Nokia N8

Nokia N8

User opinions and reviews

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  • ?
  • Anonymous
  • sxt
  • 25 Feb 2011

Bad Phone., 25 Feb 2011Just a bad experience. Everything you've heard about the O... moreHave you seen this? At least the N8 does not lie about it's features and capabilities. And we are not mindless. Nokia is made a very difficult decision, and I must admit, I am against it to. Nokia has been the undisputable number 1 for over the last decade, and they are trying hard to regain lost trust. Let them be haters. At least they do not force themselves to lie to their customers.;_ylc=X3oDMTkyMDIzdDg3BF9TAzIwMjM1MzgwNzUEYQMxMTAyMjQgZmluYW5jZSBBcHBsZSBTdG9yZSBzZWNyZXRzIHQEY3BvcwMzNgRnA2lkLTcxMjQ3BGludGwDdXMEaXRjAzAEbHR4dANBcHBsZVN0b3Jlc2VjcmV0c3JldmVhbGVkBHBrZ3YDMTMEcG9zAzAEc2VjA3RkLWZlYXQEc2xrA3RodW1ibGluawR0YXIDaHR0cDovL2ZpbmFuY2UueWFob28uY29tL3RlY2gtdGlja2VyL2NvbmZlc3Npb25zLW9mLWFuLWFwcGxlLXN0b3JlLWVtcGxveWVlLXdlLWxpZS10by1jdXN0b21lcnMtYWxsLXRoZS10aW1lLTUzNTk1OS5odG1sBHRlc3QDNzAx/SIG=14cpd7n1t/EXP=1298733130/**http%3A//

    • D
    • AnonD-2481
    • N95
    • 25 Feb 2011

    aish, 25 Feb 2011download ndesk and spb mobile shell for your will l... moreAish,

    I previously paid almost 27 dls for this shell, but after download the app for 5 times, they said I spent the amount of downloads available, hate these guys, I won't paid for this sh... again, also where's the ndesk you mentioned? I couldn't find it in the Ovistore.


      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • efV
      • 25 Feb 2011

      aish, 25 Feb 2011download ndesk and spb mobile shell for your will l... morecan you tell me how? What is new with it?

        • ?
        • Anonymous
        • ef@
        • 25 Feb 2011

        got my nokia n8 yesterday...kudos to nokia for excellent touchscreen. A thousand times better than symbian 5th edition.

          • u
          • unionjackjackson
          • np1
          • 25 Feb 2011

          Guys to speed up the phone turn off Theme effects.

          Settings > Themes > General > options > Theme effects > Off.

          You should notice the difference big time when swiping and in general!

            • J
            • Jos
            • N95
            • 25 Feb 2011

            aish, 25 Feb 2011download ndesk and spb mobile shell for your will l... moreAish,

            I did that, but even when I paid around $27 dls for this shell, after downloading the app for 5 times since the lack of performance, now they said I spent the ammonut of downloading availables, now I need to pay the shit again, Fuck this guys......

              • a
              • aish
              • UD$
              • 25 Feb 2011

              download ndesk and spb mobile shell for your will love it. change your ui..n8 the best.

                • J
                • Jos
                • N95
                • 25 Feb 2011

                Anonymous, 25 Feb 2011There are some strong feelings against Nokia and the N8. If... moreCome on guys, let's be honest, Nokia is probably the best mobiles brand ever, also the N8 is an amazing cellphone, but only hardware speaking, myself I love my N8, but the lack of applications available for Symbian and the desperate tries from the Nokia CEO about merging with Microsoft, it's just another mistake. I'm really disapointed about how old the Symbian 3 looks in my N8, comparing with the Iphone 4 and the Samnsung galaxy, this UI is a joke, really slow, the browsers sucks including the Opera, anyways the only thing I can tell is really good it's the 12 mp camera and the HDMI port, 'cause even the USB on the go doeesn't even move my 500 gb HDD.

                  • M
                  • Mk
                  • kUW
                  • 25 Feb 2011

                  Anonymous, 25 Feb 2011hav u seen the new symbian ui and the homescreen http://... moreI cant wait 4 that

                    • p
                    • phone lover
                    • 2Ir
                    • 25 Feb 2011

                    [deleted post]Nobbie so idiotic,can u do sth rather than keep complaning? go to from your mobile browser,there's a youtube app for Nokia N8 ok? sooooo noob.

                      • r
                      • rdca
                      • t7P
                      • 25 Feb 2011

                      Hepe, 25 Feb 2011Nokia N8 is how much for each??nokia store

                      other mobile store

                        • ?
                        • Anonymous
                        • jst
                        • 25 Feb 2011

                        There are some strong feelings against Nokia and the N8. If they werent that good these haters would have just ignored them not waste time cussing them out. Hate all you want, haters. Nokia and N8 may not be the best in UI etc. but are still the preferred brand and mobile device for millions. It is without question the best all round multimedia device.The sales speak for itself.

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • ftV
                          • 25 Feb 2011

                          [deleted post]There are several 'proper' youtube apps for symbian. I believe one comes preloaded with the n8.

                            • H
                            • Hepe
                            • PS6
                            • 25 Feb 2011

                            Nokia N8 is how much for each??

                              • t
                              • trebphil
                              • w0Q
                              • 25 Feb 2011

                              i just love this phone. configured it so i can still receive business emails using my company's email account and what's more, i can view, edit and save the attachments. it hanged and froze once, but overall... still the best for me.

                                • B
                                • Bad Phone.
                                • je{
                                • 25 Feb 2011

                                Just a bad experience.
                                Everything you've heard about the OS sucking is true.
                                I may even switch to the iPhone after this.
                                I hope Nokia goes bankrupt. The entire world is in a revolutionary state! Wake up Nokia Sheep! This company is full of lies and empty promises.
                                Now, no doubt the mindless sheep will come and try to defend this stupid company...
                                go on... sheep... start throwing your 5 year fit now...

                                  • C
                                  • ChrisD
                                  • N75
                                  • 25 Feb 2011

                                  I got my n8 about 2 months back. Not a bad fone I must say. I was using Samsung i900 before now and must say it was a good transition for me.

                                  This hangs if it is left for long while. Why is there no game preloaded. How do i use the flashlight?

                                  I took some pictures at night and it had some whitish things all over. Is it that i did not set it up very well?

                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • jFF
                                    • 25 Feb 2011

                                    Fruit Ninja is now available over ovi store.

                                      • R
                                      • Raj
                                      • ib3
                                      • 25 Feb 2011

                                      Hi Frenz,i have bought Nokia C7 & N8.Both of phone are very Good and convienent for me.Thanks to NOKIA team.

                                        • s
                                        • shuja
                                        • ib1
                                        • 25 Feb 2011

                                        DANGER, 25 Feb 2011east or west, nokia is the is the worst.