Nokia N9

Nokia N9

User opinions and reviews

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  • D
  • AnonD-112
  • v6H
  • 15 Nov 2011

[deleted post]Did you even read my comment?
I said no one knows about the update not even Nokia themselves.
And whats with giving your email? No one wants to email you as the update you on about doesn't exist.
Read before you comment please.

    • D
    • AnonD-1782
    • tVn
    • 15 Nov 2011

    AnonD-252, 15 Nov 2011N9 is good, but S2 is better and less expensive! Right now... moreSorry no offence but not interested.. thanx.... cheersss

      • S
      • Suhanoo
      • vFH
      • 15 Nov 2011

      AnonD-252, 15 Nov 2011When you longpress the home-key on S2 you can see the recen... moreI was reading your comment & was accepting all. But wait a sec! "S2 actually have one of the best batterylifes of all smartphones!"??? FYI, I use an S2 & it is one of the CRAPPIEST battery of all the phones I used. You want to compare it's battery life, compare it to my 2 years old E72, still got the kick inside with 5 days standby after a couple of hours talk daily. Don't bullshit about the battery. Except for that, S2 is a very good mini-PC, but a DUMB phone. If you want to know why I call it a DUMB phone, go to N8's thread, read my comments on SGS2. You'll find it yourself.
      Keep N8-ing

        • D
        • AnonD-16100
        • JEu
        • 15 Nov 2011

        AnonD-252, 15 Nov 2011N9 is good, but S2 is better and less expensive! Right now... moredon't really care about what you are doing, but, ICS does NOT show open apps like N9: apps are live in N9, if a page is loading, it shows, if a music is playing, it shows it!! S2 will be doing something symbian like, showing old dated screen shots of what you had been doing, and not actually work on them at the moment!!
        even if you close the maps they will stop working!!!

          • D
          • AnonD-12237
          • v69
          • 15 Nov 2011

          AnonD-252, 15 Nov 2011N9 is good, but S2 is better and less expensive! Right now... moreSorry, not impressed. n9 is better.

            • D
            • AnonD-252
            • 0Ts
            • 15 Nov 2011

            N9 is good, but S2 is better and less expensive!
            Right now I am writing this message/comment using Opera Mobile and at the same time I now am listening to the sounds from a movie that I am streaming, Adobe Flash, playing in the background using Miren Browser on the webpage and I am also listening to pop-radio streaming from Grooveshark in my Dolphin browser mini and the sounds from the pop-radio and the movie are mixed and both playing at the same time in the background and I have 28 other apps and games open in the background, with no lag at all!
            With Ice Cream Sandwich S2 will show apps open in the background similar to how they are showed on N9, and with Swipe-gesture to close any app!

              • D
              • AnonD-252
              • 0Ts
              • 15 Nov 2011

              When you longpress the home-key on S2 you can see the recent 6 used apps/games but if you press the "task-manager button" below these recent 6 apps then you see all apps/games that are open in the background! I now have 30 apps and games open in the background plus writing this comment using Opera-mobile, and there is no lag at all!
              GSMArena recently made a camera test " 8 megapixel mega shootout" on the GSMArena homepage now read it, that prove that S2 have a better camera than both N9 and Arc, only 4S have a better camera. S2 actually have one of the best batterylifes of all smartphones! And with Ice Cream Sandwich S2 camera and batterylife will be even better!

                • n
                • nilesh mehta
                • vb$
                • 15 Nov 2011

                when this phone is come

                  • D
                  • AnonD-12237
                  • v69
                  • 15 Nov 2011

                  [deleted post]only in your dreams

                    • m
                    • mak
                    • X34
                    • 15 Nov 2011

                    AnonD-12237, 15 Nov 2011Australia should have the update already. Just Download it ... morei tried updating through nokia software updater, and it couldn't detect and update for my device. perhaps only unlocked phones can get it in australia atm. i am not game to try updating via navifirm (and flash the device) so am happy to wait... hopefully it will be out before the end of the year.

                    my main issue is with mail - sometimes it stops syncing and doesn't update, and i have to re-create my account. also have some issues sending mail...

                      • A
                      • Ahmato
                      • v6H
                      • 15 Nov 2011

                      AnonD-12237, 15 Nov 2011that happened to me before. Did you activate your track and... moreNah track and protect isnt activated.. every nokia N9 handset seems different and responds differently.. i'll take that to my advantage and call up vodafone for a different handset replacement when im sick of the phone =D where is the update!!!

                        • D
                        • AnonD-12237
                        • v69
                        • 15 Nov 2011

                        Ahmato, 14 Nov 2011surprisingly my phone was initially unlocked and i called u... morethat happened to me before. Did you activate your track and protect account.

                          • D
                          • AnonD-12237
                          • v69
                          • 15 Nov 2011

                          BURGER, 14 Nov 2011i want to copy my contacts from my old memory card to my n9... moreYou don't do it with ovi suite. You need to send the contacts vja Bluetooth from your old device. Go to contacts and choos import contacts, the choose from another device. Make sure u enable Bluetooth fot both of the devices

                            • D
                            • AnonD-4340
                            • nbb
                            • 15 Nov 2011

                            Educ, 14 Nov 2011just watch, ..millions Indian prepare to welcome the world... moreI think Nokia is gambling that the Lumia will have good sales in India, since too many people there buy phones based on brand instead of functionality. Because thats what most people do, anywhere, and with Nokia maintaining a strong position in India they dont wanna destroy the sales of Lumia, so they hold back on the N9. You have to admit that bad but expensive nokia units have sold well in India, even the super-bad E7 sold well. So its obvious to Nokia that in India they can sell any phone based on their name, Lumia is sure to be a success in India, they cant let N9 ruin that =)

                            In most other countries Nokia has lost much more marketshare on the high end units, so N9 is needed to regain some sales in the high end, unlike india where Nokia already is a top seller in high end.

                            In USA i dont know the strategy, but i guess N9 is held back from US market because WinMo used to have good sales in the corporate market there, and they dont wanna confuse the buyers with having two high end operating systems. I dont think the private consumer market is that important for Nokia on the high end units in USA.

                              • D
                              • AnonD-12237
                              • v69
                              • 15 Nov 2011

                              mak, 14 Nov 2011just in regards to the 1.1 update, i called my carrier craz... moreAustralia should have the update already. Just Download it using Nokia software updater. Its 1.1 Gigs so takes more than hour to install. Its full of bugs. So If you are want the better version wait till December and get it ota. It should be only about 200mb

                                • D
                                • AnonD-112
                                • i2q
                                • 15 Nov 2011

                                mak, 14 Nov 2011just in regards to the 1.1 update, i called my carrier craz... moreI called Vodafone Australia and they were surprised that an update was available, the guy I spoke to was asking me for links to the update. He also informed me that everyone in the Technical team was unaware of the update o_O.

                                My brother called them the next day and he was told that the update is up to Nokia to make it available as it's not a major update -_-.

                                And like you have done yourself we did call Nokia and they couldn't give us any useful information :(.

                                  • u
                                  • ucrit
                                  • PFx
                                  • 14 Nov 2011

                                  absolutely expensive

                                    • m
                                    • mak
                                    • X34
                                    • 14 Nov 2011

                                    just in regards to the 1.1 update, i called my carrier crazy johns (in australia) and they said it's up to nokia to release the update, not them. i also called nokia customer care and they said they said that batches of phones get the update according to when they were released. they couldn't tell me exactly when to expect an update for my product code.

                                    has anyone at all who bought their phone on a contract with a carrier tried to get the update?

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-30314
                                      • IVD
                                      • 14 Nov 2011

                                      Ahmato, 14 Nov 2011I dont have any social networks activated.. i only have fee... moreIn that case, go to
                                      There are a few threads on the updating process, including from navifirm. So far though, havent read of anyone who has a contract who flashed & updated successfully or rather any who dared to. Those who did had unlocked phones.

                                      And yes, with PR 1.1 there's the music controls on the screen.

                                        • D
                                        • AnonD-26593
                                        • t}Y
                                        • 14 Nov 2011

                                        AnonD-29453, 13 Nov 2011hey...u know so much...thanks a lot...btw...did u check out... moreSHA1,
                                        Try this app which may solve your video flashlite issue