Nokia N95 8GB

Nokia N95 8GB

User opinions and reviews

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  • F
  • Flagship
  • MmT
  • 13 May 2009

after all this time this phone shouldn't be seeling any more, but it does. It shouldn't have it's price tag anyomore, but it does. People that use it shouldn't be satisfied with it, but they are. People that don't have it shouldn't be jealous, but they are. It shouldn't be a flagship anymore, but it is. I just that:) Have fun ya all

    • A
    • Amit th mf
    • upH
    • 13 May 2009

    I 2k my hands ovr it. it gav gud felng bt not tht muc whn i bt n95 nic phone 2 go rnd wit .....spec are awsm...loks are cool 8'\10 BOSS

      • J
      • Jeder
      • P0m
      • 13 May 2009

      Goof phone, a lot of features a fantastic screen.

      But... its backwardness and sluggishness are annoying! It's too slow. If you want to take a picture, you're better sit and wait!

        • a
        • aaron
        • jLB
        • 13 May 2009

        The N95 8GB that people bought a year ago is the same N95 8GB that will be bought today. Why? They all come with the firmware older than v20. It means those N95 8GB units are old stocks that have been preserved in the warehouse collecting dust waiting for someone to buy them. While the N82 that people bought a year ago is different from the N82 that will be bought today. You won't find a brandnew N82 that comes with an old firmware. There is no magazine endorser that will boost the sale of old N95 8Gb stocks. The only way to clear those old stocks is to sell them as a bargain. Most N95 users have already upgraded to new Nseries devices like N96, N85, N79, and even 5800 and INNOV8. Look. This forum stats reflect N95 8GB's current status. Not greater than 5 people are posting in this thread. It reflects N95 8GB's real-life commercial and popularity status. And elsewhere, you'll see a lot of people looking for brandnew N82. But N82 has already been discontinued, not because it's old stocks haven't been sold out like N95 8GB, but because Xenon has already been banned from a phone.

          • n
          • n's
          • PSP
          • 13 May 2009

          iphone is a cool phone..but at malaysia doesnt support it system...but i still love nokia' always produce phone suit with it price...

            • D
            • Dani
            • nGR
            • 13 May 2009

            iPhone can't be compared to the N95 8GB, 2 different types of phones

            iPhone is a AMAZING Touch input device with its Multi-Touch touchscreen and the best MAC OSX - and with Apples 'App Store' there with just a click of a button and over 1 Million + Apps to choose from!!

            N95 8GB is a AWESOME Slider multimedia device with excellent form factor for sliding into modes such as a Music, Video, Internet and phone, N-Gage is a very GOOD gaming platform which can be a substitute to your PSP or Gameboy, The Sound Quality is GOOD with a decicated DSP for sound processing and the stereo speakers for movies and music playback, And the video playback is very good, with millions of Symbian to choose from.

            In a SUMMARY:

            If you want the BEST Touchscreen device then for the iPhone 3G (or wait for the new to be announced, iPhone HD)

            If you want a Multimedia Slider with excellent features and a exciting form factor - N95 8GB is perfect for you.

            Hope you all like my review;)

              • ?
              • ???????????
              • PGx
              • 12 May 2009

              ???????????, 12 May 2009n85 or n95-8gb? which is better? in all terms? innov8 or... morei heard that iphon 3g is going to cost around 200$,thats why i have compared that with n95-8g.

                • ?
                • ???????????
                • PGx
                • 12 May 2009

                n85 or n95-8gb?
                which is better?
                in all terms?
                innov8 or n95-8gb?
                whic is better?
                both seems same in performance.
                iphone 3g or n95-8gb?
                which is better?(with out the camera part)

                  • D
                  • Dani
                  • nGR
                  • 12 May 2009

                  N95 and N95 8GB are still selling LOADS!!!

                  I haven't even seen anybody with N82 here..

                  I see alot of N95 and N95 8GBs!!!

                    • K
                    • Ktulu (N95 8GB)
                    • 0Cd
                    • 12 May 2009

                    There is really no such thing as "Out of stock", except for dealers!
                    Whenever you go to buy a high-end phone, you actually have to order it, unless they got it in stock.
                    That being said, unless you are some sort of a spy tha infiltrates every mobile shop, and across each country, you can't really say that N82, or N95 is depleted!
                    Would it actually be that case... Errr... N82 be out of stock, but N95 8GB not, would mean only one thing:
                    There are more orders for N95 at the Nokia factory, whilst N82... It means nobody would love to have one anymore.

                      • A
                      • Aaron
                      • M@T
                      • 12 May 2009

                      N82 is the most sought after Nseries. It's already out of production. And in many countries it has already been phased out. Yet there are still a lot of people who are asking for this phone. Too bad. The N95 8GB doesn't get the same attention. There are still plenty of stocks of N95 8GB in the market yet very few to nobody is buying. Look. You won't find a brand new N95 8GB that comes with v31 firmware. While all brand new N82 where available are on v31 firmware. It only means that old N95 8GB stocks have not been sold out. While N82 stocks have been replenished many times before it has been discontinued. If my Math is correct, I think there are only around 3 million N95 8GBs that have sold out worldwide, 15 million N95-1s, 11 million N82s. If N82 had not been discontinued, I'm pretty sure that it would surpass the sales all the N95 iterations.

                        • a
                        • answer
                        • PSP
                        • 12 May 2009

                        Question, 12 May 2009Why the music player in nokia phone always stuck n hang. .which series that u said always hang?n95 8gb?

                          • Q
                          • Question
                          • k9W
                          • 12 May 2009

                          Why the music player in nokia phone always stuck n hang. .

                            • K
                            • Ktulu (N95 8GB)
                            • Mv6
                            • 12 May 2009

                            Flagship, 12 May 2009Yes, you are right if u are commenting on aaron's personal ... moreIn my opinnion, magazine ratings represent 50% + 50% mass manipulation, for it lays in every individual how hard he'll use his smartphone.
                            You ought to remember, smartphones are like PCs. Better said, their OS! Win XP used to crash sometimes, but that was because we always kept rushing them up, the programs, etc. We expected a lot! Until we figured out that we've got to be a bit patient :)
                            XP had bugs also.

                              • n
                              • n's
                              • PSP
                              • 12 May 2009

                              Flagship, 12 May 2009indeed, making a f**l out of himself lol...I've seen some s... morei think aaron always trying so hard to make his n82 always winner haha..just ignore him k?..

                                • F
                                • Flagship
                                • pq$
                                • 12 May 2009

                                stupid xenon flash, 12 May 2009hahaha man now we get a list of top ten nokia devices and m... moreindeed, making a f**l out of himself lol...I've seen some sites even American ones rate N958gb on the first place in the smartphone segment even today and before Iphone3g which again shows how brilliant this unit actually is. I'm aware that the Us phone market is waay behind the European one, but the enthusiasm for Apple is much greater there then in Europe. So it's quite an achievement. Again N82 nowhere in sight, but that's hardly a surprise:)

                                  • s
                                  • stupid xenon flash
                                  • uCw
                                  • 12 May 2009

                                  hahaha man now we get a list of top ten nokia devices and man i gotta admit he is a funny guy

                                    • F
                                    • Flagship
                                    • pq$
                                    • 12 May 2009

                                    n's, 12 May 2009i'm always thinking b4 posting comment here dude...when i r... moreYes, you are right if u are commenting on aaron's personal ratings which are ofcourse silly, but if a respectable magazine posts the ratings of smartphones i think it means something and they don't just invent it. That's all:)

                                      • n
                                      • n's
                                      • PSP
                                      • 12 May 2009

                                      Flagship, 11 May 2009well, maybe ranking is based upon those factors, or do you ... morei'm always thinking b4 posting comment here dude...when i read all opinion in this forum,the people act like a child coz always fight which device is great..and now the funny...i want ask u lar,if u buy a phone depends on its ranking or speciality mr flagship?

                                        • F
                                        • Flagship
                                        • MmT
                                        • 11 May 2009

                                        n's, 11 May 2009ranking is nothing.more important is endurance,quality.comf... morewell, maybe ranking is based upon those factors, or do you think they just made it up out of thin air. And i wouldn't be calling anyone stupid here, cause it shows a lack of abbilities of communications as it should be handled. Think about it mate:)