Nokia N8
- t
- trebphil
- w0Q
- 25 Feb 2011
i just love this phone. configured it so i can still receive business emails using my company's email account and what's more, i can view, edit and save the attachments. it hanged and froze once, but overall... still the best for me.
- B
- Bad Phone.
- je{
- 25 Feb 2011
Just a bad experience.
Everything you've heard about the OS sucking is true.
I may even switch to the iPhone after this.
I hope Nokia goes bankrupt. The entire world is in a revolutionary state! Wake up Nokia Sheep! This company is full of lies and empty promises.
Now, no doubt the mindless sheep will come and try to defend this stupid company...
go on... sheep... start throwing your 5 year fit now...
- C
- ChrisD
- N75
- 25 Feb 2011
I got my n8 about 2 months back. Not a bad fone I must say. I was using Samsung i900 before now and must say it was a good transition for me.
This hangs if it is left for long while. Why is there no game preloaded. How do i use the flashlight?
I took some pictures at night and it had some whitish things all over. Is it that i did not set it up very well?
- ?
- Anonymous
- jFF
- 25 Feb 2011
Fruit Ninja is now available over ovi store.
- R
- Raj
- ib3
- 25 Feb 2011
Hi Frenz,i have bought Nokia C7 & N8.Both of phone are very Good and convienent for me.Thanks to NOKIA team.
- s
- shuja
- ib1
- 25 Feb 2011
DANGER, 25 Feb 2011east or west, nokia is the is the worst.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0Cp
- 25 Feb 2011
Can anybody please say that the N8 whcih is made in finland, getting in the Middleast (qatar) is original or not....
- C
- Clairvoyant
- 3qR
- 25 Feb 2011
best phone ever !
- ?
- Anonymous
- PU6
- 25 Feb 2011
V, 24 Feb 2011Are you delusional? Of course people have to post the negat... moreyes negative aspect and i understand that. and im thinking more than what you think.i only tell my part ,,as ive said dont judge the phone,no need to post that. i tried a lot of nokia handset, i read manual instruction,,and theres nothing problem in it,you address your post just to disappoint the buyers, JUST FIX YOUR OWN PROBLEM, ITS NOT A BIG MISTAKE,
- B
- Bharat
- 0Cp
- 25 Feb 2011
Anybody knows that the N8 which is made in Finland getting in the Middleast (Qatar) is Original or not....?
- D
- PAm
- 25 Feb 2011
east or west, nokia is the best.
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 25 Feb 2011
n8 is better than galaxy.
n8 doesnt need 1ghz bec it can smoothly run on 680 mhz
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 25 Feb 2011
hav u seen the new symbian ui and the homescreen
- ?
- Anonymous
- t7U
- 25 Feb 2011
that is pr2
- j
- jojo
- Yc0
- 25 Feb 2011
Anonymous, 25 Feb 2011hello, please help, I am planning to buy a nokia n8, but wh... moreget the n8 trust me you wont regret this decision
- D
- AnonD-2450
- tUX
- 25 Feb 2011
All Nokia N8 user try this theme to UR N8 device and say thanks...
- ?
- Anonymous
- AMx
- 25 Feb 2011
Anonymous, 25 Feb 2011hello, please help, I am planning to buy a nokia n8, but wh... moreN8 will be getting a UI refresh soon. It will be much more user-friendly. However, to be very honest with you, it probably won't stand a chance against the Galaxy S || line-up. Dual core processor with dual USB connection. Super AMOLED plus technology. The only advantage N8 has over the S || is its camera. The video will lose out cause S|| can record 1080p video.
- ?
- Anonymous
- TL5
- 25 Feb 2011
hello, please help, I am planning to buy a nokia n8, but which is better n8 or samsung galaxy. please help
- S
- PAv
- 25 Feb 2011
only one for this phone and that is AWSOME
- ?
- Anonymous
- IDp
- 25 Feb 2011
Is there a GBA emulator for the N8?