Nokia N95 8GB

Nokia N95 8GB

User opinions and reviews

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  • e
  • endlessz
  • uEx
  • 16 May 2009

ahh i'm back after i've done my exams =)

wow that aaron's still at it eh?

did u answer my question on what u're gonna put in if u get a 16gb card on n82?

a simple question, why did nokia create n82?
what was an advantage that n82 has over n95 8gb?
a very easy one to see is it's xenon flash, right?
apart from that? n95 8gb has them all..
(ahh but the 3.5mm is on the top of the phone! bla bla bla..)
i'm comfortable with having it on the left side of the phone =)
and when i tried n96's 3.5mm jack on the top of the phone, i didnt think it was a big difference =D

    • D
    • Dani
    • nEw
    • 16 May 2009

    celladik, 16 May 2009I havent hack my phone neither. Maybe i have no time! And y... moreI would rather keep my phone legal, Hacking is just another thing to worry about..

      • c
      • celladik
      • ji{
      • 16 May 2009

      Dani, 16 May 2009Nope, I was close to hacking it but then didn't, instead i ... moreI havent hack my phone neither. Maybe i have no time! And yeah th0se sites are really good.

        • D
        • Dani
        • nEw
        • 16 May 2009

        celladik, 15 May 2009Haha thats nice. Do you hacked your phone?Nope, I was close to hacking it but then didn't, instead i just download apps from websites like, etc etc

        I only download very good apps like Youtube, BBC Mobile

        and iv got 4 N-Gage games

        Just awesome!!

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • mj$
          • 16 May 2009

          aaron, 16 May 2009Guys, here's another battle between N82 and N95 8Gb. It's p... moreaaron ur really crazy man i bet u are a virgin spending time analyzng both phone hahahaha!

            • a
            • aaron
            • j2C
            • 16 May 2009

            Guys, here's another battle between N82 and N95 8Gb. It's predictable. N82 always wins and N95 8Gb is always second best.

              • c
              • celladik
              • ji{
              • 15 May 2009

              Dani, 14 May 2009I love S60 alot nowHaha thats nice. Do you hacked your phone?

                • n
                • n95 8gb
                • mj$
                • 15 May 2009

                we love the n95 8gb!!! still the best! n82 what boring looking phone!

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • uCw
                  • 15 May 2009

                  hi all
                  just bought n95 8gb a week ago and its a brilliant phone awsome slider,speakers,video watching is ex-user of n81 and im happy with my decision of going from n81 to n95 8gb as the screen was dark and small and my black n81 started to peal off it looked hell happy with it just got one problem i cant fill my phone as it has a massive 8gb memory hehe enjoy

                    • F
                    • Flagship
                    • pq$
                    • 15 May 2009

                    btw. our N82 propeller fanboy aaron over at the N82 forums is threatening to kill people who wrote something about his beloved phone. Admins have deleted his posts, i hope they ban him forever and report the incident to the authorities. In our country which is in the heart of Europe a man was almost put in prison for such a thing even though he was kidding. So beware,there are really some dangerous fanatics amongst us, to admins of the gsmareana let this be a warning that they are responsible for their site and administration of it!Regards!

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • pq$
                      • 15 May 2009

                      jason, 15 May 2009based on hardware and software capabilities i think n82 doe... moreofcourse you have the liberty for such claim, but you will not find anyone agreeing with you here. We had this discussion million times already. N82 has some good points but also some unforgivable mistakes. These being akward keypad, bad battery life, slow software, small screen and akward position of the buttons and incredibly high SAR value. It's more of an experimental phone, but nothing that will last. The built quality is also not the best in the N-Series. But hey - if you like it, good...but i'm afraid it has never been a flagship phone, more of a try of a supreme photo phono by Nokia. Just my opinion and experience with the device! Regards!

                        • F
                        • Flagship
                        • pq$
                        • 15 May 2009

                        ????????, 15 May 2009i have found one, innov8 vs n95 8gig camera:innov8 is bet... moreI have found that innov8 is not without problems either. My friend's keeps freezing also...And the camera although it has 8mp gives less quality pics then N958gb. And you have to remember, it's a copy of N958gb. But if Sammy is your thing go get it. I can comfirm that the phones from samsung are not bad. I would go for the original though:)

                          • ?
                          • ????????
                          • PGx
                          • 15 May 2009

                          ????????, 15 May 2009is there any phone in this world which can beat n95-8gb?in ... morei have found one,
                          innov8 vs n95 8gig
                          camera:innov8 is better. because 8mp
                          sound quality: innov8 is better in both speaker and head phone
                          software:innov8 is symbian 9.3 and n95 8gig is 9.2
                          software bug: innov8 has not any software bug and problem but n95 8gig freezes much.(i heard it)
                          lcd:innov8 is better(every one says)
                          performance:innov8 is ??????????
                          bulid quality: innov8 is better in looks
                          memory: innov8 has 16 gig of internal memory and has memory slot.

                            • ?
                            • ????????
                            • PGx
                            • 15 May 2009

                            is there any phone in this world which can beat n95-8gb?in all side?

                              • j
                              • jason
                              • v0X
                              • 15 May 2009

                              based on hardware and software capabilities i think n82 does it all.

                              it's definitely the best nseries phone ever.

                                • C
                                • CB
                                • nx2
                                • 15 May 2009

                                Can anyone tell me if O2 Uk is good reception, and good for mobile web browsing with these? is o2 better than '3' with mobile browsing anyone pls?

                                  • D
                                  • Dani
                                  • nEw
                                  • 14 May 2009

                                  celladik, 14 May 2009I have a good time reading all your comments! @dani, how... moreI love S60 alot now

                                    • D
                                    • Dani
                                    • nEw
                                    • 14 May 2009

                                    celladik, 14 May 2009I have a good time reading all your comments! @dani, how... moreI LOVE IT! Its just awesome..

                                      • j
                                      • jani
                                      • Uq4
                                      • 14 May 2009

                                      this is the best mobile i have ever use ..!! simply best

                                        • Q
                                        • Question
                                        • k9W
                                        • 14 May 2009

                                        Question, 14 May 2009Why you tell everyone. .about your linking. .it's just your... moreN95 8gb forum. .missing