Nokia N95 8GB

Nokia N95 8GB

User opinions and reviews

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  • k9W
  • 14 May 2009

aaron, 14 May 2009N95 8GB is the best phone until N82, N96, N79 and N85 were ... moreWhy you tell everyone. .about your linking. .it's just your linking not all people. .more than that,you tell the n95 8gb is the last in your linking. .what your motive ?? . .this is n95 8gb. .it's not fair. .

    • a
    • aaron
    • jLB
    • 14 May 2009

    N95 8GB is the best phone until N82, N96, N79 and N85 were released. N95 8Gb was the best phone of prehistoric era, not of the current era. Infact, if I were to rank these Nseries to my liking, it will go like this:
    9.N95 8GB
    1 - being my most favorite, and 9 - being the least I like... I only like N95 8Gb if there were no more options.

      • c
      • celladik
      • ji{
      • 14 May 2009

      I have a good time reading all your comments!

      @dani, hows your n95 8gb? Do you find your self n0w liking a s60 ph0ne? Or still n0t?

        • Q
        • Question
        • k9W
        • 14 May 2009

        sam, 13 May 2009I think the old one is best...coz its the original n the op... moreBut you must know. .the old n95 have low batery,it,s give problem to user,although the old n95 is cheaper than n95 8gb. .n the specifications not much different. .

          • s
          • sam
          • t}1
          • 13 May 2009

          I think the old one is best...coz its the original n the opner.nt much difrence betwn the two devices...8g has jus 0.2 larger thn the old one wch is 2.6 inch...display...anther 1 is the sd ram...let me tel u guys.....64 ram is enough.....128 is for those who r intrstd i plyng gmes n watching videos experncing good moments vth my old 95..n its the best....i love it...

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • mj$
            • 13 May 2009

            Anonymous, 13 May 2009There is a reason if why nokia placed the 3.5mm jack at the... morethat coward dont know nothing just to show off his n82 microscopic keypad and ice candy bar phone..
            get a life..
            i fell sorry to u n82 fanboy n95 8gb is clearly a legend phone..i love slider phone.. ice candy bar phone is a old design..

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • ji{
              • 13 May 2009

              There is a reason if why nokia placed the 3.5mm jack at the syd of the N95 8gb. As i said a wyl ago. N95 8gb has a dedicated music key. That dedicated music key can now be used as gaming key. Imagine that you are going to connect your phone via tv out cable. The position of the phone(N95 8gb) will be in landscape mode so in that matter. U can hold the N95 8gb like a joypad. And that is much better position than ur N82 inspite of gaming via tv out cable and also in watching movies. You can see the output of that phone in fullscreen mode in the tv. Unlike N82. U will need to on the automatic screen rotation before u will come up in a landscape mode in your tv.. Im a ryt?imagine that matter with ur N82. The 3.5mm jack at top? Then in landscape position? Thats not good man. Other phones like N85,N96 3.5mm jack is much better than yours. Because they have a slide down which will bring the phone in landscape mode even if u hold it in landscape portrait or vice versa,but still it is in landscape view. And as u notice, N95 8gb and N95-1 has the only 3.5mm jack at the ryt side and that is the reason. Because N95 8gb also the N95-1 is a gaming, a music, or should i say the all in one device. :p that is the nokia strategy.

                • j
                • jp
                • N7$
                • 13 May 2009

                Hi there 2 all the gsm readers i want 2 tell you guys that the n95 8gb is the best n series ever, i had 3 n96 and a n85 and n78 ,samsung omnia ,n82 and dont want 2 be boring please the other phones r good but nog good enough software problems its a pain i dont want any of those phones i tried them all and was very disapointment ,n95 8gb old but stays the legend like elvis king of rock and rol and bruclee they r dead but still stays the legends of all time so gsm readers theres ur answer to evertything about the n95 8gb kind regards jp

                  • a
                  • aaron
                  • jLB
                  • 13 May 2009

                  If N82 was huge as N95 8GB then I wouldn't have bought it. Very few people praise N95 8GB's 2.8-inch low resolution screen but a lot, I mean, all people are talking about N82's Xenon flash. Everytime there's a new camera phone that will be announced the first thing that people would say is, "Does this phone come with a Xenon flash like N82?" N95 8GB has nothing more to boast. It's already the touchscreen, widescreen, HD screen era. While N82 still has the hype. It's still got the most powerful flash up to now. You're right. N82, N85, N86, N96 will not intend to beat N95 8GB cos they're on another level already, higher level that is. N95 8GB is outdated, in design, size and ergonomics, it's very outdated. The N85 is a much much better more cool device. It's the N85 that I'm wanting right now. It's the perfect phone, design- and software-wise. N95 8GB is the exact opposite of N85, massive phone and boring user interface. I wouldn't want my phone to be bulky as N95 8GB with the 3.5mm jack and chips mistakingly placed to where they should not be placed, and camera deprived of a proper lens cover and better flash despite its bulk.

                    • D
                    • Dani
                    • nGR
                    • 13 May 2009

                    NONE of the new N-Series phones such as N85, N96, N79, N82 CAN NOT beat N95 8GB..

                    Aaron we know your all jealous

                    and BTW 5800 is NOT as good as the iPhone 3G

                      • D
                      • Dani
                      • nGR
                      • 13 May 2009

                      Yeah ONLY N82 fans are jealous of N95 8GB, My other friend who has N82 always bashes N95 8GB aswell.

                      I mean whats with you N82 fans? Don't like its boring bricky design with that rice grain keypad??!? Not surprised lol:)

                      The Xenon Flash and Lense cover on N82 CAN NOT beat N95 8GB's design and big display!!

                      Face the facts Aaron!

                        • a
                        • aaron
                        • jLB
                        • 13 May 2009

                        I'd be jealous of N95 8GB if it's 14mm thinner, its 3.5mm jack is at the top, has an OLED screen, Naviwheel, FM transmitter, camera lens cover, modern design, menu transition, memory expansion slot. Pitifully, it doesn't have such. Why would I be jealous of a phone which basically has the same features as my phone and is a worse performer compared to my phone? Video watching is supposed to be the best and main feature of N95 8Gb. The N96 with its video processor, 2.8 inch display, kickstand and properly placed speakers are much better video device. The cheap 5800 with its wide HD screen and crystal clear sound gives much much better movie viewing experience. What other features does N95 8Gb excel in? Music and sound quality? Even an entry level 5320 xpressmusic is a better MP3 player. Camera? Nothing beats N82 as of yet and N95 8GB doesn't even come as close in providing good shots as N82 despite having the very same sensor. GPS? N95 8GB is the only GPS phone that you can't use with its slider closed. Is this the type of phone that anybody will get jealous of?

                          • a
                          • armie
                          • ji{
                          • 13 May 2009

                          im nt happy wit dis fone.problem wit n95 8gb is dat it has no memory card.everytym i install a font n got bored wit it n change it,i have to format d mass memory.n d transfer speed on d mass memory is very slow compared to a card reader.and its quite fat also.cant put it in my pocket.i think of selling dis on ebay n get a 5800 or n85.

                            • Q
                            • Question
                            • k9W
                            • 13 May 2009

                            Can someone tell me,how to get the software for playing mwv movies like nokia n85. .n for the divx player. .

                              • S
                              • Sho@iB
                              • P@Q
                              • 13 May 2009

                              Simple best...

                                • K
                                • Ktulu (N95 8GB)
                                • Mv6
                                • 13 May 2009

                                Now, look, you maniac!
                                First of all, in December, when I bought my latest (I'll let you all know why), it came with v.30... And I came, too, but that's a totally different thing! :))
                                People, I think he's either a mormone, or of some kind of a weird religion. Or a depressive-maniac! =)) And this is the maniacal part of him :)) These people commit suicide, when turned to depression. I think, if we'd brake an N82 in front of him, he'd already be "Dead and Broken", like the guys from Godsmack use to say.
                                Why I bought my second one? Simple! I forgot the previous in a mall's cinema ~X( !
                                Every dealer would have me buy the N85, or N96! Imagine how manipulation works in these times! I told them 'Sorry, nothing compares to the N95 8GB, yet! Yes, the N96 has got the same 2.8", but lacks the battery!"
                                And I think others would've done the same thing.
                                I think whoever owns a different model, WILL upgrade in such a case. Me not! Owning such a beauty won't make me upgrade it to anything, YET. There's still N97 to come.
                                And I only trust Nokia! :)

                                  • a
                                  • answer
                                  • PSP
                                  • 13 May 2009

                                  Question, 13 May 2009I mean symbian os 9.3 s60 rel. 3.2 and 9.1 s60 3rd edition ... morewhen i listen music via n95 8gb,it doesnt stuck n lagging..i not promote this phone,but its true..

                                    • Q
                                    • Question
                                    • k9W
                                    • 13 May 2009

                                    answer, 12 May 2009which series that u said always hang?n95 8gb?I mean symbian os 9.3 s60 rel. 3.2 and 9.1 s60 3rd edition such as n73,nokia 5320xm n something like that. this phone. when we play the music player. .always hang n stuck. i don't know what the pblm n happen wth nokia phone.most of nokia phone like that.Y

                                      • ?
                                      • Anonymous
                                      • mj$
                                      • 13 May 2009

                                      aaron, 13 May 2009The N95 8GB that people bought a year ago is the same N95 8... morexenon banned from the phone? look SE arse..

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • pq$
                                        • 13 May 2009

                                        As long as jealous people like our little aaron are posting here, we have a sure flagship in our hands. When there is no more bashing of N958gb, then we know it's starting to wear off (i learned that working on a radio station)
                                        But not today - so keep 'em coming mate....I'll be back in a half year - if ur still here, i got bad news for you:) Bye bye, love ya all hehe