Nokia N93
- P
- 4nx
- 03 Jul 2006
NOKIA N90 AND N93 is the best mobile set in the
world!!!No one can bet them!!!if you want to buy a mobile,pl pl go for N93
- k
- kavita
- in}
- 03 Jul 2006
oh! its ultimate all in one.its gorgeous,ultimate.thank u NOKIA
- D
- D-Tox
- nEq
- 03 Jul 2006
watch out about this time
Prototype testing has been completed
you will see people selling prototpes on the sites dont buy
its coming within a month
Shipping date needs to be confirmed
prototype testing completed
should be in stores in 3 weeks lovely phone
:D buy it
- ?
- Anonymous
- 2E5
- 02 Jul 2006
Anyone got infos about the problem, that you can hear the zoom in your videos? Sample available here:
Or search youtube dot com for n93 quality test
- ?
- Anonymous
- P@U
- 02 Jul 2006
do you think $605 USD is resonable for an n93. it has been alredy released here in bangladesh by grameen telecom. anyone please comment on the screen quality
- p
- pavel
- 4nx
- 02 Jul 2006
Nokia N93 now Available in Bangladesh!!!i Love it very much.Offering the best mobile video and photography experience, the Nokia N93 is packed with exceptional camera features that enable high-quality photos and DVD-like quality video. Unfold and twist the main display, and the Nokia N93 is ready to shoot video and photos using the color landscape display as a full screen viewfinder. Whether special events or just fun, impromptu everyday life, you can capture moments conveniently and impulsively and share them with others as they happen.The Nokia N93 incorporates a 3.2 megapixel (2048 x 1536 pixels) camera with a Carl Zeiss Vario-Tessar lens, 3x optical zoom and up to 20x digital zoom, as well as autofocus and close-up mode for amazing clarity and accuracy. Furthermore, the Nokia N93 has an active camera toolbar which displays all available capture features, from exposure value to color tones and white balance
- M
- Mr Cool
- 49q
- 02 Jul 2006
50 % of the phones announced by Nokia show up first in the Middle East. Nokia E61 for example, showed up 3 weeks before anywhere on the planet.... Where ? Middle East.
- S
- Sonley
- mT0
- 02 Jul 2006
This phone can't of been released in Bangladesh. So ur sayin a country which is less developed in terms of technology gets this phone before Europe. Nokia is a European company! I don't believe it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- nE@
- 02 Jul 2006
ye, u can use most series 60 phones (like the nokia n70...) as a webcam, u need to download the software for it though, it is called: "mobiola web camera".
- ?
- Anonymous
- mIn
- 02 Jul 2006
Please stop making sarcastic jokes about the N93s size, 180g is nothing really.
- h
- haider
- PSd
- 02 Jul 2006
this fone is a brick................almost has every feature but still ugly.............very very very heavy....................................
by its cam.......nobody will buy it coz SE roxxxx there
i hate this fone.....
black kutia
it will cost around 1500 USD
its better to but latest laptop instead of buying this silly fone........
what is a fone??
tell me u ppl
its not a cell or a fone is a PDA i think
it will have poor display only 320 x 240
k790 has the same display resoluyion.........................................better to go for n80 which atleast lokkslike a mobile.................................HAHAHAHAHHAAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHHAHA...................
- S
- SJ
- j3@
- 01 Jul 2006
The N92 has 16M screen because it is specifically for watching TV, the N93 has 256K screen because it is specifically for photos/recording, therefore Nokia probably thought it would cost too much to 16M screen (the phone would probably be alot more with the 16M screen).
- D
- DJ Ivo
- SaA
- 01 Jul 2006
Yes you can use it like webcam , but you need 2 programs , 1 on phone and 1 on your computer. Befor 2 years I do it whit my Nokia 7650 via BT , but now i can't remeber what was the name ot programs :}
Search and you will find !!!
- g
- godfrey
- mtw
- 01 Jul 2006
Nokia, i beg, Take it easy with men now!
You guys are just too much. I am already running crazy for the SET men!
It is just too fantastic. I love you guys.Hope to get one soon.
- B
- Bappi
- P@U
- 01 Jul 2006
This phone has been released in Bangladesh 2 days ago.Dont call anybody fraud unless you know the whole story.I personally bought the phone yesterday.
- ?
- Anonymous
- R5v
- 01 Jul 2006
I was impressed by the features claimed by Nokiat to this Phone. I am currently using a Nokia N90 here in the philippines but when I saw this phone, I was amazed by it's 3.2 Megapixel Camera w/ Carl Zeiss Optics Vario-Tessar 3.3/4.5-12.4 Autofocus with 3x Optical Zoom and 20x Digital Zoom with built-in Flash and it's definitely the phone I'm buying next to my N90. I was also amazed because The Nokia N93 can be attached to compatible television sets and can play the video through it. The problem is that it is 7 grams heavier than the 173g N90. But still I Love this Phone. This is definitely the best mobile phone to be released by Nokia this year.
- N
- N93
- M%E
- 01 Jul 2006
Maybe it a scam maybe it is not. I am not interested in Ebay, however, people are already auctioning for this phone. There are several N93 sold on Ebay Germany, Ebay Belgium and both auctions end up in the high 500 euros range. If this phone is worth this much on ebay, it is very easy to make a forecast. Nokia says 550 euros. You need to add the VAT to that, this varies from country to country, and MAYBW another small fee from the providers. So the "base" price for this phone will be around 630-660 euros. Of course you can get it half price with contract with many "good deals" but that is not an option for me. Why? I simply do not want to be tied down for a 2 year contract and end up paying more than the price without contract.
To those lads who keep on shouting SE, SE,SE,SE take a chill pill. Nokia is the first manufacturer to embed a camcorder module in a mobile phone. This is a phone with camcorder capabilities. SE K800i is no innovation. Same shit different model. I wanna see SE response for the N92 TV phone.
- ?
- Anonymous
- QtR
- 01 Jul 2006
nokia are the best .
- ?
- Anonymous
- jrY
- 01 Jul 2006
This phone has not been released in Bangladesh! To the person that said it was, you sir are a fraud. Too many people on this forum that don't know what they are talking about! They should be banned for giving false and misleading information. Does anyone have any concrete info about a release date or price? No? That's what I thought.
- b
- becca
- i$Q
- 01 Jul 2006
is this phone touch screen is any nokia??