Nokia N96
- ?
- Anonymous
- vxg
- 14 Feb 2008
@ r.o.c.k.
it seems that you are focusing on the flash.
just of the features of this phone.....
i think making a non-sense argument.....and i think also that you jealous of this phone...right!!!!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- ibg
- 14 Feb 2008
Ying you rock, what a stand out..Those S.E fans are juz coming here to talk bad about nokia's.."Please talk when it is release in the market and when u actually get one or else is all crap"
Anyway ppl here kept whining about the phone without a touch screen, FYI, is coming soon..
Nokia is still developing the O.S "S60* Touch" and is yet to complete..But the model of the nokia touch phone and S60 touch OS is review in youtube..Go educate urselt..Nokia prime target was the iphone..
- ?
- Anonymous
- PVh
- 14 Feb 2008
yes i agree that nokia is one of the best. "BUT" huuuh they never met what the people's excepting them. a toucscreen phone and a battery that is good.
- ?
- Anonymous
- j8$
- 14 Feb 2008
My Uncle works for Nokia and he gets all of his Nokia phone way before they came out. He got this phone back in January and he loves it. He says it is way better than the N95 in speed. It can load webpages faster and it look nicer. You dont need a touch screen when you want a phone that can play platform quality games either, which this phone does. I can't wait until October/November when it goes on the market.
- r
- r.0.c.k.
- 4ak
- 14 Feb 2008
ok, ok, wait. i just skimmed thr0ugh it but basically it sez that "dual-led/led" needs a SUPERCAPACIT0R t0 "acheive" xen0n-level brightness.
the n96 0BVI0USLY D0ES N0T have this "supercapacit0r" wit its dual-led to ACHIEVE xen0n-level "brightness" s0 u f0lks have N0 ARGUMENT here!
- r
- r.0.c.k.
- 4ak
- 14 Feb 2008
ok, i tried checking that link but it D0ESNT even exist!!!
0h well......
- ?
- Anonymous
- vxg
- 14 Feb 2008
@ r.o.c.k.
please check out.... lehandsetdesign...N2JVN?pgno=1
and please be guided......
- r
- r.0.c.k.
- 4ak
- 14 Feb 2008
r u SERI0US??? d0 ya REALLY THINK 'high capacity' LED > xen0n!?!?!?!?!
h0nestly, thats kinda messed up.....
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4AJ
- 14 Feb 2008
"high capacity dual led". haha. nice marketing attempt but most people are smart enough not to fall for it. If it ain't used in professional high end cameras it aint good for photography... thus xenon rules!
- Y
- Ying
- M@T
- 14 Feb 2008
Replyin to con. I'm not sayin stop complaining period. What i am saying is stop complaining where it's obvious the complainer has no knowledge of the advance features and hardware behind the device. First of all, this device isn't even out yet. All we know are basic spreadsheet specs but since most people on this forum follow the same lame trend and hops on the same glossy band wagon, this phone, better yet the company, sucks because they didn't copy everyone else and add a xenon flash and or touchscreen. Nevermind the research behind the high capacity dual LED flash which is overall better than xenon. Nevermind that Nokia's own patent S60 platform now offers a REAL web browsing experience with embedded flash lite 3, which by the way can display FULL flash 8 content, and can render windows media video, not just audio, but video as well. Oh the battery is so poor. Technically it's not. If people actually researched and followed up on articles regarding new developments in nokia and the S60 platform, they would clearly see with the battery provided is more than enough. Endless test has proven bigger is not always better, especially with capacity. What really counts is how much power the resources need and pull to run. Thus the improves in the software and hardware.
- i
- irx
- vx3
- 14 Feb 2008
what do you mean "bye bye iphone users" ? this N96 doesnt even have touchscreen! and oh yeah.. new nokia phones use safari for their net browser. safari is made by apple and is originally in the iphone. N96 design, i've seen similar designs before in previous models. and im sick with the user interface..
- ?
- Anonymous
- S9J
- 14 Feb 2008
wow , its come with DVB-H TV broadcast receiver
its gr8 one
- K
- Killsoft
- nDS
- 14 Feb 2008
well yea, still no touchscreen, looks like nokia fans still must pray as they prayed for the xenon flas in N82 as sonyericsson phones, now we'll have to wait for any "N97" future model to come out with touchscreen for better NETbrowsing
- c
- con
- nyB
- 14 Feb 2008
I like old nok, but the battery is appalling for a multimedia device! yes the features seem great but 950mah is just no good! we must complain because whats the point in bringing out a new phone if it comes with so many compromises? i mean is there a true benefit to n96 over n95-8gb? do we see anything but a further 8gb inside? is THAT really needed? does it justify the larger casing? whats the point if you cant take full advantage because of a lowsey battery? This phone is pointless. Personally i'd prefer the n81-8gb or the n96-8gb, not a pinch of each and a battery that you find in most dumb-phones of today. This is a blatant marketing scheme that doesn't merit the trading in of any previous n-series device, or even cheap 90euro phone bought in this year, and you know why? 4 months down the line you will see a repetition of how the n95 was marketed....Behold ...the n96-2 a 32gb variant with fixed battery problem and probably a navi-wheel.. i hate to be blunt but it seems highly likely. you would be very sour to see this happen if you bought this piece of n81/95 concoction... Worse yet it is only due for 2008 Q3.
- r
- r.0.c.k.
- 4ak
- 14 Feb 2008
eeeeek! check 0ut the battery life!!!
- ?
- Anonymous
- 4tL
- 14 Feb 2008
As much as I love Nokia I'll have to go with Sony-Ericsson because of the battery life and touch screen.
I can't believe the poor battery life, this is ridiculous, I have to go everywhere with a charger in my pocket
- K
- Kails
- SdF
- 14 Feb 2008
For person who want something new:
It is something new ---->DVB-H TV broadcast receiver !
- P
- Peter
- P0F
- 14 Feb 2008
it is touch screen brother
- ?
- Anonymous
- F{q
- 13 Feb 2008
Wow, amazing. So they take the style of the N81 and apply it to the N95 8G and double the memory. Very lame output for the number one cell phone company in the world. how long before we start seeing something truly new from these guys. Why in the world would anyone with an N95 upgrade to an N96? Frankly i'm bored of nokia. I dont care how powerful the phone may be. I want something new!
- ?
- Anonymous
- nUy
- 13 Feb 2008
Ahem, 7 MPx camera phone anyone? I know I haven't seen any - except in one leaked Nokia project.. but that's about it..