Nokia N96
- T
- Tor
- iUR
- 07 Mar 2008
Which Motorola phone would that be? (I have not come across any rumors/info on it, either here on gsmarena or on,,, etc...)
Also, beware of 8 megapixels in a phone. Unless they significantly increase the size of the CCD and the optics to match, this means that each CCD cell will be so small that the noise will effectively kill the quality of the picture. (This is already an issue in 5MP phones, usually with a 1/2.5" sensor - and more megapixels beyond this will simply mean crappier pictures - even when compensating for the scale).
- ?
- Anonymous
- in%
- 06 Mar 2008
i heard this phone is fake, i read it somewhere
- r
- r.0.c.k.
- M@T
- 06 Mar 2008
it w0uld be HARD t0 say EXACTLY h0w l0ng the n96 batt w0uld c0mpare t0, say, an n80.
first 0f all, the n96 is N0T EVEN 0UT YET s0 all y'allz d0in right n0w r juss makin' C0NCLUSI0NS/ASSUMPTI0NS.
h0wever, saying that the n96 battery life w0uld PR0BABLY last 0ver 2 days because yings n80 lasts 0ver 2 days with m0re than 'average' use is just ABSURD.
u really can't & SH0ULDNT c0mpare the n80 t0 the n96 because they are just S0 DIFFERENT.
the n80 f0r example has a SMALLER screen & a SL0WER pr0cess0r THEREF0RE its battery c0nsumpti0n(even with a l0wer mAh battery) w0uld appear 'sufficient.'
the cl0set thing really that y0u c0uld c0mpare the n96 t0 is its predecess0r, the n95.
the n96-1 is pretty much just like the n95 slapped 0n with a new 'h0using' & a few m0re FEATURES with still, THE SAME BATTERY(950 mAh).
and h0ws the n95 battery? BAD.
thats why S0 MANY N95 0WNERS buy 'spare' batteries because they KN0W that the n95 eats up al0t 0f 'juice' and having 'spares' w0uld help them in case 0f 'emergencies'(n95 users pls. d0nt deny).
given this FACT ab0ut the n95, h0w d0 think th n96 w0uld fare in the 'real-w0rld' 0nce its released having(indeed) a bit m0re FUNCTI0NS yet still THE SAME battery?
- R
- Rakesh Kumar
- w4p
- 06 Mar 2008
Nokia N96 is a Modern age Phone
- C
- Christopher
- LKm
- 06 Mar 2008
Nice memory drive seriously
- k
- kristinho
- pWk
- 06 Mar 2008
hi, i want to say that this phone is great, but the battery life is very poor!!! i know this is not the right place but what do you think about pda8500?? im from bulgaria and a friend of mine offer me that phone??? what do you think about it?? shall i take it or it is a piece of ....
- N
- Nagesh
- kH@
- 06 Mar 2008
East or west nokia is the best ! No one can lead nokia. It releasing such a compatible and satisfactory mobile like anything in the world. So thank thank thank, upto infinity to nokia.
- A
- Amd
- kH@
- 06 Mar 2008
Hey ! Its a great phone. Thanks to nokia.
- c
- cj
- NaD
- 06 Mar 2008
it looks like a n81 but has n95 features, by a show of hands how here wishes the phone had at least a touch screen maybe then i would concider buying this n95... sorry i mean n96.
- Y
- Ying
- 4QE
- 06 Mar 2008
Response to The_Nootz.
The scenario I will be describing is my own daily usage of my phone, the Nokia N80.
Side note.
I originally purchased my Nokia N80 as a branded Vodafone. I unbranded it and updated the firmware to the Internet Edition V 5.0719.0.2. I live in the U.S. so all frequencies are 2G based.
Naturally, my day starts off with a fully charged 820 mAh battery. I normally wake up around noon to get ready for work. Upon doing so, I disconnect the N80 from the charger and call my girlfriend to say "Afternoon" and so forth. Conversation lasts for about 5 minutes. During my showers, I tend to listen to music. Using the Symbian application, Virtual Radio, I stream internet radio by Wi-Fi. My showers lasts about 15 to 20 minutes. I leave and drive to my local bus station where I take a 25-30 minute bus ride while listening to .mp3s. After I arrive at my destination, I take a 40 minute train ride to work. Perhaps for about 10 minutes, I chat with my girlfriend, then continue to listen to my .mp3s for the duration of the ride. My average work time frame is about 9-10 hours. During that time, I tend to surf the web using Opera Mini 4 and send/receive text messages and take nonsense videos of me and my co-workers fooling around. After all that, I tend to lose one battery bar, two the most. When I arrive home, of course the girlfriend is called and the conversation is pretty typical. Lasts for about an hour or so. By then, my battery indicator shows a lost of 3 bars out of 7. I recharge my phone every other day to reduce deterioration of the battery.
If my Nokia N80 can last 2 days, most definitely the Nokia N96 can as well, giving the same scenario as mine. Like I said, it all depends on how you use the device. Overall, a more moderate user will ultimately have longer usage of the device compared to a heavy user.
- T
- The_Nootz
- pkq
- 06 Mar 2008
To Ying
Let's say the conditions I told you about (taking a couple of shots and listening to an album) were too broad. Then I'll ask another thing. Give me a scenario of a "moderate" usage of this device (including calls,music,photos) that could make the battery last for more than two days.
Waiting for a response.
- ?
- Anonymous
- w9L
- 06 Mar 2008
this fone is simmilar to the n95 8gb. but perosnally i don't like tis fone, it sucks, its rubbish, useles battery life. n95 8gb is da king!
- c
- cristy
- msp
- 06 Mar 2008
i don't thinck that the battery life time will be great, it has a lot of functions, and such a small battery.......onley 950mAh, hope they put a bigger one
- s
- sunny prabhakar
- vGc
- 06 Mar 2008
gud design , one of the handset who xpress nokia on the top of the bottom.........keep it upppppppppp
- ?
- Anonymous
- nTS
- 06 Mar 2008
That's not true that the battery is poor and this phone is not yet out at the market places so don't invent words and this phone is the best!!! complete features and the design is cool... well done Nokia
- ?
- Anonymous
- M@T
- 06 Mar 2008
Good features but the battery is bad
- h
- henrypoindexter@yaho
- Y7d
- 06 Mar 2008
why the battery not last long time. this cellphone n96 had more functions. this n96 phone battery doesn't not last. this is cool phone. why you not making battery long time.thank you. I am a verizon wireless customer. can you put the nokia phone and n96 verizon wireless. thank you. can you put price low down. thank you.
- H
- Herrina
- 06 Mar 2008
Wow this phone has everything ... looks awesome. Im thinking it even comes with free software issues as well. Thats great - nice and unreliable
- Y
- Ying
- 4QE
- 06 Mar 2008
Responding to The_nootz.
I'm sorry, I can't quite answer that. Reason being, the scenario you gave of 950 mAh battery not lasting for more than two days if you take a couple of shots and listen to an album is too broad. Are you questioning stand-by time after stated usage? Are you including daily calls? What are the durations of the calls? Furthermore, are the calls being based on a 2G or 3G frequency? There's many factors that goes into the longevity of a battery.
Realistically, no mobile handset's battery, under constant heavy use, will last more than two days, or 48 hours regardless of capacity. This is law. Many misinterpret the quoted stand-by/talk times in mobile handsets' descriptions. All resulted times are formulated, which is basically theoretic. This theory does not incorporate other power draining factors. Basic stuff like powering up of the device or keeping the LCD screen lit for example.
I guess the only reasonable answer to your question is that it depends on how you use the device. Overall, a more moderate user will ultimately have longer usage of the device compared to a heavy user.
- T
- The_nootz
- pkq
- 05 Mar 2008
To Ying
About the BL-5F 950 mAh battery of the N96
Aw, gimme a break. The N95 and N96 both use the same battery, that's true. And the N96 lasts longer, that may also be true. BUT you can't tell me that the battery can last for more than two days if you take a couple of shots and listen to an album.
GSMArena has also shown the discovery of these new Li-Ion batteries, BUT the N96 WON'T have that type of batteries. So the battery is still its major drawback.
Waiting for a response...