Nokia N9

Nokia N9

User opinions and reviews

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  • M
  • Mpezeni Ntelamo
  • 0AY
  • 26 Oct 2010

When would be the official launch of this N9? I hear that the phone is already in the market, is that true? As avid fan of Nokia, it won't save me good to buy N8 if there is N9 already on its way to hit the market. Please respond.

    • 0
    • 0v0
    • Let
    • 26 Oct 2010

    Don't worry guys. It will have super Specifications by that time.

      • D
      • Dr.Jewel
      • Pxx
      • 25 Oct 2010

      Nokia N9 should have camera minimum 12 mega piexel and amloed screen.

        • D
        • Dr. Tanvir Hossain
        • uNV
        • 25 Oct 2010

        camera megapixel should be increase upto 12. And also increase clean & sharp zoom. Battery life should be increased talk time notless than 12h. Screen size 4inch it is good, but we need some exceptional that is- increase wide at least two and halfe inchi(more than 2 inchi), Office software should be installed with full version and free.

          • n
          • nokia x
          • tev
          • 24 Oct 2010

          The the n9 should have a projector just like the Samsung I8520 Galaxy Beam. This would make the phone unique.
          I am waiting till nokia officially announces the specs and the releasing date.
          I wouldn't mind if they improved the ram,rom and the cpu speed of this phone. The features of this phone are ordinary and is terms of performance most of the samsung phones are better.

          Lets wait and see till the official specs are released.

            • 0
            • 0v0
            • Let
            • 24 Oct 2010

            The specifications here are Rumored. We may expect to see the true specification by December 2010 or January 2011.

            So don't think this is the one. Cos definitely it will be changed.


              • s
              • sonu n.philip
              • bJ6
              • 24 Oct 2010

              Fil, 23 Oct 201064 GB memory, 1Ghz snapdragon, 512 MB RAM. This is what i... morenokia n9's camera is 8mp,not 5mp as mentioned here.

                • n
                • netsyseng
                • ky{
                • 24 Oct 2010

                Nokia seems to be configuring a top-end mobile networked device but there appear to be 4 items in the specs of questionable decision. Otherwise this could be a "great" 2G/3G/4G device.

                1. Using a 1st generation Qualcomm snapdragon. The QSD8250 was top of the line but by launch in 2011 other OEMs will be using the 2nd generation CPUs with the newer Adreno 205 GPU. And some will be running at 1.2GHz or above.

                2. The TFT display. With a nicely configured mobile device I wonder why Nokia would launch without S-TFT or AMOLED. It rremains to be seen whether the TFT display will keep muster with other OEMs devices. HD screens are coming.

                3 Meego OS.

                Like Samsung's BADA its unsure whether Meego will take off as a truly viable mobile operating system. Unless, of course, you're willing to remain locked-in by a proprietary OS. Personally other OEMs will be launching top-end Android 2.x/3.0 and WinPhone7 devices. You need apps to fully experience top-end smartphones. Whether Nokia and others can make proprietary work is unknown.

                4. Lacking DNLA [nice to have]. The HDMI is adequate until either WUSB and/or HDbaseT become reality for Mobile Networked Devices (MND-smartphones) offering 720p and eventually 1080p. These next generation MNDs need very high speed HD output mechanisms. Obviously lacking DNLA isn't a deal breaker but would show cutting edge.

                Otherwise with 512mb/1gig RAM/ROM, 802.11 b/g/n, Bluetooth 3.0 and strong higher class 32 GPRS and 10.2mbps HSDPA, not to mention 64gb HDD, the N9 has some nice top of the line parts. Of course withour beta testing we don't yet know the quality and level of test engineering for GPS, GMS and the other chipsets. If Nokia were to surprise us with a better CPU (dualcore?) and higher end graphics resolution along with top-notch antennas this could be one of the better MND's for 2011. Personally if it were to be sans Meego and with WinPhn7 and/or Android 2.x/3.0 then Nokia could surpass the pack. JMHO

                  • H
                  • Huhu
                  • ibh
                  • 23 Oct 2010

                  I love Nokia And SE ... nokia system great but sucks on Design hurmmm ... SE is great on Design not so well in system

                  this 2 phone i hope it will go further and further :)love both of u ~

                  SE plz improve ur phone system T_T still in bad quality ~

                    • F
                    • Fil
                    • s8b
                    • 23 Oct 2010

                    64 GB memory, 1Ghz snapdragon, 512 MB RAM.
                    This is what i've been waiting for from Nokia.
                    Moreover its gonna have 8 megapixel cam & not 5 megapixel as mentioned here.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • Lej
                      • 23 Oct 2010

                      nokia is the no.1 mobile companny in the world beacause it is easy to use friendly user..tanx nokia i am also a diehard nokia users..

                        • g
                        • guigotech
                        • L0j
                        • 22 Oct 2010

                        64gb + memory card 32 gb... very crazy

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • tDK
                          • 22 Oct 2010

                          rok 4, 22 Oct 2010In terms of the design and the looks i cannot see any diffe... moreIts only a rumour version,let's wait for official announcement by nokia.

                            • r
                            • rok 4
                            • tev
                            • 22 Oct 2010

                            In terms of the design and the looks i cannot see any difference between the n9 and the e7. Both of the phones are practically the same in looks.

                            Nokia should make the n9 unique, this shows that the innovation skills of nokia are very poor.
                            I want to buy the n9 soon but there are many drawbacks in the n9 including the design,performance and the features.

                              • r
                              • rok 4
                              • tev
                              • 22 Oct 2010

                              SFAN, 22 Oct 2010I think 4inch screen is big enough. But the sweet spot is ... moreFor the n9 should have a 4.5inch or 5 inch screen with led full HD. The samsung i9000 galaxy s has a 4 inch super amoled screen which was released in june 2010.

                              Since the n9 is releasing is 2011 it should have a better screen. The n9 should have something better than the super amoled screen.
                              At the moment the i9000 is better than the n9.

                                • S
                                • SFAN
                                • Yc0
                                • 22 Oct 2010

                                rok 4, 20 Oct 2010I have to agree with you 110%. Lately most nokia phones ... moreI think 4inch screen is big enough.
                                But the sweet spot is 3.7inch.

                                What Nokia really needs to a higher resolution screen with Clearblack display integrated into the AMOLED Screen.

                                  • a
                                  • azhar
                                  • bJ6
                                  • 21 Oct 2010

                                  samsung galaxy i9000 cant just stay in the way with nokia n9 cos its nokia.galaxy is a dumb phone with dumb specs but nokia with the meego processor is better dan samsung.also i9000 cant dfeat n9 with few gud specs such as increased. Vat about d memory in n9,its 64 gb only internal and slot 4 32 gb storage. I9000 can just dfeat n9 by only 1 spec ie the rom

                                    • 0
                                    • 0v0
                                    • Let
                                    • 21 Oct 2010

                                    rok 4, 20 Oct 2010I have to agree with you 110%. Lately most nokia phones ... moreyea, you r right. Nokia is very popular around the world & their Market share is very high, so if they are going to spend some money in up-grading their specifications,they definitely can. Also, they can be Number 1 in the world, buy really dont know wthat they r up to.

                                    Lets see.


                                      • B
                                      • Bronxboy
                                      • n1C
                                      • 21 Oct 2010

                                      0v0, 20 Oct 2010Nokia has problems in the followings: 1)- they don't incre... moreIt really depends on what MeeGo needs

                                      A 1Ghz snapdragon should be able to do the job for most of us however I can understand why some would prefer 2Ghz with all the HD video content that's floating around now days. 512MB of ram should also be enough RAM however 2GB would be much more desirable seeing as Nokia's Software developers don't appear to give a crap & consistently develop applications to devour every ounce of ram before you even open an app.

                                        • B
                                        • Bronxboy
                                        • n1C
                                        • 21 Oct 2010

                                        mandy, 20 Oct 2010i want this on symbian^3! Im more familiar with symbian. I ... moreAre you crazy? I never want to see another Symbian powered phone. That OS is utter crap. Nag screens everywhere, Software developer support is almost non existent, its applications are too basic & lack features like Kinetic scrolling or copy paste, the Navigation is often unintuitive/unpredictable & it's browser is extremely slow & locks up or crashes often. No thank you. Symbian is a hot mess.