Nokia N9
- M
- Mobile StrongBOX
- njA
- 18 Jan 2012
AnonD-38279, 18 Jan 2012Please answer my Question.1.We can delete Music,videos,imag... moreQ1) You can delete all of them but not busic files from the music player, you must delete them from the file explorer(there are some in Nokia store). Maybe next update will fix this
Q2) I have over 200 contacts in my N9 (mostly from Facebook account)
- D
- AnonD-38279
- 18 Jan 2012
Please answer my Question.1.We can delete Music,videos,images files or Not.2.I heard that n9 can load only 10 contacts its true or not.
- a
- anonymous
- sym
- 18 Jan 2012
AnonD-38279, 17 Jan 2012I heard that we can't delete images,videos and music file f... moreyou can delete music n images...but u have to download file manager from store
- ?
- Anonymous
- 95j
- 18 Jan 2012
I got my Nokia N9 last year November. I had only Nokia phones since 2000. This is supose to be one of Nokia's flagship phones, so I got one. My opinion.... Well, I'm at the moment looking at buying an I Phone. It is really not what I expected. I doubt if I will ever even consider any Nokia again. Reception is a huge problem. In the area I live, reception is not too good and I had problems with previous phones and I think it is network related. With the N9, there is absolutely no signal!!! Then there is the battery live issue. The battery last maybe a day. It is not that I even use the phone all day to browse the internet. My maximum talk time a day might be about 20 minutes then I refresh my mail for exchange about 5 times a day. From fully charged in the morning, the battery is depleted at about 19:00. USB Charging? Well, try to connect the supplied USB cable to my PC and I get the message that there is not enough power from the USB to charge the device. Useless!! Dropping call often. Try to install Whatsapp, no luck as it i ot compatible with the Hartman OS. I just get more and more frustrated with this absulute peace of junk by the day. Can't wait to get a new phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- ftV
- 18 Jan 2012
i love this phone. 1G ram is awesome. As much as i love nokia, i would like nokia to make phones like N9 that would run on android os since they have the best hardware on their phones. Using meego is the same thing as using android since both os come from linux. Most nokia fans are not happy with the absence of radio and fm transmitter on these phones with meego os. Even the android phones like Samsung galaxy have radio on them. Nokia should also encourage symbian to improve to become an open system like Andriod. Symbian os is sweet and the real nokia fans love it so much
- D
- AnonD-26593
- t}e
- 18 Jan 2012
can anyone tell me where can i buy nokia n9 white colour from? Is it available in Dubai?
- C
- Clint
- mXI
- 18 Jan 2012
Kinda ironic really. Nokia finally bring out their best N phone since the N95 (although some N8 owners may disagree) and they just give up & bet their future on Microsoft instead. I just wish Nokia would sell the N9 in markets like the UK, then maybe they'd see what a great phone they have created. In years to come, when people look at the wreckage of this once great company (which is what it will be if the WP7 gamble with Elop in charge doesn't pay off) this is the phone that people will look at & wonder what could have been...
- M
- Mobile StrongBOX
- njA
- 17 Jan 2012
Anonymous, 16 Jan 2012my google maps on my android works perfect with turn by tur... moreTry to go to a place (city) that you have not been with your phone! Google maps caches some map data around you...
- D
- AnonD-38279
- 7ty
- 17 Jan 2012
AnonD-21632, 17 Jan 2012it's not official available there, but there is a beta vers... morePlease tell me What is mean by beta version i don't know
- D
- AnonD-38279
- bJf
- 17 Jan 2012
I heard that we can't delete images,videos and music file from the phone its true or not
- D
- AnonD-21632
- 329
- 17 Jan 2012
AnonD-38279, 16 Jan 2012Any one who are using N9 please go to and ins... moreit's not official available there, but there is a beta version and I just installed it, loads pages very fast.
- B
- Bassam
- 3Jx
- 17 Jan 2012
Plz anybody help me about N9 display protector. I want to use display protector for screch.. Is it any effect ? Plz help me.. Um happy with N9..
- ?
- Anonymous
- Nht
- 16 Jan 2012
[deleted post]my google maps on my android works perfect with turn by turn navigation even when my data is off
- D
- AnonD-38279
- 16 Jan 2012
[deleted post]please tell me it can install or not .what about UC BROWSER please cheak & tell.
- D
- AnonD-26593
- t}6
- 16 Jan 2012
know your N9....State of art!!!
- D
- AnonD-21459
- t7S
- 16 Jan 2012
recently installed MeeTor on my N9 and im really loving it! it was so easy to install and works perfectly downloads super fast (well that depends on your network) and i can readily watch anything i want on my happy that i found this amazing app! BTW, i tried downloading torrent on my samsung galaxy 5.0 player and it just hang. loving my N9! yey! (^_^)
- D
- AnonD-4340
- nbH
- 16 Jan 2012
an, 16 Jan 2012i am sorry you got the impression i haven't been around lin... moreAh, ubuntu user, that explains a lot. Windows Vista of the Linux world, Ubuntu.. Hate it.
- D
- AnonD-29281
- nDA
- 16 Jan 2012
Mario, 15 Jan 2012Oh why Nokia, why ? ? ? The N9 only has bluetooth v2.1 whic... moreit seams that the N9 has Bluetooth 4.0 ,see
- D
- AnonD-38279
- 16 Jan 2012
Any one who are using N9 please go to and install the browser & cheak it works or not please help me.
- D
- AnonD-38279
- bJf
- 16 Jan 2012
Mobile StrongBOX, 16 Jan 20121) I don't know what US Browser is 2)YES 3)YES 4)YES,of ... moreThank u very much for ur reply. tell me one more n9 can install Google maps and Navigation or not.cheak for uc browser reply please.