Nokia N9
- S
- Sash
- 7j}
- 21 Nov 2012
Hi, some users saying if there is gorilla glass than no need of lamination because it's don't get scratches, is it's true ? N9 comes with gorilla glass and anti-glare polariser so there is no need of lamination.?
Response please
- N
- Nokia N9 is the best
- 0wZ
- 21 Nov 2012
See direct lifestream of Sailfish OS presentation at the official Jolla's website! Great, great,great!! There is where you can look for the legendary N9 successor!
- N
- Nokia N9 is the best
- Jyn
- 20 Nov 2012
This is where you can see Jolla Mobile live stream from presentation (during the presentation - that is why it is called live stream ;) ) Enjoy!
And also here is some comments:
Jolla Mobile smartphone is successor of N9 and swipe UI. If you like N9 and swipe then follow Jolla Mobile.
- N
- Nokia N9 is the best
- Jyn
- 20 Nov 2012
Esk, 20 Nov 2012Sailfish is built on Mer (basically a continuation of MeeGo... moreSailfish OS is based on the Linux MeeGo. Jolla say this loudly many times: Sailfish OS is based on Linux MEEGO. It use "only" THE CORE distribution from the MER (, read there!). The core distribution is not the linux distribution, the Mer DOES NOT contain any kernel (kernel is hardware related). More or less the Mer is: MeeGo - kernel - UI, and developed a lot. The Mer is THE CORE DISTRO for hardware vendors like Jolla or Nokia or whoever else, who want to prepare own mobile system (liux one) for whatever device: a mobile, a computer, a TVset, an intelligent building IT, an IVI, a laptop, an notebook, a game console, an HI-FI audio set, a car IT, a sailing IT like for yahts, a navigation or whatany device else, anything what need a quick light rock-solid&stable system to run and to be used. The Mer is something much more bigger then MeeGo Harmatten as a Linux for mobile was. This is the set of open source libraries which makes the core distro which allow to build one's own Linux distero, but the Mer is not a Linux distribution of any kind. The Sailfish OS is the Linux distribution, the Mer not. Sailfish is MeeGo based Linux created with use of the Mer core. This is important diference. The Mer comes from "ME"ego "R"econstructed, and also one of aims of the merproject is TO BECOME MeeGo 2.0 (to be assumed by the Linux Fundation, that the MER complies all MeeGo specs requirements). Note: MER is the main point, but Mer is not a Linux distribution (yet, but still not).
MER use all code which could be used from MeeGo, eg. swipe UI is copyrighted by Nokia hence can't be used in Mer, so Nemo project does not contain original swipe UI, however MeeGo Nemo CE is fully usable for N9.
This is important first of all because this means that due to backward compatibility (origin in MeeGo) and used QT a software from N9 can run on Sailfish directly, but only when do not breaks MeeGo UI rules and is not against Sailfish UI rules.
The order is: Maemo + Mobilil = MeeGo -> MeeGo Harmattan -> -> MeeGo Nemo CE -> Nemoproject in Merproject -> Jolla contribution to the Mer -> Jolla created Sailfish alliance -> Sailfish OS created by Jolla and allies, BASED ON THE MEEGO(!) and use the Mer CORE DISTRO.
I hope this can make things more clear. MeeGo is important for common users, Mer is only for hardware vendors like Nokia or Jolla. You can download any Mer Linux distribution as such a thing does not exists. One must add to the Mer a kernel, a UI, and other layers to create working Linux distribution. Sailfish OS is another Linux MeeGo.
This also mean that this is opensource, and can use the whole Linux software, it use RPM packages, a this gives a whole sack of possibilities!
QT used in Sailfish OS means it is quite easy to port a soft from other QT projects (from Symbian, MeeGo Harmattan, and all QT).
Jolla must use some copyright for Sailfish OS like UI, or otherwise patent trolls will grab it, All-We-Know-Who.
Very important is that behind Jolla Mobile stands huge community, of those who are N9 fans, Linux fans, devs, companies - all who hoped Nokia N9 and MeeGo Harmattan will be howling success. And this is the power of the N9 successor - Jolla Mobile smartphone.
- E
- Esk
- d$S
- 20 Nov 2012
Anonymous, 20 Nov 2012It seems if Sailfish and Meego share a common code based on... moreSailfish is built on Mer (basically a continuation of MeeGo, Mer's also used in Nemo Mobile. I've posted this already, but because of that, Nemo will probably get a lot of features ported from Sailfish. The N9 can run Nemo, though it's not really usable yet.
- ?
- Anonymous
- kQS
- 20 Nov 2012
It seems if Sailfish and Meego share a common code based on Linux, then Jolla could actually create a N9-compatible version of Sailfish, and SELL to N9 users for a fee. I'm sure there would be a sizable market of N9 users who would pay for it.
Otherwise, Sailfish could be a licensed O/S, and Jolla could receive licensing fee from handset makers like HTC. Perhaps a 3rd party would then offer a licensed version for N9.
- ?
- Anonymous
- utY
- 20 Nov 2012
nokia n9 will rock once again if julla supports....
- R
- Rude boy
- 20 Nov 2012
AnonD-34077, 17 Nov 2012Those who are thinking that Jolla will support N9 must read... morefriend when i full charged and check the battery status ln 2G it shows talk time 7h 30m and standby 3 days / in 3G 4h 30m and standby 2 days. can i know why is that coz in n9 specs it shows as 11h talk time and more than that. can i know the reason for that? and also its in power saving mode. plz help me. thnx in advance
- R
- Ruplee76
- U$0
- 20 Nov 2012
cozmo, 19 Nov 2012I tried so many time to down load this application and i ke... moreIgnore that warning saying wrong format and continue, just add (.deb) as extension to the file name you are downloading. Thats it!! Cheers..
- c
- cozmo
- 04{
- 19 Nov 2012
Esk, 14 Nov 2012If you still can't get it to save instead of run the file, ... moreThanks buddy.....i did down load it via oprea browser !
and now i got to find out how to register and run it!
- N
- Nokia N9 is the best
- n$R
- 19 Nov 2012
Jolla Mobile will not support N9 directly for the same reason as IBM does not support Sony products. NUT Jolla's OS Sailfish is developed on Linux MeeGo base. Linux Maemo + Linux Mobilin = Linux MeeGo (Harmattan on N9) => then => -> Mer core distribution (Mer = MEego Reconstructed) -> Nemo project (Linux MeeGo CE Community Edition) which can replace Harmattan on N9 => then => Sailfish OS. This makes Sailfish contains more or less 60-80% of original which was developed and polished whittin the Merproject with contribution from Jolla. In effect it can happen that a soft for Sailfish can be launched and run on N9 IF it does not use elements added with Sailfish (mainly interface layer UI and upper) as core and kernel can be quite compatible to certain extent limited by above mentioned history.
It also can happen that community can publish update(s) which will patch differences - who knows?
Salfish and Harmattan (N9 MeeGo) use QT both, which makes porting soft both directions quite possible, however not easy, and of course there will be a question of economy. Open source by community will be "easier" to port then commercial software. But criticl mass of users and devs interested in MeeGo/Mer/Sailfish has been reached already a time ago and chain reaction in communities has bee initiated. Now we are awaiting effects and surprises. Seems Sailfish will be able to run software from MeeGo Harmattan (backward compatibility) and Android (via ASL or similar solution), and will have wide offer of own software - so there will be full software library available for users, developers and coders. With my first phone by Jolla with OS Sailfish I will sent greetings to Mr Elop and congrats for his awesome effects.
My deepest believe is that OS Sailfish is significantly more developed continuation of MeeGo Harmattan form Nokia N9 and best option for those who love N9 standard and want to have N9 successor, which I believe Jolla smartphone will be.
NOTE WELL: 21 and 22 is live stream form the first worldwide presentation of OS Sailfish at Helsinki! Look for link here at this page, under the Slush event: announced earlier eg. here So MeeGo is still among us and quite alive. Who cares for Elop's burning platform while we have dinghy boat (Jolla means dinghy in Finnish)? Look for Jolla or follow Jolla Mobile Twitter!
- c
- cozmo
- 04{
- 19 Nov 2012
ruplee76, 15 Nov 2012check out this latest version of wazapp 0.9.13
http://www.... moreI tried so many time to down load this application and i keep getting the same message and that i could not down load because of a wrong format!
any help? Pls!
- E
- Esk
- d$S
- 19 Nov 2012
AnonD-64990, 19 Nov 2012hello friends,...i would like to know, how to share audio f... moreIf you haven't already, get Filebox off the Store. Navigate to where the file is, hold press on it, then press Share, then Bluetooth. This works with pretty much any file you like, music or no.
- D
- AnonD-64990
- teX
- 19 Nov 2012
hello friends,...i would like to know, how to share audio file via bluetooth from nokia n9...
pls help me.....
- P
- Prashant
- ut4
- 19 Nov 2012
seyo, 18 Nov 2012woo hoo..M gettin dis fone on happie..hopin d... moreDear - I am using Nokia N9 for the last 8 months
and I feel These instrument is wonderful than iphone even.
If anyone wants more application to download than I don't know they will select N9 orelse these is good phone.
- s
- seyo
- ftV
- 18 Nov 2012
woo hoo..M gettin dis fone on happie..hopin d best for n9..cuz jolla said dey are nat supportin n9..buh dey are continuin from where meego stoped..datz all..buh all hope not lost..buh..jolla said deir new os..datz d sailfish..z gonna support andriod u can enjoy up to 10,000 andriod apps..buh mayb d community might port d new os 2 nokia dis fone
- D
- AnonD-34077
- syt
- 17 Nov 2012
Those who are thinking that Jolla will support N9 must read this article.
- p
- papawinx
- KgZ
- 16 Nov 2012
only hoping for the best of N9 owners and users because JM's statement before says not throwing our beautybeast N9 we have to keep it for the next few years, think they will continue to support it. cheers.
- E
- Esk
- d$S
- 15 Nov 2012
TimmyTee, 15 Nov 2012Will Sailfish run on N9? Would be great if Jolla will dist... moreI think Jolla said they couldn't provide software for the N9. However, the stuff Jolla adds with Sailfish will probably end up in Mer/Nemo, and the N9 can run Nemo (it's very early and buggy right now though).
- C
- Ch.Saqib
- KId
- 15 Nov 2012
TimmyTee, 15 Nov 2012Will Sailfish run on N9? Would be great if Jolla will dist... moreJolla will not support N9. But it is possible that the community may port Sailfish to N9.