Nokia N96

Nokia N96

User opinions and reviews

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  • K
  • Kenzo
  • p$K
  • 17 Sep 2008

Kal, 17 Sep 2008I stand by my words. I think I said that a long ago that N9... moreBut ur the 1st one who mentioned the i8510......we just teling you that we not tell us somthing about the Nokia N96......pleas im dieing 2 read wat youl say....without mentioning the all That Sammy Fanboys eve talk about is the i8510...and its the best Thing That has eve hapned 2
Try 2 be relevent 2 the post...PLEAS....
i neva go 2 sammy i8510 post coz i was there wen it was 1st anounced....said i was impressed and left....
You on the other hand hav been here since N96 was anounced in february...till DATE LOL!!!!!
The 3.5mm jack on top makes 4 better landscape and normal oriantation......Its also away from left handad pples hands....

I would love 2 see the day were u post somthing without a tad of i8510 in it....

    • s
    • suhail
    • nCb
    • 17 Sep 2008

    yup its a gr8 fone.its the best fone in the market with many gr8 features than any other

      • ?
      • Anonymous
      • TIE
      • 17 Sep 2008

      hey i am testing this with my n 96 internet. This is a great ph. The design is extremely cool. When you get real one, you will know. But it is a bit slow when opening sms. :( now i m happy with my n 96 so far.

        • A
        • Ace
        • PSL
        • 17 Sep 2008

        Please Dont give me biased answers.

        Thanks a load for the answers anyways.

          • A
          • Ace
          • PSL
          • 17 Sep 2008

          Hi Guyz,

          Juz wanna have an honest opinion about N96 and Samsung Innov8.

          Which one do you think is the best and why??
          Other than the 8 Mp cam does the INNOV8 beat N96 in any other features??

          Does the Innov8 have Tv Broadcast receiver like the N96??

            • ?
            • Anonymous
            • iGS
            • 17 Sep 2008

            DVB is of no use in the UK and the innov8 is available with 16GB built in memory also. i8510 (innov8)much better all round phone.

              • t
              • thedvdmonster
              • nx3
              • 17 Sep 2008

              Kal, 17 Sep 2008Listen fanboy, when nokia comes up with their 8mp n-series ... morekal-are you dreaming?
              innov8 is only half the phone the n96 is.
              dvb and 16gb on the n96 for a start

                • ?
                • Anonymous
                • prm
                • 17 Sep 2008

                i've had a n95 for more than a year it's great! wonderfull device that manage all application I ecpect from it.and its hardware and firmware is perfect with no problem so far. and it's camera fantastic. thats why I'm a nokia fan. nokia phones are practical divices not just toys. so I'm determined to replace my n95 by n96 so that I will have a more battery life with a better design and more mass memory.
                the only thing that I'm worry about is n96 camera quality. i saw some sample pictures of n96 here and wassn't satisfied by them. it seems it's picture quality it lower than n95's pictures.

                  • ?
                  • Anonymous
                  • M$2
                  • 17 Sep 2008

                  has any1 read da review of n96? i have noticed that n96's display isnt as impress as n95 8gb. i tink its a lil bit dull if u knw wht i mean. if u read n85 review on mobile-review. n85 killed n96, n96's screen is totally dark. i would buy it but da screen is a problem.

                    • K
                    • Kal
                    • vwd
                    • 17 Sep 2008

                    Kenzo, 17 Sep 2008I also agree...its like this Multimedia computer was design... moreI stand by my words. I think I said that a long ago that N96 is a sensible choice only if you really fancy Nokia-branded phones.

                    btw I'm surprised to know that innov8 lacks 3.5mm jack "on top". wondering what GREAT advantage you get from having the jack "on top" and not the side.

                    No one but the mods over here have the right to shut anyone up. As long as iolo or anyone keeps posting about innv8 and if its wrong, I will reply.

                      • c
                      • cdo
                      • PUT
                      • 17 Sep 2008

                      Kenzo, 17 Sep 2008I also agree...its like this Multimedia computer was design... moreThats right. That sammy fanny kal obviously interested in nokia phs. No wonder he can come here every minute in post. Those guys who dun care abt nokia phs will not even enter this review session.
                      We want to discuss more on N96, pls. This is the forum for N96.

                        • K
                        • Kenzo
                        • M@T
                        • 17 Sep 2008

                        musicphone, 17 Sep 2008i've read n96 review in and i must say i'm impres... moreI also agree...its like this Multimedia computer was designed with ME in mind........
                        im geting this before and of this year!!!!!!!

                        Could somebody Tell Kal 2 Get lost.....he's talking about giving credit and critisisym where its due ....yet he's Doing Non of the Abouv mentioned.....insted He's Promoting The Sammy i8510 and crushing the Nokia N96.....even if these 2 Devices are incompearable.....
                        In all your posts u mentioned the i8510 in compereson to the N96.
                        The N96 is Not ment2 compeet with any brands model....even Nokia said it....They Not in The Megapixel Race....!!! The i8510 LACKS multimedia funtionality...such as media keys and 3.5mm jack on top.....!
                        The N96 was meant 4 the Nokia user who wanted 2 purchased the N95 needed more memory and functions...meaning
                        The N96 is More Hard core Multimedia device tHan the N95 8GB.....hence Nokia Said its an ALTERNATIVE!!!!!!!....

                        So pleas stop promoting the i8510 coz we not interested.....This is a N96 post....try 2 post opinions souly based on the relevent topic :the Nokia N96!!!!!!!!

                          • m
                          • musicphone
                          • Rnp
                          • 17 Sep 2008

                          i've read n96 review in and i must say i'm impressed with this device. it's indeed the perfect most powerful multimedia device out there. the battery, even if it's the same n95-1 950mah battery, can last for 2.5 days of moderate use, 18 hours of music playback, that's even longer than n95 8gb's 1200mah battery life. the processor is doing a great job for power management and high quality playback of audio and video. there's no need for a separate decicated audio chip because its processor can provide enough power for excellent sound quality. the only advantage of samsung innov8 is the 8mp camera but n96 is better in overall performance. lucky are those people who will acquire this magnificent phone. the disadvantage of samsung innov8 even though it's also an s60 is that innov8 has no access to nokia OVI services like NGAGE, NOKIA MAPS, SHARE ONLINE, etc.. and s60 implementation on innov8 is very lousy. n96's nokia s60 user interface is very intuitive, advanced, attractive and user friendly at the same time. if this phone has 8mp only then it clearly destroys samsung innov8. but even if it has 5mp only, its overall multimedia capabilities are unmatched. i wish to have this phone. hopefully i can get one of these when the price drops.

                            • ?
                            • Anonymous
                            • vk7
                            • 17 Sep 2008

                            hurt it, 17 Sep 2008bought 1 today at $1350 and u know wat!it was worth it.all ... moreas far as i know,this mobile still not come out into market,only you buy original?

                              • K
                              • Kal
                              • vwd
                              • 17 Sep 2008

                              iolo003, 17 Sep 2008haha is that retaliation? why do you deny the fact that yo... moreListen fanboy, when nokia comes up with their 8mp n-series in Jan or sometime , then you talk about comparing it with Innov8. Alright. N96 is NOWHERE COLSE TO INNV8. Stop dreaming. Do you see how much people paid for N96? Its pretty much same as Innov8. Does it sound like "best value all-in-one device? Someone said N96 is for video. Does it support DivX ??

                              I like Samsung for many reason. Nokias design never appeal to me. Not at all except 8800 series which I'm sure is not designed by those regular Nokia designers. There is no denying the fact that Innov8 is right now the BEST music and imaging phone ever made. It doesn't matter what you say. SE walkman/N91 falls flat when it comes to music. There is no match for its camera either. It's build quality is far Superior, supports more movie formats, has a better screen to look at..and the list goes on. Oh well this is a Nokia section. So lets talk about them only. Cool.

                              Having a great customer support, a website dedicated for support and download fixes is great help. But did anyone ever..ever ask themselves why you need a firmware update in the first place??? What are you paying for then?? Oh ya, cause Nokia gives you phones without fixing all problems. They simply take you for granted. cause they have infrastructure to fix that later on. And you all dumbos go for that. Lol. I still have my S60 Samsung D720. Never needed a firmware update or any fixes. Runs as it was. End of story.

                              And for the other person talking about sliders, Its proven fact that no one makes better sliding mechanism in their phone than Samsung.

                                • D
                                • Dr Raju
                                • utv
                                • 17 Sep 2008

                                We are strictly users of Nokia handsets. Our difficulty is with the Service people (HCL) at Chennai. They keep us waiting, hanging and they even do not stick to the warranty norms. Otherwise we are happy with Nokia.

                                Why at all should we get problems ?

                                  • ?
                                  • Anonymous
                                  • PV$
                                  • 17 Sep 2008

                                  Same old models with same features……… No new models…… Nokia sales will down very soon………



                                    • ?
                                    • Anonymous
                                    • Rnp
                                    • 17 Sep 2008

                                    even i have 1,000 bucks right now, i'm not going to buy n96 because nokia's 8mp flagship device is just on the horizon and will retail at the same starting price of n96.

                                      • h
                                      • hurt it
                                      • TmI
                                      • 17 Sep 2008

                                      bought 1 today at $1350 and u know wat!it was worth it.all u people out there dont listen to what they sayin about the n96 its a great phone. Nokia is still tops.sorry samsung fans u guys lost again.haha

                                        • ?
                                        • Anonymous
                                        • 42t
                                        • 17 Sep 2008

                                        Is this phone really worth a 1,000 bucks. Were in a recession I can't see this phone flying off shelves.