Nokia N9
- D
- AnonD-228525
- n1H
- 16 Feb 2014
atta, 15 Feb 2014How Do u download watsapp and instagram?
Download frm here whatsup
- t
- thalla
- PAm
- 15 Feb 2014
MY N9 could'nt take a charging.l m worried. don't know what problem with it.anybody can tell me?
- a
- atta
- fsT
- 15 Feb 2014
AnonD-228525, 29 Jan 2014N9 Has whatsup How Do u download watsapp and instagram?
- D
- AnonD-183089
- N7T
- 15 Feb 2014
Really in love with this phone can't get ride of it & using it as secondary phone also the alarm is workig while the phone is off :)! it's OS has alot of features as the IOS but the bad thing in it the limited apps store :( ! only more apps & it will compete the Apple & the Android! one of the best NOKIA phones
- y
- yemko
- r3H
- 14 Feb 2014
I tried Navifirm and n9 firmware is still available for download! or Try for PR1.3
- S
- Sphazze
- ftK
- 13 Feb 2014
cozmo, 29 Jan in love with my n9 as well.. but there is an is... moreGo to nokia store and download filesPlus, it will give you access to your drives. Move heavy items to the drive with high storage capacity.
- T
- TimmyTee
- jYC
- 11 Feb 2014
Navifirm was for Symbian only?
- y
- yemko
- N9@
- 11 Feb 2014
Is it firmware still available on Navifirm? I heard nokia disabled Navifirm service
- r
- rkm
- uNV
- 10 Feb 2014
Still one of the best nokia phones.
- e
- eldho
- uuC
- 07 Feb 2014
AnonD-228066, 27 Jan 2014 I'll be making Androiddoes it work
- B
- Blizzard
- 3Y9
- 07 Feb 2014
The device is unparalleled, the key is the OS for the speed and great user experience.
If you want to have this experience with a newer handset, I suggest to follow Jolla, it's the same team who did Meego after Nokia abandoned the product, I'm waiting for their high end handset, but the one they released is good if you want to try it.
- y
- yemko
- N9@
- 03 Feb 2014
Just bought this great device, how to install java microemulator on it?
- H
- Hoseyn
- B{K
- 01 Feb 2014
cozmo, 29 Jan in love with my n9 as well.. but there is an is... moreU must install qad cleaner ;)
- D
- Disney
- utk
- 01 Feb 2014
Teabag, 31 Jan 2014i enjoy my n9 and n8, they are good products My dad have an N8 so I bought n9
- T
- Teabag
- fsT
- 31 Jan 2014
i enjoy my n9 and n8, they are good products
- f
- femi
- fmW
- 30 Jan 2014
why is nokia N9 not supporting whatsapp, wechat and the likes?
- t
- tanwir.hashmi
- 29 Jan 2014
who to see HD video in N9 if any duad use the converter pl tell. thanks
- c
- cozmo
- TjQ
- 29 Jan 2014
Rave, 27 Jan 2014Still after 2 years of everyday use, this phone still has t... in love with my n9 as well..
but there is an issue with it mine is 64g but its always say that its out of storage space!
i got so many things like pictures and stuff stored in but is there away that i could mange this issue.
the photos dont seemes taken so much from the meomery but still syas am out of storage space.
you got any idea or suggstion of how can i fee up some space!
otherwise i might end up getting another one beside the one i got!
- D
- AnonD-228525
- n1H
- 29 Jan 2014
mubashar, 24 Jan 2014No what'sup no vedio Skype what is this.N9 Has whatsup
- R
- Rave
- nmP
- 27 Jan 2014
Still after 2 years of everyday use, this phone still has the magic of a new item. Never gets boring and it's truly a joy to use. I might be mad, but I own 3 N9's. 64g white unicorn, 64g matt black N9 and black 16g. As long as these things work, I will use them. Fantastic device with community like no other.