Nokia N96

Nokia N96

User opinions and reviews

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  • i
  • iolo003
  • PT}
  • 18 Sep 2008

Kal the KSP fanboy, your probably freaking out to the highest level because all the N96 enthusiast are attacking you now, i feel sorry for you. c",

When I talk about all-in-one and best value, it means that N96 has everything that a mobile phone can give, camera, etc and dvb-h receiver, your phone has no dvb-h so its not complete, and best value, your phone cost $400 more and what can we get out of $400, 8MP and some improvements. to think that Nokia already provides us with one of best camera and top of the line features for mobile, is that worth taking?

have you ask anybody yet as to what they would prefer, TV or 8MP on their phone?

    • B
    • Blocker69
    • w9L
    • 18 Sep 2008

    I need to know something, if you fill the entire 16gb with music will the phone become Slow and stuff?

      • K
      • Kenzo
      • M@T
      • 18 Sep 2008

      Kal, 17 Sep 2008Whatever I have said about Nokia, I can justify them. I sta... moreNo dude i neva praised or promoted the N96 based on mobile reviews.....i was jst quoting them 2 counter your Atack on the N96 ....seen that you wer using the same medium(specs/review) 2 support your i8510.......
      Im jst waiting 4 the Phone...2 reach my country South Africa then ill purchase it....
      Oh by the way DVB-H TV is free in my country hehehehe....all i hav 2 do is call my service provider and fetch my new sim card....
      You see it works perfectly 4 me.N96..
      2010 Soccer World Cup in my pocket..... ;o)

      Wat Phones you own?....

        • j
        • jimmy
        • 019
        • 17 Sep 2008

        hey, got a question about the keypad.
        I text alot and i plan on using this phone for emails too.

        Is the keypad on this phone good for typing text messages/emails? on a scale of 1- 10
        (10 being as fast and accurate as a QWERTY keyboard, and 1 being randomly pushing buttons, hoping to produce a readible sentence)

        and how is the web browser for this phone? is the screen too small?

          • ?
          • Anonymous
          • p$K
          • 17 Sep 2008

          Kal, 17 Sep 2008Someone always has to start this all over again huh. Its... moreFirst off, it hasnt been officially confirmed by gsmarena or any other website about the unlocked versions. Also Orange did the same thing with the n78, yet they didnt have it.
          Secondly, i did check the measurements. At first glance, they look similar, but the reviews of both handsets say quite a different story, and they dont make your i8510 look good. You should read why, but from what they said, operating the i8510 is difficult, especially with one hand. So it is you who should check your facts twice or maybe even thrice.
          You also didnt answer any of my questions or respect the 'no reply' request. Probably because you couldnt find a suitable answer. So dont come here insulting people or saying youre allergic to bulls**t when in fact youre so full of it.
          You should just give it a rest. As long as you continue to post negative remarks here about our beloved n96, you will always be met with hostility. Bye bye.

            • K
            • Kal
            • 2SU
            • 17 Sep 2008

            Anonymous, 17 Sep 2008Kal, why are you in the n96 forum? Why dont you go 2 the sa... moreSomeone always has to start this all over again huh.

            Its already available on orange and o2 in europe for free with contract. Ref: carphonewarhouse,
            Other than the camera there are a list of things that Innov8 has and n96 dosn't. Let me not start here again.
            I'm not dumb as you think that I will ask why the 3.5 mm jack is on top.Raed my post again. I have asked is it a BIG deal to have it on top? I knew what you have said and I agreed. But is that a buying factor? N95 or N95 8gb didn't have it on "top" either and I dont see anyone complaining.
            Let me give the measurement. May be you didn't notice.
            N96: 103 x 55 x 18 mm
            INNOV8: 106.5 x 53.9 x 17.2 mm
            So you are saying n96 won't fit in pocket either as its even wider that innov8. Innov8 is just tall, not fat as you claim it to be.
            Try checking your facts twice before you hit the submit button please.

            Could you people please stop posting crap about innov8. I'm alergatic to bulls**t.

              • ?
              • Anonymous
              • p$K
              • 17 Sep 2008

              Kal, 17 Sep 2008"""-------- >In reply to Anonymous @ 2008-09-09 14:13 fr... moreKal, why are you in the n96 forum? Why dont you go 2 the samsung forum? Why are you flaunting your i8510 which isnt even out? Wasnt it supossed to come out last month? This month is almost over and i still dont see it anywhere.
              Secondly, apart from the beeèd up camera, is there anything that the i8510 can do that the n96 cant?
              Thirdly, an 8 megapixel is not a new feature. It is an improvement of an already existing feature (the camera). Something like an fm transmitter or a DVB-H TV receiver is a unique feature which is still new and has currently no improvements. Now you tell me which phone has more features.
              By the way, let me ask you this. Does a beefed up camera constitute a difference of over 200 euros? 550 euros vs 780 euros (an example is n78 and n79 which have basically the same features except for the camera and retail package, but their price difference will not be more than 70 euros).
              I saw you asking a question about why the 3.5mm audio jack is on top. Its not rocket science. Every music gadget has its audio jack at the top or the bottom. Even the ipods and iphones. In the case of the i8510, the phone is so bulky and heavy, it can barely fit into a pocket. Its even wider than nokia e90. Having the audio jack at the side will mean that the earphones will keep protruding in the pocket. Furthermore, they will always be bent when in use in the pocket and this may eventually damage them very quickly.
              Finally, let me tell you about the music quality which you praise so much. Europe is where the i8510 will mainly flourish. However, due to the EU restrictions, the music quality shall be toned down. For your info, the n91 was way above these restrictions before they were implemented. Thats why no phone can pass its audio quality. Outside europe, the i8510 wont sell well due to its crazy price tag, yet in these other countries, its music quality isnt restricted.
              So do us all a favor and please dont reply, just stop posting here.

                • K
                • Kal
                • 2SU
                • 17 Sep 2008

                Anonymous, 01 Jan 1970Whatever I have said about Nokia, I can justify them. I stand by my words. I have raised some questions some issues some facts which mostly went unanswered. If you don't have ANYTHING to counter them with facts, lets not shout N96 is the Best or drag samsung or innov8 farther in your reply.

                  • K
                  • Kal
                  • 2SU
                  • 17 Sep 2008

                  Anonymous, 17 Sep 2008Let me ask u Mr Kal. Do u own innov8 and already using it f... moreMany of us don't own a phone and still debate about its features based on what the specs on paper along with what all website reviews are saying. Those who are reviewing it, had the phone in hand, tested it and reached a conclusion. For me I will get my hands on innov8 as soon the price drops a bit. For kenzo, he is also waiting to get n96. But it's sad that when some well known websites talks good about nokia, some people think they are unbiased and when the very same reviewer talks good about other brands they suddenly becomes fanboy.

                    • K
                    • Kal
                    • 2SU
                    • 17 Sep 2008

                    Kenzo, 17 Sep 2008My memory serves me perfectly .....thank you Dr Kal Lol an... moreNo issues with you Kenzo. I have already said that post was meant for iolo003 and not you. You obviously reviewed everything and came to the conclusion that N96 serves your purpose. I'm no one to convince you to change your mind. Samsung doesn't pay me for that. Lol. But the fact that you have appreciated and impressed with some other brand is fair enough. Chill.

                      • ?
                      • Anonymous
                      • TIE
                      • 17 Sep 2008

                      Let me ask u Mr Kal. Do u own innov8 and already using it for weeks? Based on my experience, u only know how gd or bad the ph is after u actually use it, especially for high tier phones. I 100% agree wit u innov8 is the best in spec ON PAPER.

                        • K
                        • Kenzo
                        • p$K
                        • 17 Sep 2008

                        Kal, 17 Sep 2008"""-------- >In reply to Anonymous @ 2008-09-09 14:13 fr... moreMy memory serves me perfectly .....thank you Dr Kal
                        Lol and wat makes me 2 be Blind?.....and wat is abvious of whom wich iv accepted?

                          • i
                          • iolo003
                          • PT}
                          • 17 Sep 2008

                          Kal, 17 Sep 2008Sorry Kenzo. I've mistaken you for iolo003. wasn't meant fo... moreagain if you have a.d. problem, i cannot mention that word again because the moderator will delete the post c",

                          i can refer you to some of my friends, they will be willing to help you

                            • C
                            • C_C
                            • vCE
                            • 17 Sep 2008

                            hurt it, 17 Sep 2008bought 1 today at $1350 and u know wat!it was worth it.all ... morehey, i'm just wondering if u can tell me where u get ur N96 from and if the TV that built-in ur phone is for free? coz it's just i live in Australia and i don't know if the whole tv thingy is for free or not..

                              • K
                              • Kal
                              • vwd
                              • 17 Sep 2008

                              Kenzo, 17 Sep 2008Lol u implied the you jst cnt stop ur self from... moreSorry Kenzo. I've mistaken you for iolo003. wasn't meant for you. I replied to iolo and then you got into it.

                                • K
                                • Kal
                                • vwd
                                • 17 Sep 2008

                                Kenzo, 17 Sep 2008Lol u implied the you jst cnt stop ur self from... more"""--------

                                >In reply to Anonymous @ 2008-09-09 14:13 from vwdn

                                Samsung is not Nokia and I wont throw my hard earn money to Samsung, the number one company haunted by durability issues?

                                Can samsung gave me durabilty?
                                Can samsung gave me the best customer service?
                                Can samsung gave me firmware updates?
                                Can samsung develop free 3rd party softwares?
                                Can samsung gave me the best navigational mobile map?
                                And my list goes on and on..

                                Can samsung gave me what Nokia can give?

                                A BIG No c", So why settle for less? Samsung, ah that brand?

                                That was to begin with and then you kept going on. That's what made me reply. Seems you have issues with your memory as well.

                                And ya let me clasify you. You are just a 'Blind' Nokia fan. After 10 pages of comments you have accepted something which is very obvious.

                                  • b
                                  • bhaskr
                                  • 2SS
                                  • 17 Sep 2008

                                  Friends, I have a shoe string budget, but I would love to buy one which has 3G and fast data access and a good 5MB camera, video. Give me the choice between N82, N958gb, N96 or would u advice me to wait for a couple of months and evaluate N85 before deciding on one...

                                    • K
                                    • Kenzo
                                    • p$K
                                    • 17 Sep 2008

                                    Kal, 17 Sep 2008One can go to page 12 and still can read how you started ba... moreLol u implied the you jst cnt stop ur self from mentioning the poor did Sammy pay you?....
                                    Well where do u clasify me....then..
                                    Coz i didnt puchase the N95-1 and N95 8GB....and i feel that the N96 has been built with me in mind...?FP2 UI more internal memory....and better sound Quality than the N95 8GB ....with high lights 2 deeper BASS in smape's review.....wich i totaly need....seen that i Play the Bass Guitar you see....Need 2 hear that Low note clearly.....
                                    Like iv mentioned be4 the Media keys a asantial 2 a multimedia device.....
                                    And dnt lie i neva Dissed or Bashed The i8510.....i still say its An "inovvation" 2 Sammy's portfolio....Im impressed....yet i would Get the G810 insted if i had extra money coz it looks better and Basicaly dose the same Thing....

                                      • K
                                      • Kal
                                      • vwd
                                      • 17 Sep 2008

                                      Kenzo, 17 Sep 2008But ur the 1st one who mentioned the i8510......we just tel... moreOne can go to page 12 and still can read how you started basing ....well I wont say the name.

                                      So you wanna know what i think of N96. Here it is: If you want a value for money all-in-one allrounder then N85 tops the chart. N95 users seeking more memory and who doesn't want to switch to other brands could go for N96. I would rather suggest them to wait till Jan when the Actual flagship from nokia comes out. When they release a 8mp that will shut those people up who says Nokia is not after megapixel race. They have to release one.

                                      And finally those who don't want to compromise on features and wants the BEST in the market, they could consider getting ....well I won't take the name again. Happy?

                                        • K
                                        • Kal
                                        • vwd
                                        • 17 Sep 2008

                                        Ace, 17 Sep 2008Hi Guyz, Juz wanna have an honest opinion about N96 and ... moreYou can have a look at the review of Innov8 which has a broad comparison with N96. It's up to you to decide.


                                        No Innov8 doesn't have Tv Broadcast receiver. However there are 3rd party mobile tv applications which might help. You have to purchase it though. I'm not sure on this.

                                        I think you got the answer.