Nokia N8
- M
- Matthias
- 12 Jun 2014
Hi. I have a N8 which seems to be missing the fm transmitter (pl via radio function). How do I get it back? I am running on Nokia Belle Refresh 1514
- v
- vavval
- 7j{
- 11 Jun 2014
super phone
- N
- Nokia fan
- t7X
- 10 Jun 2014
pushpa, 05 Jun 2014my nokia n8 can't make viber viice call pls give me instruc... moresame on my n8
- M
- MdN8
- B}Q
- 09 Jun 2014
For everyone who needs a replacement for Nokia Internet Radio (no longer supported by Nokia), first version of cuteRadio is now available. It's not completely perfect yet but it works well and will be improved.
Download here and install:
- x
- xay
- tS4
- 07 Jun 2014
I can't to shear all file of memory my mobile phone
- D
- AnonD-11453
- PX5
- 06 Jun 2014
it is working perfectly on my n8, my friend maybe if you download the app again or try another installer it may work.
- M
- MdN8
- akv
- 05 Jun 2014
Some bad news, some good news. Nokia Internet Radio doesn't work any more (thanks for nothing Nokia) but the guy who developed cuteTube is completing cuteRadio, internet radio app, and it should be out soon.
- ?
- Anonymous
- vaS
- 05 Jun 2014
Changing your perception on Windows phone, eh????
- D
- AnonD-20890
- 6vt
- 05 Jun 2014
Anonymous, 23 May 2014Best camera quality lens. Could'nt find any better with the... moreWhat to do man?. Nokia and Microsoft do not care for its customers.
- p
- pushpa
- 9xH
- 05 Jun 2014
my nokia n8 can't make viber viice call pls give me instruction. thank,s
- C
- Carol
- n@g
- 02 Jun 2014
MdN8, 02 Jun 2014Wow thanks for this. I've read a lot about WP and yet you m... moreYou,re welcome, i will come back as soon as i can with updates if you are interested. After the official release of 8.1 maybe i can say more about the system
- M
- MdN8
- B}Q
- 02 Jun 2014
Carol, 29 May 2014So, as i promised. Small review made by me, after 10 years ... moreWow thanks for this. I've read a lot about WP and yet you mentioned a lot of things nobody else did. You rule. :-) It's just small things a real Symbian user would complain about, and I'm similar. Yeah, profiles... I need them. I suppose there's a way around everything and there's a new official file manager now, and you win a lot, lose a lot... Still I think I'd like to try it. Just last week I finally saw the 1020 in real life (shop window) and I admit I didn't remember any other phone. Just remembered I saw the 1020. White, but never mind. It was a bit the same when I first saw the N8 - well I didn't say "WOW the 1020!" like I was impressed with the N8, but still I can't think of many more interesting phones. There's a 808 - 1020 - K Zoom comparison on AllAboutSymbian now and the Samsung doesn't look too bad, but still... It's "Google inside" and I just can't make myself want it. Google sells your data, but when US agencies ask Microsoft for data, Microsoft sends them a bill too, and they have to pay. That's sort of cool. I like BlackBerry but there's no Xenon. Or iPhone. And I'd rather have Xenon than 1000 apps, I need it, especially for macros these days. I could write much more but I won't now, I've read your impressions 2-3 times already just so you know. Thanks, man! :-)
- C
- Carol
- J5C
- 01 Jun 2014, 01 Jun 2014if somebody calls me it doesnt ring though all ring setting... moreIf you play songs it sings? through it's integrated speaker? Or listening to videos and so on...
- g
- N9A
- 01 Jun 2014
if somebody calls me it doesnt ring though all ring setting is ok.what could be the plroblem
- C
- Carol
- J5C
- 31 May 2014
AnonD-92342, 31 May 2014 moreYep thanks, but is exactly what i,ve expected. Minimalistic and limited:). Pocket file manager sees the part where windows is installed, at least so it appears cause is the only one showing files that none other shows. Still, is not enoigh. X-plore and the way symbian can be explored is just, just out of this limited stuffs...
- D
- AnonD-92342
- vj1
- 31 May 2014
Carol, 31 May 2014Yup, i updated it mostly cause of the notifications and vol... more
- C
- Carol
- J5C
- 31 May 2014
[deleted post]Yup, i updated it mostly cause of the notifications and volume rocker. I new about this problems before i bought it, cause a friend of mine has the lumia 610 and he often didb,t answer the phone. That happened mostly cause he was turning down the volume in apps while playing and forgot to turn it up again. Anyway i said 8.1 is fixing this GREAT issue. Unfortunately sometimes still happens to hit the rocker and lower the sound. Also happened to take it out and se is aking me if i want to turn it off (you know that slider). And first two time from instinct i slide it down and goodbye. That annoyied me quite serios. Anyway, slowely i get used to the new limitations. And now the thibgs bothering me the most is battery file transfer backup and of course file manager. Files i didn,t find but one and that,s from Togran studios and it not quite a file manager. The one the has a bit of file manager in it and the only one getting close to file manager is pocket file manager. But even this cannot be called real file manager.
- D
- AnonD-92342
- vj1
- 31 May 2014
Carol, 31 May 2014Yup, i don,t have it, i just have nothing better to do but ... moreThe only thing that's really bothering me the most ad really annoying is the volume rocker probs that u hev that certainly i wouldn't wanna hev. Maybe 1020s have softer buttons coz the 820s are stiffs. U never mentioned if u had updated ur phone to 8.1, too. So maybe some probs will b gone if u updated. Except of course for the scratched screen. It actually took me two weeks to finally update after having it coz i was trying to get used to wp and even asked daniel, the one cfw maker of symbian if i could use phoenix to update wp same as symbian. He also has a 1020 as u do. I just made sure i could roll back to 8.0 if the dev update would gone totally wrong. I wasn't even sure i'd use cortana coz was afraid i would brick the phone but daniel said it was cool. No worries. Now u just have to go to windows store, and it's awesome coz they named it Files as in symbian's. It's ms' official file manager app. U should really have it now. Gotta go for now.
- C
- Carol
- J5C
- 31 May 2014
Anyway, let,s go further with the so called small review.
Still on the negative side (and maybe the last negative): Power button is dumb to. This should be definetly changed. If you keep it pressed more then 2 seconds egal if the sereen is locked the option to turn it off appears.BAD, Verry BAD. I turned it of twice by mistake. Fix? Just disable it in lock screen or put some more seconds to that freaqin, option. Anyway i started to get used with this and trying to avoid the buttons as much as i can. Another thing that with symbian i never head. There are some others but now i can,t remember, that probably means that are not that important or bad.
Heaving: As i first said, it,s hardware is just mindblowing, this boy is a monster. Camera, yup, beats n8,s one (some say, not quite cause of the color saturation and also the focuse, cause sometimes can be quite tricky to use, some users complaining about landscspe shots and focus). 2. It gets you reed of shazam and neo readers or code readers, also you get an interesting translator only by taking a pic of the writing. How? Just pressing the button on the right, the button all said is useless i find quite usefull and i love it,s integrated functions. So, entering search mode the pressing on the eye down there (vision) will open tge code bar reader, neo or translator, all in one you decide what you want it to see, he will pic automaticaly what it does. For all this functions you need internet. Also there is another screen button (a musical note) that will bring you the listener. Which is quite fast in listening and also quite accurate to find what is singing and is free to. Goodbye shazam.
Internet? Fast, really fast. Now i just find my self turning the pc on more rarely to never per day (of clurse when i need yo see just small stuff. Not that is not fast enough, but a pc and it,s keybord is a pc. Also i like the way the tasks can be closed in wp8.1 just drag the tasks dow the screed and they will be closed (i love swiping). Feels allot like windows 8 desktop edition. I love the live titles, especially now, that are transparent. Till now other stuff i couldnt find. Is fast, this is all i can praise about. Do i like it? Am i frustrated with it. Yes and no, maybe sometimes when trying to do some serios backup and file sharing. Cause this are the most i,m missing in it. Windows phone got really far right now, i read allot of complains that are fixed with every update and 8.1 feels like is starting to become a rral system. Though not complete, am still waiting to deliver. Overall, if you want nokia hardware you can go for a lumia, overall is a good experience. If you want serios system customization and don,t care abou hardware to much. Android is your only chance. Is the only one delivering at least some parts symbian is capable of. While windows is way more stable the android. So, it all dependz of you. What is clear is the Symbian is stll the king and could be even more greater now if people would just stress to learn it a bit. When commes to privacy, with wp i,m gone the drain of exposi,g, even though is not that harsh as android, is still there. And i don,t like it. But, what can i say? Should i go back to normal phones? Maybe i will, in future, nevdr know. Now am just learning to enjoy this masterpiece.:)
- C
- Carol
- J5C
- 31 May 2014
AnonD-92342, 31 May 2014i'm starting to wonder y u even bought a windows phone when... moreYup, i don,t have it, i just have nothing better to do but talking about a phone i don,t owe. I bought this cause was the only one i could find in stores with the name nokia and 41 mpx. Also, i bought this cause i cannot aford and don,t want to pay so much money at once. So i,m paying everymonth 27 euros, 18 months. Now, let,s see. First of all i promised i will take it and compare it to symbian and this is what i have done. And if you don,t have the same issues with it, much likely you don,t owe a wp device or don,t know symbian devices at all. Anyway, please do tell me which is that file manager you talk about that looks like symbian,s x-plore and works like it to. I,m opened to everything. As for knowing the system work. Of corse i know, i owe it since last 3 weeks. And yes, my freaquin screen is scratched and doesn,t have just one scratch. Same happened to those from pocketnow and i didn,t believed them. Apparently the scratches are on the oleophobic coating, they say. I don,t care, is still scratched, and i don,t like it.