Nokia N93
- ?
- Anonymous
- pkb
- 30 Jun 2006
too mamy words and waste of have 2 big angles of view for this device:first-the biggest mobile phone,and the 2nd(wich is more corect):the smallest movie-photo camera with choose it.if you don't suffer about too much resolution (5,8,10mp) and if you shoot a little movie with your naked girlfriend it,s the best camera-phone-dimension combination ever.go ror it or buy toys like sonyericsson
- S
- SJ
- j3@
- 30 Jun 2006
Nokia should have made it Quad Band. That is my only real complaint (well, that and the size, but that is a given).
- S
- Sadhli
- P@U
- 30 Jun 2006
The set is superb nice options but since a N80 is a complete failure in battary and slide system.Im just gonna wait.The price should be lower its too high for normal peeps to buy.
- c
- craig
- wgc
- 30 Jun 2006
looks amazing i cant wait to get one the only thing i got aginst this phone is that is a massive little critter
- K
- Kevin
- RxG
- 30 Jun 2006
i completely love this fone's features! Now, hav 2 work on a project wid a good size and the features!!! :) N94!!! lol
- j
- jaze101
- 4ya
- 30 Jun 2006
Let me ask you guys one big question...
For crying out loud, aren't you guys sick and tired of big and bulky flip phones???
Please answer yes, coz if you say "no" you you are absolutely going backwards in style and technology!
Again, Nokia maker please read my comment on
this one, stop making flip phones! Start making unique style like the ones you used to make the nokia 8910i that slides out when you press the button on the sides... something like that will hit the market best.
For all designers out there go back to your drawing board and design something unique and full of good features that will "wow" the people not invent another flip phones.. Tsk tsk!
I must say the cell phone industry hired some idiots designers I am including all cell phone companies.
WOW me, will you!
- N
- N93
- M%E
- 30 Jun 2006
K800i is already in the shops. Why is NOKIA making us wait??? Jeez, i cant wait to buy it and then for xmas appraise it for half its price :P :P :P :P.
- N
- N93
- M%E
- 30 Jun 2006
"The features look good, but it might be easier just to take a laptop around than haul this thing in my pocket. Is it really worth the size?"
Is there another phone on the market capable of doing these things but smaller in size?? I mean if there is could you give me a link?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PW9
- 29 Jun 2006
The features look good, but it might be easier just to take a laptop around than haul this thing in my pocket. Is it really worth the size?
- l
- 29 Jun 2006
I dont like nokiaz for their bulky structures... but the vdo quality is realy a blow since i am a fan of SE and veri much plannin to buy one k790. Yer sain in Bangladesh n93 has hit the market already..??? i dun get it guys... somebuddy tell me...
- r
- rifat
- 29 Jun 2006
Can anyone say whether Nokia N 93 can be used as web cam?
- ?
- Anonymous
- PS@
- 29 Jun 2006
does this thing have ms windows package along with tally package.
- r
- reco
- iEu
- 29 Jun 2006
cool phone..i can't wait to have it
- N
- N93
- M%E
- 29 Jun 2006
"Nokia recommends 550 euros and in Sweden they put the price at 700 euro, Great..."
Exactly what i feared. This phone is awesome but i am not willing to pay more than 600 euros. It is absurd. This phone is overpriced and in 6 months obsolete because Nokia wants the N83 on the market. So you spend a bungle and you get an ice cube :(.
- F
- Fahad
- 4nx
- 29 Jun 2006
Its A kul Set... Well I have nokia 7710. But i want to buy this Smart Phone. Its A bit Expensive. According to Bangladesh.. The Price Should Be Lower....
- i
- imad
- 29 Jun 2006
iiittttsssss koooooooooooooLLL....its the best phone right now...its been released in bangladesh....its not that expensive and its a flawless set....3.2 mega pixel...excelleent sound quality...wat else u need....nd the camera is better than SE k800i....i m juss waiting nd wishing nd hoping nd praying to buy this one...
- c
- chrall
- m{f
- 29 Jun 2006
Nokia recommends 550 euros and in Sweden they put the price at 700 euro, Great...
- N
- N93
- M%E
- 28 Jun 2006
Hope in maximum 2 weeks Nokia N93 will be available in the shops. I am afraid that in certain countries the price will be very spicy. I mean,Nokia recommends 550 euros but you know how greedy people are. I pray it is cheaper than the K800i. If it is, Nokia will sell these like bread ;).
- w
- wayat
- waU
- 28 Jun 2006
this will be a ghost set
- N
- N93 Fan
- 452
- 28 Jun 2006
I am speaking for Nokia, I do agree the N93 is almost one of the biggest in the market. But since it packed with all the lastest/greatest features, the size is not bad at all. I guess the only thing you cannot do is you won't be able to less it in pocket. I love SE too, but some models carried software problems which Nokia done a better job on that. I gave up on the K800i and waiting for this SuperPhone.