Nokia N9

Nokia N9

User opinions and reviews

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  • Anonymous
  • svk
  • 07 Nov 2011

[deleted post]N9 is the queen of all devices

    • D
    • AnonD-29433
    • YTL
    • 07 Nov 2011

    hi there, I am an N900 user and i wanted to replace my N73 with this amazing device N9. Truly saying Nokia itself didnt realise what a competitor they made against all the smartphones in the globe today.. after researching N9 and comparing it with various handsets, specially Iphone, its damn a worth taking device.. if worried about the future of the Os, theres a lot more coming from the community excluding nokias official support. there are enuf useful applications for N9 with rich graphics and UI support. we can also install .deb files which makes it much easier. with a little modifications and settings and with useful apps this device in my opinion is truly a strong competitor against any current smartphone in the market....

    N900 Still Rocks...

      • D
      • AnonD-4340
      • nbb
      • 07 Nov 2011

      AnonD-22651, 07 Nov 2011I have always been a Symbian fanboy. No matter how it faile... moreYOur post was interesting to a point, then you wrote:
      Symbian Belle is moving to markets with 701,700,603.
      Nokia 701. Great specs! 1Ghz CPU and 512MB RAM with GPU as powerfull as 4xThe_GPU_of_N8!
      And most importantly Symbian Belle. Some of you might still think why couldn't they put a DUAL CORE 1.5Ghz and 1GB ram etc!
      But the fact is, it's not running Android or iOS. Symbian has never been Resource hungry and is still the best OS in terms of resource optimization and Battery life*"

      1st of all, thats a 1GHz Arm11 processor! Its performance is lower than a 600MHz Cortex A8. ARMv6 vs ARMv7 architecture. So Nokia 701 does not have great specs.

      And for the rest, lest talk programming and assembler instructions and how software is executed. ASk who you like, they will tell you the same: YOU CAN GIVE A OS A LIGHT FOOTPRINT BUT YOU CANT DO MAGIC TO EXECUTE SOFTWARE/APPS!

      Any given app has to be executed by the processor, Symbian cant do any magic here, and thats why N8 is SLOW. The N8 UI is fast enough because its fairly simple, but at once you execute an app you can feel how slow it is, and this happens regardlss of OS, if Nokia/Symbian had a magic way to execute apps then it would be an unprecedented software revolution that would change the world. Now the reality is much simpler, the instructions that make up an app are executed by the processor and controlled by the OS.

      If you need further proof then do the following: Dual bot a PC with one install of Ubuntu GNU/Linux (the most bloated and slow OS available), and also have one install of Gentoo compiled with bare essentials, in other words a customized superlightweigh Gentoo intallation. Now run some benchmarks and comon programs and see that UBUNTU WILL IN FACT BE FASTER IN MANY BENCHMARKS, despite having a very heavy OS footprint.

      This is how things work in real life, the old myth that Symbian does not need fast processors is obviously not true, or else N8 would be a fast fone, but its not, its easily 30x slower than a faily good android fone in javascript benchmarks, for example. What is true otoh, is that Symbian apps are not compatible with ARMv7 architecture (Cortex and Scorpio cores), and thats the reason why nokia have not yet and never will introduce fast processors for Symbian fones.

        • D
        • AnonD-22651
        • 7jW
        • 07 Nov 2011

        I have always been a Symbian fanboy. No matter how it failed and how people bash it.
        I am not here to troll Android, iOS, Blackberry OS, iOS or WP7.

        Just sharing something...
        Android, iOS and even MeeGo all are power packed OSs. They are immensely smooth and has what it takes to satisfy any user.
        And yeah 90% now thinks Symbian is no where near. But those 90% have actually used S60v5 or N8 PR 1.2.

        S60v5 had really destroyed Symbian to the core. People just got the impression that Symbian = Laggy.
        Nokia had limited it's hardware to 434Mhz and 128MB ram in those devices which resulted in epic "FAIL" user experience.

        And during the days of 5800 and n97, Nokia was like a GOD mobile manufacturer and majority of the people trusting Nokia bought those devices and got disappointed horribly. This lead to mass destruction of Nokia Reputation and Symbian Platform.

        Symbian was super feature packed but the functions were not implemented well. While Android and iOS had very less functions but what they had were implemented very very well.

        Nokia came up with N900 which had the best potential at the time as it was super smooth at that time (Maemo was rocking!). It had everything. If importance was paid to it. It could be a game changer. But Nokia never really paid attention to maemo and even now to MeeGo (N9 Maemo6 Harmattan/MeeGo). Nokia being attached to symbian just ditched every other idea and innovation that could hamper symbian development. Symbian was a religion in Nokia for years until Steven Elop arrived.
        (So Nokia fans who were angry of Nokia for ditching symbian and adopting WP7, do see this. See how Nokia did a lot to help Symbian development)

        It seemed Nokia was helpless. Don't know if programming/coding Symbian was so difficult or they had closed their eyes for a while. They tried to put the best hardware in N97 like FM Transmitter, Excellent body, cam etc but failed to put A good CPU, RAM and GPU"

        Nokia seems, they had learned a lot if you compare N8 to N97.
        They were too late but they realized their mistake.

        See Samsung Omnia 8910HD. See it's Homescreen, Task Manager and stuff. If Samsung could do it with a S60v5. What was Nokia doing?
        Symbian was no doubt heavily uplifted by Nokia and really Nokia behaved like a father of Symbian OS making it a super popular OS during the reign of N95. but they were also the ones to kill it by making N97.

        Finally they released N8. They put all MeeGo/Maemo plans aside for it. just for the sake of Symbian so that it might be popular and also to boost sales of N8. N8 was really Nokia's first step to intelligence after 2+ years of failure. But they should have given MeeGo/maemo a fair chance. If they could have given. If N9 was released during the time of iPhone 3GS and they would support it with one major update a year. Nokia could rule today. Nokia put all hopes on symbian that didn't work out though they had success with Symbian^3.

        Symbian^3 was heavily revamped in terms of speed. N8 when it was released had the BEST GPU at that time compared to any phone of that time. many few people do know that. But had it a 1Ghz A8 with 512 MB RAM, people would get heavily attracted to it. Yeah and ofcourse, they should have introduced it to the markets with Symbian Belle and not with PR 1.1/1.2/Anna coz if you want to make a device cool and new, you need to make it look cool (The UI) and you do need to change the visuals to make it look different.

        Who would have liked Windows 8 with super advanced functions but with the UI of Windows Classic (ex Win 98) ??

        Symbian Belle is moving to markets with 701,700,603.
        Nokia 701. Great specs! 1Ghz CPU and 512MB RAM with GPU as powerfull as 4xThe_GPU_of_N8!
        And most importantly Symbian Belle. Some of you might still think why couldn't they put a DUAL CORE 1.5Ghz and 1GB ram etc!
        But the fact is, it's not running Android or iOS. Symbian has never been Resource hungry and is still the best OS in terms of resource optimization and Battery life*

        My Nokia N8 with Symbian Belle (Beta version!) is no doubt working too smooth if you compare it to a same android device with 680Mhz and 256MB RAM.
        Now SGS II runs super smooth! yeah But it has 1.2GHz dual core with almost 1 GB RAM. So if Symbian Belle on my N8 is running a little slower than SGS II, it isn't Symbian's fault. Had Nokia N8 the same specs as SGSII, it would had done the same. Nokia gave N8 a mind blowing 12MP cam but didn't give it enough power to compete with modern devices.

        My point is, if Symbian with such low spec hardware still comes almost near to the top devices running on kickas* 1.2Ghz/1.5Ghz chips, how can it be called laggy, faulty and fail os?
        And also do note the fact that when we compare OSs, we must always take the latest versions in regard. You can't just take out your 14k 5800(s60v5 - 1st Symbian touch based os) and compare it to 44k iPhone4 (4th generation of iOS).
        The comparison between both the OS would be only fair if both the OS were running on same hardware.
        LOL if you compare Win7 on a 1Ghz dual core with a windows98 running on 2.56Ghz i3. obviously, Windows98 will work faster.

        So Symbian got everything it needs to get to the top on condition that Nokia provides it with ultimate hardware as seen on the latest devices.
        If Nokia release at least one 1.2Ghz dual core with 1GB ram and a modern high speed GPU with Symbian Belle. We can truly compare it to iPhones and modern Androids and yeah you can be sure Symbian will beat them in every regards.

        With Qt Symbian software development has increased more than ever and see how OVI store is having a massive 9M downloads per day!

        Nokia just needs to step in and make those big as* devices. And maybe we see miracles from Nokia in 2012. Who knows.

          • h
          • hellvin123
          • Nv1
          • 07 Nov 2011

          johney, 07 Nov 2011i do work for samsung. So i have to use samsung phone only.... moreI don't have blue tint on my S2.It is my first samsung phone though I got to use S 1 for a week.Before I was a real fan of Nokia.I was waiting for the N9 n was thnking to change my s2 for it as I 4t I didnt need that kind of power.N I ws eager to see vat better ppi. Bt in v end I ws disappointd!V pixels are more apparent on v N9 n I thnk it got its greater ppi due to their diagonal arrangement. Bt I must admit its screen is brighter than S2 n it is mre aesthetic and more easily handled.And it also has better materials!Bt who wil keep his phone for more than two yrs with new phones coming out evryday??If u cn afford an N9,u wnt.N who wud let his phone get marks on its body for such a price?N y pay mre for s less powerful phone??V hardware in v S2 r also premium mtls except the back cover,yeah..So I dnt believe u r being objective or honest here. I dnt thnk u hv ever realy used a genuine S 2.Bt believe me I'l b happy to return to Nokia if they make a mre powerful phone before v S3 shows up.

            • S
            • Shanmithi
            • iwp
            • 07 Nov 2011

            Hey guys..! Did you check out the latest Nokia phone called "Lumia 800" oooohhhh boy..! It is a real clone of N9... Same size., same shape., same colour., same look... Dont you think that the appearance of this Lumia 800 (copy of N9) would make N9 worthless...???

              • D
              • AnonD-4340
              • nbb
              • 07 Nov 2011

              johney, 07 Nov 2011i do work for samsung. So i have to use samsung phone only.... morejohney wrote "Yes S AMOLED and amoled have blue tint in samsung devices. Whether it is sgs or sgs2 both have same blue tint. Then whats the advantage of less battery consuming? White looks bluiesh and when u see dark navy blue it looks like black. This is the hell."

              Thanks for confirming that they are all like that. I didnt notice the navy vs black problem, honestly i didnt test too much, but when we did a comparison between SGS and Galaxy Pad and a HTC we did notice some photos where the contrast between dark colors was not so good on SGS. Usually when testing contrast with the naked eye you'll look at gradients, or most importantly level of detail inside deep shadows, and in this area SAMOLED does very well ofcors. Its just the color reproduction is too inaccurate compared to other fones, even older TFT units sometimes look better for uniform motives where contrast does not play a big role.

              Surely N9 and other AMOLED Nokia models are much better than SGS/SGS2, but AMOLED is still an immature technology and cannot match SLCD and the Sony Bravia engine, plus we know for sure that AMOLED displays degrade over time. AMOLED is not at all a new technology but it was never used in displays in the past becoz of the degradation problems.

              Edit: SGS is not annoyingly blueish when brightness is set to maximum, but maximum setting is way too bright to use 99% of the time.

                • F
                • Fan
                • Xue
                • 07 Nov 2011

                AnonD-12237, 07 Nov 2011it too late samsung already partnered with intel to own the... morereally,
                ... we love nokia but hate Mr Elop for putting all the EGGS in window basket.
                Never never !!!!!! in democratic world fixed window custom is total failure.

                  • F
                  • Fan
                  • Xue
                  • 07 Nov 2011

                  AnonD-12237, 07 Nov 2011it too late samsung already partnered with intel to own the... morereally,
                  ... we love nokia but hate Mr Elop for putting all the EGGS in window basket.
                  Never never !!!!!! in democratic world fixed window custom is total failure.

                    • D
                    • AnonD-16100
                    • 3IK
                    • 07 Nov 2011

                    Shanmithi, 07 Nov 2011What do you think guys., what would be the best one of Noki... morefirst, the camera are very different: fixed focus and auto focus with touch focus ability are not alike, especially if you add carl zeiss optics.
                    second, in the n9, the cpu is better, and has a better gpu, so its much more powerful than the X7.
                    the screen size different is 0.1", so don't make a story out of it.
                    if symbian is a mortal, meego is a god.
                    go for n9

                      • D
                      • AnonD-12237
                      • v69
                      • 07 Nov 2011

                      AnonD-26818, 05 Nov 2011Guys i just bought my N9 about 2 weeks ago its a decent pho... moreit could be the cpu core is getting too hot and the performance degrade. ever felt the phone becomes very hot when the phone becomes non responsive and laggy? i advice is to close all apps and wait a while for the core to cool or shut down, wait a while and restart

                        • D
                        • AnonD-12237
                        • v69
                        • 07 Nov 2011

                        fan, 07 Nov 2011Nokia N9,the most attractive phone today with its dying OS.... moreit too late samsung already partnered with intel to own the rights to meego. but luckily no the swipe ui so nokia can still use their swipe ui in wp. god i hate elop

                          • p
                          • pinkish
                          • uRG
                          • 07 Nov 2011

                          pp, 07 Nov 2011I choose N9. It comes with Carl Zeiss optic and OS MeeGo :Dmee too. :D aha!

                            • p
                            • pp
                            • PFx
                            • 07 Nov 2011

                            Shanmithi, 07 Nov 2011What do you think guys., what would be the best one of Noki... moreI choose N9. It comes with Carl Zeiss optic and OS MeeGo :D

                              • f
                              • fan
                              • Xue
                              • 07 Nov 2011

                              Nokia N9,the most attractive phone today with its dying OS.
                              Mr Elop seriously needs review his decision and own MEEGO OS..... for another 1 to 2 N9 series.
                              coz, window fixed custom phones will never ....rise up beyond average even in the future.

                                • f
                                • fun9
                                • PBR
                                • 07 Nov 2011

                                AnonD-26818, 05 Nov 2011Guys i just bought my N9 about 2 weeks ago its a decent pho... morehow u move d bttry? Isn't that n9 designed 2 b unibody/bttry non removed design like iphone? Using a screw driver?
                                There's a doubt in your words.

                                  • G
                                  • Gundam-Zhen
                                  • IVZ
                                  • 07 Nov 2011

                                  AnonD-29219, 07 Nov 2011Nokia N9 seems to have the best HD video camera of any smar... moreNot really cause Arc/Arc s is having the best 8MP. Yeah N9 equipped with more higher end camera but still can't beat the Sony's camera.

                                    • D
                                    • AnonD-29219
                                    • thf
                                    • 07 Nov 2011

                                    Nokia N9 seems to have the best HD video camera of any smartphone in the market. Right up there with Nokia N8. I'm using it now and it's totally outstanding. Check out this sample video:

                                      • D
                                      • AnonD-28873
                                      • 9FN
                                      • 07 Nov 2011

                                      Shanmithi, 07 Nov 2011What do you think guys., what would be the best one of Noki... moreif you have money to buy go for n9 if you have tight budget go for x7

                                        • j
                                        • johney
                                        • uva
                                        • 07 Nov 2011

                                        i do work for samsung. So i have to use samsung phone only. If i use nokia in samsung office then definitily i would be screwed.
                                        I have been samsung fanboy since they are using gingerbread android.
                                        Now coming to the display. Yes S AMOLED and amoled have blue tint in samsung devices. Whether it is sgs or sgs2 both have same blue tint. Then whats the advantage of less battery consuming? White looks bluiesh and when u see dark navy blue it looks like black. This is the hell.

                                        I do not owned n9 my brother got one. I dnt know whether it is available in indian market or not. When i used n9 i was amazed.
                                        Display far better than sgs2 or any other samsung devices (except note).

                                        Ya less applications may lead u to get bored but just think once, every new OS comes with less applications. Once it gets success in market then app developers come forward.

                                        Touch is very responsive and swype makes it better and better.
                                        Harware is too good.
                                        Camera could have been much better but still good to shoot 720 p hd videos.

                                        Much better than samsung and htc devices with powerfull OS.