Nokia N96
- ?
- Anonymous
- M@T
- 16 Feb 2008
You nokia fanboys need to wisen up or nokia will never give your n-series a decent display.QVGA which is used on n-series has FIVE times less quality than the WVGA used on the XPERIA X1 that's like watching a film on an old bust up vhs tape then comparing with the latest dvd.Use your brain for once!
- ?
- Anonymous
- pJ0
- 16 Feb 2008
For steve who won't believe me when I'm telling him the N96 has no 3D hardware acceleration.Gsmarena are in Nokia's pocket and won't make an issue out of it much the same as symbianblogs but at least they have mentioned it- Well, the N96 is not so much of a N95 we might think, it lacks 3D acceleration. Thats right, surprising but true! That means we can forget the Ngage experience on a higher plane.The TV out is still the same as N95, the VGA resolution continues to be reserved for the Gallery only.At Go and read it yourself
- ?
- Anonymous
- pwy
- 16 Feb 2008
Why didn't Nokia give N96 3D hardware acceleration?damn this phone is a step backwards.I know Nokia will come back with something great maybe when new s60 touch comes but for now I have to admit the sony ericcson X1 is the best but as I said Nokia will come back with better and who knows probably release new model before X1
- M
- Morbid_AngeL
- PT}
- 16 Feb 2008
All S.E. Fans, yes they are touch screen but the Nokia LCD is much higher in color compare to SE it's only 65K and 256K color compare to the Nokia's 16.7 million color... For me Nokia is much more features than SE except for that touch screen for it's just a hustle bec. you cannot use the phone single handed not suitable for disabled hehhee joke and SE now a days are vulnerable and disposable hehhee... sorry for those Fans of SE...Nokia Technology is a breakthrough dudes...
- a
- alan
- PBw
- 16 Feb 2008
I am surprise why would nokia use LiON battery for such high power consumption product. When are they going to start using Li-PO battery in their product range?
- ?
- Anonymous
- M@T
- 16 Feb 2008
Very ugly phone
- D
- Dex
- ibn
- 16 Feb 2008
Why Nokia doesn't want to come out model with touch screen? Sigh....
- S
- SE Lover
- wr6
- 16 Feb 2008
I just want this phone when someone give it to me. It give less progress to launch and don't have the touchscreen. I never pay my money for phone like it...
- ?
- Anonymous
- Sju
- 16 Feb 2008
touchscreen is useless and in my oppinion symbian is much better and stable opeerating system than windows mobile. the only drawback of this phone is it's battery
- ?
- Anonymous
- j$M
- 16 Feb 2008
why would it not have 3d acceleration? its an n95 completely essentially. it will have 3d accel and they'll update the battery before release.
- p
- phoenix
- 16 Feb 2008
cant get uglier can it ?
- S
- Steve J
- fuN
- 16 Feb 2008
pJOx, I tried your link but could not get through. If it is true that the N96 does not have 3D acceleration then that is another nail in the coffin! N95 8GB has it so why doesn't the N96? What pains me more than anything is the ridiculous battery. After all the complaints about the original N95 battery Nokia deliberately make the same mistake! I just don't get it. Are they drunk??
- m
- modo
- 0RK
- 15 Feb 2008
just don't get this,every time Nokia make a new phone which got more features then any other phone,but they put in a battery which lasts less then any other phone.All black & white Nokia's lasts for a week and like N95 wont last for a day.With 950 mAh battery this is gonna be worse then N95 battery wise.
- ?
- Anonymous
- 0cC
- 15 Feb 2008
sick with it this is the iphone killa right here
- s
- snoop
- kaK
- 15 Feb 2008
This is the best phone ever..just need a better talk time. It got TV, Radio and an operating system..its not a phone..its a must have gadget of the future
- ?
- Anonymous
- nCG
- 15 Feb 2008
I prefer the 6220 Classic...same features ...for half price
- j
- jj
- n7r
- 15 Feb 2008
i think nokia should make a sliding touchscreen phone with a better battery life, 5mp camea of course with zoom and the same futhers as this phone with this would have been a great phone. i think
- k
- kenneth okwakpam
- ftQ
- 15 Feb 2008
what next after this.
- A
- Alborz
- u7V
- 15 Feb 2008
Nokia is a realy great inventor. but better to upgrade the models that exist. n95, no touchscreen? that means nothing to most of people who are searching for a touchscreen phone. they would buy apple or one of SEs. nokia is going to left behind if they dont pay attention to touchscreen function.
- p
- paula
- T30
- 15 Feb 2008
there is one on ebay for £299.00 buy it now