Nokia N8
- A
- Mf5
- 31 Oct 2013
HAHAHA....THINK SOMETHING BIGGGGGGGERRRRR....Its of all Game+free apps lovers..Its only 256 MB RAM, 512 MB ROM & CPU is 680 MHz ARM 11( its amazing...hahaha so funny no matter for symbian user can of luck carry on with this Hanggy handset )hahhaha...
AND any normal Android has
1 GB RAM + Quad-core 1.2 GHz + HD support + Dual sim
AND MANY MORE... Think Bigger friends
I know that Android is more powerfull then Symbian...Unfortunily its true and Symbian is.....
hahahaha..........what Eles i can say...its true try to accpect this true that Android is best...
good luck for Symbian User
- ?
- Anonymous
- X0Z
- 31 Oct 2013
Anonymous, 31 Oct 2013Hi friends, its almost an year i am using N8 & i am com... moredats happen generally in night time wid any camera with flash.
dont use flash in night,,,, or try wid night mode
- ?
- Anonymous
- XMp
- 31 Oct 2013
Carol, 31 Oct 2013Hey, if you have the official firmware, do a refurbish in d... morethanx carol i did dead usb flashing with the custom firmware and guess wht my n8 came back ohhh my god m so damn happy hn it came back i almost cried out wid my joy well thenew interface is much cooler the menu got systemizd like all internet related app went into internet related folder same as nokia maps nd drive went into navigation folder got new cool interface system UI is working excellent at times felt better than iphone gt new equalizers nd gt 166 mb on c drive all looking awesome....thanx for ur help nd advice carol nd mdn..... M writin this wid my n8
- ?
- Anonymous
- tTZ
- 31 Oct 2013
guyz am not getng my ovi applictn.! Itz shwn download aftr downldng itz nt instalng also plz sumbdy help me.
- C
- Carol
- J5L
- 31 Oct 2013
ANDROID, 30 Oct 2013i know that ones open a time nokia n8 was good moreLet's start. Android succed not cause was good or better (is not even close to Symbian when comes to capabilities, that crap cannot reach symbian's small finger from it's foot, if you don't know about systems try not to be ignorant and contradict me, bringging your free apps as an example;), it succed cause was new and advertised a tone before it's release. Funny part is that at it's release was a bigger crap that it is now. Anyway, everything that's new tend to attract the mass. And the wannabe symbian users were not better then the mass. Also Symbian was never advertised and a big part from the so called smartphone users this days had no clue there are smartphones out there and also those devices could do what android can still not do (in fact all crappy new systems are not able to do entirely what symbian is capable of). For them, icrapOs and hauserobot were the first smartphone systems in the world. Ain't that ignorance? So nope, the death of symbian came cause Nokia was idiot, others paid good money for their advertisement, ”chepos” who run after trend and the mass, who know's pretty much nothing, not cause of that crappy rrobott.
- S
- Sharan
- rJH
- 31 Oct 2013
Best fone..processors are excellent
- ?
- Anonymous
- Hkq
- 31 Oct 2013
Hi friends, its almost an year i am using N8 & i am completely satisfied with its awesome performance. But just wanna ask, while clicking pics inside premises, pics are just awesome But when i click pics somewhere outside, white circles are visible making the pics look ugly sometimes. Why does this happen. Is there any solution to this issue ??
- C
- Carol
- J5L
- 31 Oct 2013
AnonD-129768, 31 Oct 2013Thanx same thing was in my mind bt should i do it myself or... moreHey, if you have the official firmware, do a refurbish in dead usb mode with it. You can do it by your self, no worries. After your phone comes up alive, rewrite the custom one, only this time do not forget to hit update. Then, everything should be fine.
- A
- Anything
- wcf
- 31 Oct 2013
ANDROID, 28 Oct 2013Wrost app on new games only NFS,... moreI see him trollin , and hatin hahahaha
- A
- Anonymous
- iwt
- 31 Oct 2013
ehsan, 29 Oct 2013how to clean up C drive? From mobile/Pc ....Read this to clean up your phone's C Drive:
- D
- AnonD-129768
- XMp
- 31 Oct 2013
MdN, 31 Oct 2013Hi Awez, I'm not an expert, but I think the best thing t... moreThanx same thing was in my mind bt should i do it myself or should take it to some shop here around....
- D
- AnonD-129768
- XMp
- 31 Oct 2013
MdN, 31 Oct 2013Hi Awez, I'm not an expert, but I think the best thing t... moreThanx same thing was in my mind bt should i do it myself or should take it to some shop here around....
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftV
- 31 Oct 2013
ANDROID, 30 Oct 2013i know that ones open a time nokia n8 was good moremy friend this sit is not for android fans ok
- M
- MdN
- B}Q
- 31 Oct 2013
AnonD-129768, 31 Oct 2013Hy Carol Nd MdN I am landed in a problem actually i tried t... moreHi Awez,
I'm not an expert, but I think the best thing to try is to look for "Nokia N8 USB dead flashing" - look for it on Google. You already have Phoenix so I hope it works. I found one tutorial here:
- D
- AnonD-129768
- XMp
- 31 Oct 2013
Hy Carol Nd MdN I am landed in a problem actually i tried to flash my n8 with delight custom firmware 6..3 using pheonix all was good i followed each and every steps my phone boots well nd after nokia logo it shows x sign nd above it says delight belle good till here nw worst part homescreen comes up jus battery bar antenna network bar alarm bar showing nd a option button ib bottom right screen corner of the screen nothin much more carema starts by pressing camera key bt it goes black for couple of secs i have rebooted phone couple of time nd powdr booted fone by pressing power button for 12 secs no luck as per the flashing tutorial it the steps were followed i think i missed there whn it says reburish or update software i jus reburished didnt updated software bt as per instructions a message was displayed when the flashing was supposed to be done.... i again tried to connect my fone with pheonix bt it is not detecting my fone also i can feceive calls bt it. Cant make outgoing calls it promts error emergency calls only plz sdvice what should i do.... ty. Nd u android stay away from here go nd write ur crappy comments on some laggy android fones leave us...
- R
- s%{
- 30 Oct 2013
ANDROID, 30 Oct 2013i know that ones open a time nokia n8 was good moreAndroid is a good OS but android 4ns are batery n8 is 1year old but it can satisfy me anytime bcoz it has everything I is well as FM transmeter is very helpful.offline maps are showing my way everytime if I need it.I can use my N8 for 2or3 days after 1 full charge.Android's free applications are good,but it is not everything.n8 rox..
love N8....
- A
- Mf5
- 30 Oct 2013
Anonymous, 29 Oct 2013@ android no matter bad things u siad abt this phone (N8),... morei know that ones open a time nokia n8 was good handset...because that time android was not born..but after android why go anyware its largest platfrom of the word in this time with milion of free apps..i feel bored with nokia no..only camera quality is good...and all other part laking....
- A
- Aadrian
- 0wx
- 30 Oct 2013
ANDROID, 28 Oct 2013Wrost app on new games only NFS,... moretroll alarm.
- D
- AnonD-172944
- f0G
- 30 Oct 2013
So what is the fate of we Symbian users? because I Love my N8.
I stormed on an article online "Symbian Enthusiasts Petition For Release Of Source Code
by Mister Mobility | October 27, 2013". I got it from
what does that mean? do we still have hope for the Symbian revival?
- ?
- Anonymous
- IaH
- 30 Oct 2013
n8 was good till symbian......