Nokia N8
- a
- ael35
- JF5
- 06 Mar 2011
After using this phone for 1 month, then using a galaxy s for another...I must say that this phone is 3 generations behind the samsung. Sad to see nokia in this condition.
I urge anyone who wants to buy this phone to look at the galaxy s first.
- ?
- Anonymous
- MsN
- 06 Mar 2011
AnonD-2869, 06 Mar 2011I'd say poor you because this isn't a Nokia official page t... moreBecause we don't care for our selves only. We care also for other buyers so that they will buy the Nokia phone that is not defective. If we don't care for others then why we waste our time posting comments here. These what makes the GSM Arena popular, because of the freedom for the mass to post both positive & negative experiences. I don't think Nokia will consider negative comments as destructive criticisms. Negative comments are constructive criticisms that will push Nokia to produce much better products. I strongly feel that the next issue of Nokia phones there is less or no more issue about purple screen because they learned from it. People who wants others to stop posting negative comments are the people that have no right to post anything in GSM Arena, because GSM Arena blog spot is designed for posting both Positive & Negative comments as long as it follows the following rules:
Posting rules
* Please no foul language
* Be polite and use common sense
* English only
* Expressions of hatred based on race/ethnicity, sex, sexual orientation, disability, and religion are strictly prohibited
* No commercial advertising
* No SPAM. No pyramid schemes of any kind
* No bashing - deliberately and repeatedly bashing the same brand
* No trolling - deliberately antagonizing other brand/model users
* Read before you post. Search before you post. There is a big chance that your question is already answered
* Posting your contact info such as phone number or email is not a good idea. We won't be responsible for any unwanted consequences.
* Unlocking discussions are not welcome
If you don't follow the above rules, your post will be probably deleted.
- D
- AnonD-1082
- kJX
- 06 Mar 2011
AnonD-2869, 06 Mar 2011I am just letting you know,no need to cover,cos everybody c... moreNo. That's not true. There are N8 owners out there who never noticed anything until they stumbled upon a post on this forum about the defect. They tested their units and found out they are affected. I assume they went to Nokia care for a fix but keep in mind that not everyone can go to Nokia Care as some lives far away from the nearest center.
Had they knew about it before then they will surely won't pick a defective unit. This is why it's important to have the public aware of the defect.
- D
- AnonD-1082
- kJX
- 06 Mar 2011
AnonD-2869, 06 Mar 2011I am just letting you know,no need to cover,cos everybody c... moreThis is not a fan page. This forum gets more hits than the Nokia suport forum about the purple screen. If only rcda had known about the defect when he picked his unit then he would have picked one that's not affected by the purple screen. If I am in the market for a new phone I want to know the pros and cons of it and the defects and faults it may have. Stop trying to control what people wants to post. You are just irritated at him because he's posting something negative like the purple screen defect found on the N8. It's better to have the public informed about the defect so they won't pick a unit that have the purple screen.
- A
- vwe
- 06 Mar 2011
very nice phone
- A
- vwe
- 06 Mar 2011
very nice phone
- D
- AnonD-698
- utv
- 06 Mar 2011
now think so its useless to come in gsmarena forum in n8 section bcoz same old stories and comments and problems are seen here everyday since n8 has launched .......
- S
- 98W
- 06 Mar 2011
very very sexy mobile,.,.,.,.,
- m
- magnetic
- t@J
- 06 Mar 2011
yes the purple screen problem is real. on full brightness it does not show the purple color but it shows poor very poor gradients. there is a gradient test image which is white to black from left to right with smooth gradient. N8 shows this smooth gradient as 10-12 solid blocks. i.e. the ugly difference between the gradient levels are very clearly visible.
- D
- AnonD-2869
- 06 Mar 2011
AnonD-1082, 06 Mar 2011Who the hell are you? Let him post what he wants. You own G... moreI am just letting you know,no need to cover,cos everybody can see it to be silly to post something useless on fan page which rather should be on Nokia Support page. I am just helping before he gets more silly. Do you have 2 accounts? cos I feel like rcda and anonymous are the same person with different name only. Just try a better way next time ok?
- J
- Jon
- fwg
- 06 Mar 2011
Anonymous, 06 Mar 2011hi just want to ask if anybody had tried uninstalling an ap... moreHi. I was googling mobile anti-virus for N8 and came across a site full of complaints about trying to delete trial version of Kaspersky Mobile. Apparently you have to enter a code which is never given to you when you install it. Go onto the Kaspersky site and query it there. Apparently you have to send in your imei number and some other details. Sorry I don't have the site.
I decided not to install for the above complaints.
- J
- Jon
- fwg
- 06 Mar 2011
Just got my N8 a few days ago. Loving it, responsive, great screen, good sound, great camera etc.
Not too worried about the future of Symbian as it's doing all I want of it at the moment. This is my first smartphone, so I sure I will find thing which I will need assistance with along the way.
I have tried a folder hider application from Ovi, but it doesn't work too well. Any suggestions to hide photos from prying eyes?
- ?
- Anonymous
- sxt
- 06 Mar 2011
AnonD-898, 05 Mar 2011check out our site for latest ap... moreur late there is already mod 6 for s3 gosh...
- h
- hafiz.mohd88
- 06 Mar 2011
Some said iphone 3GS is good, but i prefer Nokia N8..
still confius, which one are the best...
regarding internet, function... iphone 3gS o N8???
can someone help he plz...
- i
- indi
- utr
- 06 Mar 2011
ai, 06 Mar 2011hi!1 we r interested in buying..pls suggest... nasimgud... moreits grate phone i m in love with it. i have used i phone ,android but for me symbian 3 is gretest os. only becoz symbian is not doing that much add. that dosent mean its not good. its baby now and its groing like anything
- a
- ai
- MsN
- 06 Mar 2011
Anonymous, 05 Mar 2011Where can I buy N8 without defects? What if i sell this pho... morehi!1
we r interested in buying..pls suggest...
- A
- Ahmed
- 3yE
- 06 Mar 2011
I am disapointed Nokia N8. I bought a new one Nokia N8 (made in Finland ) and enjoyed only 3 days this mobile. After charging orginal charger atached to whole set, my Nokia didn't start again. Charger is ok, but my Nokia is not charged any more. I see only on the begining flashing LED located close to USB socket and that's all.
I am very disapointed Nokia and regret that I didn't buy another brand.
- B
- Bilal
- U3x
- 06 Mar 2011
They are not killing symbian next year. They'll support it. They are just using Windows phone in high end phones, Symbian in mid and high end phones and S40 in mid and low end phones. And its totally right that killing Symbian will not kill our Symbian based phones.
- D
- AnonD-3138
- tZu
- 06 Mar 2011
really nokia N8 is an awesome mobile with great feature and that's why i like nokia N8 so much
- D
- AnonD-3137
- fX1
- 06 Mar 2011
Hi Guy's
Can someone please tell me where i can download privacy lock for my N8..My kids keep deleting my files & pics.Went onto My-lookout mobi,but the download say's the phone does not suport the file format.something can or cam...thank you