart and sexy look they camera ohhhhhhhhh..... mind blowing awesome i love that

        • M
        • Me
        • n35
        • 01 Aug 2011

        belle on n8.../watch?v=UWP2A7bEiFg

          • a
          • anand
          • uvg
          • 01 Aug 2011

          i was wondering that what will happen if nokia officially announces a android version of n8, becoz os is only thing where n8 gets downer (symbian requires less RAM as well as processor speed thus nokia provided as we are seeing), really there will be no compariso for it.

            • D
            • AnonD-9982
            • f34
            • 01 Aug 2011

            goldcrow, 01 Aug 2011I'm choosing between this or the Optimus Black. Anyone care... moreFirstly, well done to Nokia N8. No 1 in such a short space of time. Thats going to be hard to emulate by any phone because the market is flooded with phones and new devices are being launched so frequently.

            @goldcrow. The choice is a tough one for you. It totally depends on your needs. I have the N8 for over 9 months now and still love it! I mean there is very few phones that can do that closing on a year of use. I almost had a heart attack last week when i thought i messed it up. I immediately wanted to get another one because i love it so much. So your question is why i love it so much? Before i answer that, let me just state that i have 2 android devices as well so i'm not just blowing my top with no previous experience on that os. The one device has a 680mhz processor running 2.1 and the other a 1ghz processor running 2.2. The 1st one will not get any further updates due to the oem declaring not to support/update it any further. The second device unfortunately has an update out in certain countries but in mine the oem is just useless. Sure i can flash it with the latest firmware but i'd lose my warranty. Now onto your question.

            So out of the box the n8 comes with everything. Hdmi, usbotg, alluminium shell, gorrilla glass, an easier to use os than the previous iteration, xenon flash, 12mp cam, great gpu, a fairly good app market that has basically what you need and getting better, ovi maps which is awesome and can be used offline as well, connectivity to almost every device including radios via the fm transmitter or simply via a cable that makes this phone into a portable hardrive, bluetooth 3.0 which makes connectivity and data transfer pretty quick, pentaband support etc. There are lots that i could go on about but you can dig here and someone would cover what i've missed. So what do i use it for? The big one here is the fm transmitter when driving to play my downloaded music from ovi music (6 months unlimited downloads with device), my car has a usb slot so i can connect it to this and have it charge while i play music that displays the song info on my radio screen and change songs using my steering controls, the camera was my big motivation and nokia didnt dissappoint here. In fact the camera is reigning supreme for almost a year now. The built in photo and video editors are a nice inclusion with the phone too. I have taken over a 1000 photos because of my work and it fails to dissappoint me thus far. At home using the bt 3.0 for connecting to my pc is a breeze. I dont even bother using a cable and it just works! The maps are great and voice guided too! No need to connect to the internet to use this feature too! I purchased a dvb-h headset and now use the phone to watch live broadcast tv. If your country supports this then you're away! E-mail is nothing fab but it works just fine. I have 3 running and 1 am using mail for exchange for my work emails. It syncs nicely with my work calender as well so tasks can sync with alarms too! The big fuss about customisation is just that. A fuss! I set it up once to how i like it and done! Using the phone to view movies on a screen is also a breeze enhancing the phones multimedia ability. Using the phone itself for movies isnt a prob as the built in player is pretty good. The browser is not good and that goes for the functionallity of it. I dont care for flash that much and for browsing i use opera and it is a pleasure to use. The main things that erks me with this phone nevertheless is the browser. I mean it should have come with a better one and i would have just switched the flash off anyway.. There is no portrait qwerty which is just sad. There should have been an LED light as well built in for video recording as well. The cpu could have been at least 1ghz but that isnt a downside as the gpu does an awesome job for the lack of one. It is just for the longevity of this phone that i feel it should have had one at start. A better ram memory couldnt have hurt either. All in all, i still love this phone and the anna update should fix the browser and portrait out. Belle should bring this phone closer to android in terms of flexability of the homescreens and eliminate the drilling through menus. Mind you, as i said earlier that the phone has the feature for customising it already but belle should make it easier to use. In terms of being a phone, this n8 shines. Calls are always clear signal strength very good. No dropped calls.
            The android phone that you want is something that i cannot comment on as i havnt used it. The android os is good. The app market is superb. The thing is that most androids c6e without core features built in the os. You can get it from android market but as an app. The n8 has these features baked into the os. Thus far my phones freeze and lag but the n8 just works. It has frozen a couple of times but not often. I trust it so much that the other 2 sit at home and my n8 is my trustworthy companion on a daily basis. Dont get me wrong, android is good and getting better. 2.3 fixes some issues but do your research before committing to a phone. There are some good droids. Just choose the right one. Choice is yours.

              • J
              • Jim7i8
              • 0Zv
              • 01 Aug 2011

              And after Anna comes Belle! Now, check this video guys! Symbian Belle on N8 : . It just looks great, N8 rocks!!!

                • D
                • AnonD-14462
                • w9J
                • 01 Aug 2011

                N8 is really really rock my world...It's awesome...waiting for Anna

                  • D
                  • AnonD-15976
                  • LBH
                  • 01 Aug 2011

                  Nokia N8 offers the best features for the price, I don't know what people going crazy over Galaxy and iPhone. Good job Nokia!

                    • b
                    • bharat
                    • 2S{
                    • 01 Aug 2011

                    i think its video calling is not good. it is better in samsung phones or sony phones. besides this , this is not a good phone for internet

                      • a
                      • avinash
                      • MHx
                      • 01 Aug 2011

                      Janus, 01 Aug 2011Hey Guys, does anyone have problems with playing mp4 format... moreno, N8 plays all the muvee formats pretty well...try again!! Only muvees larger than 2 Gb cannot be forwarded or rewinded....else everything is ok...also the codec must be as the N8 codec..for changing the codec u can use Quick Converter!!!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-15551
                        • wiU
                        • 01 Aug 2011

                        Plz help me...??
                        i am facing purple tint issue in my C7,should i go for nokia care or waiting for anna release ,because many people told anna solved the purple tint problem,
                        thnx in advance....

                          • N
                          • Nana Ama
                          • fuI
                          • 01 Aug 2011

                          please i have Nokia N8 but the sound is not coming and it ask to disable the flight mode, how do you do that, and get the sound.

                            • A
                            • Achint
                            • vGS
                            • 01 Aug 2011

                            Vineeth, 01 Aug 2011I am loving this great smart phone.Awesome performance and ... morei am thinking to buy new nokia frnds tell me that it has software problems.............pls who has this phone pls tell about if there any software problem

                              • V
                              • Vineeth
                              • vGv
                              • 01 Aug 2011

                              I am loving this great smart phone.Awesome performance and the camera works perfect.Cool phone.

                                • V
                                • Vinsanity19
                                • sxr
                                • 01 Aug 2011

                                ronald, 01 Aug 2011its already August and I'm excited to upgrade my N8 to Symb... moreSame here men... Excited to upgrade my N8 to Symbian Anna via official firmware.

                                  • g
                                  • goldcrow
                                  • t7J
                                  • 01 Aug 2011

                                  I'm choosing between this or the Optimus Black. Anyone care to comment as to why I should go for N8? I know the N8's camera blows the LG OB's out of the water, but anything else besides that?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • upa
                                    • 01 Aug 2011

                                    it awsome mobile. I like it's camera so much. Nice closeup's with macro mode.

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-15988
                                      • KgQ
                                      • 01 Aug 2011

                                      kakshi, 30 Jul 2011what is good ? N8 OR X7 ???????????very good nokia N8 mobile so enjoy with N8

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-15988
                                        • KgQ
                                        • 01 Aug 2011

                                        kakshi, 30 Jul 2011what is good ? N8 OR X7 ???????????very good nokia N8 mobile so enjoy with N8