Nokia N95 8GB

Nokia N95 8GB

User opinions and reviews

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  • N
  • N958gb
  • pq$
  • 06 May 2009

endlessz, 06 May 2009Hahaha, this guy just doesn't know when to stop! it's fun t... moreoh my God - that's gotta hurt:) Nice one. Cheers mate

    • e
    • endlessz
    • uEB
    • 06 May 2009

    aaron, 06 May 2009For N82's small screen, some say it's a disadvantage since ... moreerr..hook up your N82 to TV via tv out??

    dude..what if you're outside having dinner with your friends or family and you wanted to show them this great video you took the other day..
    u're gonna ask the waiter to borrow a TV to hook it up to your N82??! HAHAHAHA! lol, now that's funny!

    too bad the N82's screen is too small to show videos to others when you're outside and there's not TV!

      • e
      • endlessz
      • uEB
      • 06 May 2009

      aaron, 06 May 2009For N82's small screen, some say it's a disadvantage since ... moreHahaha, this guy just doesn't know when to stop! it's fun though, let's just keep on throwing him all this stuff bout N95 8GB to make him realize how great it is..


      go learn from that Christian guy and start replacing your N82 yo! hahahaha..

      what? camera lens get scratched?
      dude..u know how cheap it is to change over the whole casing of N95 8GB? it costs $15 US here in Indonesia..
      maybe u want me to SEND YOU ONE so u'll stop bragging bout those little things? LOL!

        • T
        • Tsepz
        • j{k
        • 06 May 2009

        aaron, 06 May 2009You can only tease me to make me feel sorry for my N82 havi... moreNice,you've just shown YOUR lack of knowledge, QVGA in a 2.8inch screen is just fine, LOADS of smartphones pull it off just fine, the N95-8gbs screen is beautiful, the N96 as well, the HTC TyTN-II also pulled it off well, OH so did the SE P990, Sam Innov8 as well, and lots of others, it looks bright and huge , not dull and in need of a patch to brighten up like N82's.

          • s
          • silverblade
          • uC0
          • 06 May 2009

          this n95 8gb : a perfect multimedia smartphone. To aaron, i dunno what's in your mind but everyone knows u're so sick bcoz u can't afford to buy it. u really sick man..........

            • a
            • aaron
            • j2C
            • 06 May 2009

            You can only tease me to make me feel sorry for my N82 having a smaller screen but I can't because I know that I have not lost anything at all in this area since it is still the same QVGA resolution I and you have got here. I'm even choosing a phone which has smaller screen than N95 8GB for my next phone. When we speak of QVGA, 2.8 inches is more like an optical illusion. Only people who don't know much about technology will be impressed by a 2.8 inch screen of N95 8GB. But for people who are technically endowed, they will ask you: How large is the screen of your phone? You'll answer them proudly: 2.8 inches. And they'll curiously ask you back: What then is the resolution? And you will pause for a minute then shyngly saying this 4-letter abbreviation: QVGA. And they'll reply: Err... LOL!

              • N
              • N958gb
              • pq$
              • 06 May 2009

              Petr, 06 May 2009I've got the almighty N95 8GB, with a huge screen and a lov... moreSince i tried N958gb i will never go to a phone with smallr screen. All the little ones seem silly. So when i get new contract ither this phone or N97. No compromise there, ever.

                • t
                • tt
                • pq$
                • 06 May 2009

                Petr, 06 May 2009I've got the almighty N95 8GB, with a huge screen and a lov... moreThe screean was a dealbreaker for me too. It has a bigger screen then my Sony camera lol, so it was a clear choice, besides other premium features. It's really fun to watch videos, pics or surf the web on that device. Just awesome.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • pq$
                  • 06 May 2009

                  Petr, 06 May 2009I've got the almighty N95 8GB, with a huge screen and a lov... moreYes, the screen is really a blast. Love it:)

                    • P
                    • Petr
                    • Ppq
                    • 06 May 2009

                    I've got the almighty N95 8GB, with a huge screen and a lovely black. I hate N82 due to small screen and no N-GAGE/multimedia keys, come on guys, every stuff I do, I use the huge screen of the N95 8GB, (pictures, videos, gaming, N-GAGE, GPS, editing word, excel 2007, every stuff I do, I need my huge screen

                      • a
                      • aaron
                      • jLB
                      • 06 May 2009

                      For N82's small screen, some say it's a disadvantage since you won't be enjoying watching movies on a small screen. But it's not that big of a deal considering that it's competition is of the same resolution and only larger in dimension. If I want to watch movies then I'd hook my N82 on a TV screen via TV-out and I'll be much more satisfied with widescreen viewing experience. Not a letdown at all. N82 and N95 8GB downscale all media to QVGA regardless of what resolution it is encoded. It is only via TV-out that you can enjoy a much larger resolution, maximum is VGA.
                      For N95 8GB's lack of a camera lens cover, Xenon flash and memory card expansion slot, is there any remedy for that? No matter how careful you are, your N95 8GB's camera lens will get scratched, I mean horrible scratches as time goes by. You can only wish that there is always a source of bright light to take crystal clear pictures. And you can only dream that your multimedia powerhouse has enough memory to store high quality full movies, thousand MP3s, large collection of captured pics and recorded vids in max resolution, games, themes, and applications.

                        • n
                        • n's
                        • PSP
                        • 06 May 2009

                        Aaron, 04 May 2009Well it's not important whether you believe me or not. But ... moreto aaron filipino guy aka propeler;
                        Get a life ur money then buy n86..after that go to n86 forum.u r not belong here dude

                          • ?
                          • Anonymous
                          • 0yx
                          • 05 May 2009

                          n95 8gb is the popular handset in the philippines..aaron and his friends one of a few filipin0 use a n82.. Aar0n is pn0y thats a pn0y attitude cant accept defeat..

                            • D
                            • Dani
                            • nGR
                            • 05 May 2009

                            relishjos, 05 May 2009birthday giftCool

                              • r
                              • relishjos
                              • p7q
                              • 05 May 2009

                              Dani, 04 May 2009We ain't bothered about N82 in this forum, We are proud own... morebirthday gift

                                • T
                                • Tsepz
                                • j{k
                                • 05 May 2009

                                aaron, 05 May 2009Have you been following Krussell's Top 10 List of Best Sell... moreWHO CARES!!? Oh wait. . .NOBODY! I personaly couldnt careless how much a phone sells, im happy for the Nokia selling a lot of N82s but in the end all i care about is the phone that suits ME, and there for will not go around posting rubbish in other phone forums, i dont know why you have this sick attitude against the N95-8GB, are you mad because you couldnt afford it? Thats the only reason anyone (esp. Another Nokia user) would come in here and bash a device.

                                  • s
                                  • stupid xenon flash
                                  • uCw
                                  • 05 May 2009

                                  give me a break....this n82 vs n95 8gb fight is going no where my friends....

                                    • D
                                    • Dani
                                    • nGR
                                    • 05 May 2009

                                    If you ask more people which they like out of N82 and N95 8GB, more people will say N95 8GB!

                                    Trust me iv asked loadsa friends and they prefer N95 8GB and im in the UK..

                                    over here N95, N95 8GB are common

                                    I haven't seen anyone with N82:)

                                      • a
                                      • aaron
                                      • jLB
                                      • 05 May 2009

                                      Have you been following Krussell's Top 10 List of Best Selling Mobile Phones? Many time has N82 been included on that list in 2008. For as long as I can remember, it was July 2008 that N82 peaked at #3 in that list. I've seen N95 8GB as well but I've never seen it peaked higher than #6 on that list. N82 was still included on that list until February of this year while N95 8Gb was no longer to be found on that list. Isn't it hard to accept the fact that there are more N82 users than N95 8GB users? Okay, I'll rephrase it. There are more people who use N82 than N95 8GB. The original N95 is indeed more successful than N82, but not the N95 8GB.

                                        • t
                                        • tt
                                        • pq$
                                        • 05 May 2009

                                        Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970+1. Cheers mate:)