Nokia N96
- j
- john
- u1K
- 24 Feb 2008
i think that the sony ericsson X1(xperia) and nokia N96 will have severe competition .
- .
- ....
- 24 Feb 2008
im sorry
- .
- ....
- 24 Feb 2008
@Steve J and Ying
Ying....almost everything you said was counter attacked by Steve J. but that doesnt mean i agree with steve j. who sounds like an iphone lover and somehow lost.
ying all of your statements are well-crafted alibis which is supported by your innocence and your LOVE OF NOKIA. You said "Nokia is all about INNOVATION" which i presume is a very BRAVE statement from a loyal nokia havent move from 5megapixel since 2006.same old looking fones since N-Series and the same unstable OS eversince that never failed to disappoint the expectors.
ying you asked "why are your precious phone companies being licensed to Nokia's own S60 platform?why are they being licensed to a mobile platform, either Symbian and/or Windows?If they are the best, shouldn't it be the other way around?".It's so simple, other fone manufacturers are not afraid of INNOVATION even if it means ADAPTION of others' OS or ideas.They realized they could maximize and optimize what nokia's been playing around for so many years until now,and needless to say its what you should call OPTIMIZATION.
Ying,your statement regarding the battery and the LED flash is very defensive but not have made a very big mistake with your comparisons simply because of your INNOCENCE. You sounded like you REALLY know what you're talking about but its the other way around.
I agree that nokia is "not going backwards" bcoz THEY HAVEN'T MOVE since N-Series and yes "they have learned" but they did not applied what they have learned.
THE TRUTH IS VERY CLEAR.Fone manufacturers are giving their best shot.The fact that nokia is currently at the top spot doesnt mean that they are REALLY the best.there are only few INTELLIGENT PERSONS who KNOWS what's really best which means majority of people are NOT INTELLIGENT ENOUGH to SEE what's best and as a result they have used/chose NOKIA.
my apology to all NOKIA USERS.
Steve J. fortunately you are not as blinded as Ying. I guess you need to check EVERYTHING you have said. I believe you will see what's wrong with it even w/o me saying.
- a
- annoymous
- 24 Feb 2008
Let's see how laggy it will be and how many problems we will encounter.
- S
- Steve J
- fuN
- 24 Feb 2008
Hello Ying, here are some points: Nokia time and time again are placing form before function. In the N96 they place a 5MP camera with Carl Zeiss optics and refuse to give it a lens cover. The whole point about implementing Carl Zeiss optics is that it signifies quality. How can you have a quality lens and not give it a lens cover? This policy is simply unfair to the consumer.
You wrote a misleading article on flash. The key to a great low light picture is a burst of high intensity light for as brief a time as possible, to capture the action shot and to avoid overexposure. Thus high light power for a brief time (Xenon flash) is more important than lower light power for a longer time (dual high current LED). Multiplying the two variables and telling us that light energy is what determines a good picture because it reaches the CMOS sensor is misleading. A reasonable sensor should detect high intensity light in microseconds. In other words it is the RATE at which high intensity light (ie rate of light power) reaches the sensor that is important, not the overall light energy otherwise one can take a low light power source, allow it to emit light for seconds, and claim that the performance is similar to a Xenon flash because the light energy is similar when the variables are multiplied. I guarantee that the N82(Xenon) will produce better low light photos than the N96(dual LED).
As for the battery Nokia have to be very careful. Some users of the N95 vowed never to use Nokia again because of the catastrophic battery experience. You are telling us that the panacea is the super capacitor. You said it "can offload demands from the battery and handle all mobile functions that need real power- wireless voice and data, GPS readings, digital video, music and TV- improving talk time, battery life and audio quality." This is a sweeping statement. The question is how much improvement will the super capacitor give? Is it significant improvement or negligible? If you're telling us that the battery (because of optimisation by the super capacitor) will now perform as well as the 1500mAh battery seen in the E61i then you are saying something progressive. Conversely if you are only speaking of marginal improvements to battery life then Nokia are in trouble. To keep the device smaller and lighter they sacrificed the life of the battery. I would much rather see a slightly heavier device eg 140g and a slightly bigger device (note Nokia only have to increase the length; consumers hate thick devices which is one of the reasons why the N93 wasn't a mass seller) so that a more powerful battery can be implemented. I fear that consumers will find that 950mAh with or without a super capacitor is just not enough to drive this incredibly feature packed phone. My advice to Nokia is: 1)make more research into producing higher power rated but lighter batteries. 2)do not sacrifice battery life for a more compact phone. People are buying this device mainly for the features. Consequently these features must be adequately powered.
- O
- Oraple
- 24 Feb 2008
This is the coolest phone yet, looks like a hybrid of N95 and N81.
Maximum memory capacity : 16 G Internal + 8 G SD memory
- .
- ....
- 24 Feb 2008
Whenever i use nokia it makes me feel like im not using a holding a TOY
- b
- batista
- vxm
- 24 Feb 2008
16Gb u can use it for nothing the battery is way poor pastor is ryt!
- b
- byebye
- TC}
- 24 Feb 2008
wow!wat can i do wif a 16gb phone memory
- S
- Sekar nair
- M@T
- 24 Feb 2008
It seems that the gsmarena people have not experienced opera mini v4. .
Thats why they go, ga ga over nokia and iphone browsers . .
Operamini is superb browser software.
Surfing is extremely fast. The pages compressed without compromising.
Graphics are superbly handled.
I use nokia e51 its browser has no header no graphic compression which leads to massive amount of data transfser , leading to hefty bill . Opera on the other hand handles large pages extremely well.. . I therefore request a review of opera mini v4 for the users information. . Thanks
- .
- ....
- 24 Feb 2008
nice trash ^_^
- p
- pastor
- vxm
- 24 Feb 2008
even if they upgrade it or some say its far more better than N95 or N95 8GB still its using a 950mah battery! hey can you read? its simple mathematics low MHA means short period of battery life! or you didnt go to school? it doesnt matter if they made it 10 megapixels or 100 FPS on video or 10MBPS on HSDPA as long they'r using the same N95 battery! they didnt change anything it is poor on battery juz like i said why dont they use a 1200mah or a 1500mah battery for it for long usage i cant go out of town bringing a phone like this what if i got a low battery on a middle of long travel? whats the use of that 5megapixel 128ram wifi,gps,hsdpa if you got a dead battery? get it!? or simply you dont know what im saying cuz you didnt had education
- S
- Sarabande
- q{x
- 24 Feb 2008
Oh no!! I just purchased the N95 8 Gb! Hope it won't be cheaper, what's the estimated price?
- A
- T0p
- 24 Feb 2008
magnificent phone i'can't wait 4 it
- C
- Cat
- pkX
- 24 Feb 2008
The N96 will be a loser. Period. They didn't learn the iPhone lesson, more exactly they could not do anything about it because the iPhone is too advanced for Nokia to do a U-turn in reasonable time.
So they present you with a chunky smartphone with a closed Symbian OS which does not allow developers to build apps for it without paying big fees to Symbian, while iPhone SDK is a week away.
So they present you with a slider phone which only reveals a numeric key pad. Makes me laugh. If you made the phone so thick, at least you could have a full keyboard.
And no touchscreen, no win. If you watch the YouTube movie presenting the Symbian's new touch UI, it makes you laugh. They need a stylus to enter text, in the iPhone era. They obviously did not understand that they need a MAJOR rewrite of the OS.
Symbian will die very soon. Google's Android will take its place, Google already talks with Nokia. Windows Mobile will only be able to recover in 2-3 years, if not too late. but at least they admitted their mistakes in ergonomy.
And finally, Nokia announces a phone which will hit the marked in 6 months or so. Why ? Why just not announce it a week before it will be available ?
- ?
- Anonymous
- 49f
- 23 Feb 2008
is this phone touchscreen???
- ?
- Anonymous
- pu7
- 23 Feb 2008
wen is n 97 coming out?????????? i'm going 2 buy a vertu......... not made of plastic.........
- r
- ryan
- kbh
- 23 Feb 2008
the n96 seems to be the total package except for not having a lens cover. i had the n95 and the n95 8g and i always thought that one was mistake nokia made along with not having a card slot
- P
- Preus
- nQa
- 23 Feb 2008
Best phone yet. Simple.
- A
- AJ
- kT5
- 23 Feb 2008
hey! i cant wait for this phone! I had N90 then N93 and then N95 8GB which Is my current phone and what I'm typing this on! My next upgrade is due in July so perfect timing! and for ppl tht complain abt battery life, theres a charger included! Stop acting like there isnt 1!!!!!