Nokia X2-00
- s
- sinso
- TL5
- 30 Dec 2010
I think this phones functions is good but its design is bad compared to other nokia phones
- S
- Suraj
- 2Zk
- 30 Dec 2010
dekho yaar mera maan hai nokia x2 leyne ka per kya karu help me
- D
- Digvijay
- 2@k
- 30 Dec 2010
Hei i want 2 buy a new fone...i m confused between nokiax2 and c3...plz tell me dat wid d new version i.e v4.9 all the problems r solved or battery, music etc...plz sumone x2 user post ur personal review..
- P
- Pooran
- 30 Dec 2010
It seems that most of the people dont know how to use nokia X2's camera. First have 4.9 ver. Open the plastic coating on the lens and led flash. Then set image settings to 5mp landscape mode. Take photographs at least from a disance of 2 metres to get good snaps. Light source must be behind you. As X2 camera is EDOF type it cannot take good snaps with less than 1mtr. This type of camera is good for taking group photographs, monuments, landscapes, mountains, WDP4, WDG4, WDMs,WAP7 and WAG9.
- I
- Indian
- 30 Dec 2010
Its betr to go wid xylo compard to c5,but compard to prices both r a bit coster..nd x2 s da bloody phone i hav evr seen...its always get struck..nd cam s realy bloody..2 mp pics coms betr den dis 5 mp cam..betr plan for samsung.
- M
- Madan
- upa
- 30 Dec 2010
Suraj, 30 Dec 2010Yups! X2 may seem 2b a rising stas when we see at its speci... moreSpice and Micromax are the top selling brands in india in 2010
- S
- Suraj
- YUa
- 30 Dec 2010
five46, 30 Dec 2010Strange irony that my name's too the same as yours.
But, f... moreYups! X2 may seem 2b a rising stas when we see at its specifications on paper.
But if u use d fone, u would find its blunders. Its USP (people may consider) is its 5mp camera. But guys do remember, its quality is so bad that i would rather go for a 5mp unbranded chinese handset!!
N its speaker is not worth too cuz its audio quality bursts.
So rather go in for some other brand fone instead of dreaming a 5mp camera fone at rs5000 at present!!
- S
- Suraj
- YUa
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010X2'S 5mp camera is no match even for my 3110c 's camera. d... moreYeah buddy, Sony's da best. Whether itz launching d first 12MP camera fone in d market or using features like shake,motion or gesture control, whether its bringing d MEGABASS,stereo widening,or d ear buds,Xenon flash n so on...... Sony's d leader evrywhere. Other brands just copy it up n get ready for competition!
- S
- Sid
- tYW
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 12 Dec 2010can we stream youtube videos on nokia x2? Is internet surfi... moreIt is really a good phone, and best nokia mobile i have ever used
- ?
- Anonymous
- s8c
- 30 Dec 2010
Cannon, 30 Dec 2010For best camera go for cannon. Much much better than sony c... morebut we're not talking about handy cameras but about cameras in mobile phones.
so u MR.genius, beter keep u r mouth shut and find some camera forums.
else we beat u r 'cannon' to a pistol
- I
- s8c
- 30 Dec 2010
[deleted post]yeah thats what i said bro.
if conditions prevail like this and radiation brands keep growing, by 2020 the average life span of an indian goes down to 45. the rate when we were fighting for freedom.
i'm sure the govt (no hope in the current one , the nxt one) would bring a law makin SAR values a must below 2.00 just like most other developing countries . just like they bring down the use of leaded petrol.
- C
- Cannon
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010X2'S 5mp camera is no match even for my 3110c 's camera. d... moreFor best camera go for cannon. Much much better than sony cyber shot.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s8c
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010yeah and micro max gives the best radiation levels when com... moreX2'S 5mp camera is no match even for my 3110c 's camera.
dont waste u r time comparing it with cedars 2Mp.
coz sony's 2mp means it can meet with nokia's 5mp
sony's 3.2mp means far greater than nokias 5mp
sony's 5mp means its a nokias 8mp
sony's 8mp means nokias 12mp
sony's 12mp (S 003)means nokias 16mp
and sony's 16mp (S 006) - oops'
nokia is still learning technology from sony's 12mp to introduce a 16mp.
nokia just makes cell phones but the sony is already world known for its handy cams and woofers and speakers, they just enterd the cell phone techicaly and userly they would be and are best at it.
dont know how can they manage such superb camera and speaker quality. but they r too good in it.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s8c
- 30 Dec 2010
Ben, 30 Dec 2010Cedar is Rs. 6000 only 2mp camera. Go for micromax or spice... moreyeah and micro max gives the best radiation levels when compared to nokia,sony...
think bro u want a brain tumor by the time u reach 40
both sony and nokia are built acording to universal norms and are always better than our local indian crap.
i say the govt. should ban theseq radiation brands for the health of its citizens but they are already busy removing evidences using cbi raids to white wash the 125 year old crap national party.
Returning to d conversation, sony r beter than nokia. most nokia cameras can manage only 15fps but most sony cameras run 30fps. more fps means more image clarity when taking a moving snap.
- B
- Ben
- YQ5
- 30 Dec 2010
Anonymous, 30 Dec 2010HA HA u r funny or mistaken. coz sony cameras r always go... moreDo a WDP4 test with your sony ericcsson camera phone. I am 100% sure it will fail.
- B
- Ben
- YQ5
- 30 Dec 2010
five46, 30 Dec 2010Strange irony that my name's too the same as yours. But, f... moreCedar is Rs. 6000 only 2mp camera. Go for micromax or spice 2mp camera with dual sim at less than Rs. 3200. Both micromax and spice topether sell more phones in india than nokia, samsung and sony ericcsson all put together.
- ?
- Anonymous
- s8c
- 30 Dec 2010
Ben, 30 Dec 2010Take a shot of fast moving WDP4. Use any SE phone. I will u... moreHA HA
u r funny or mistaken.
coz sony cameras r always good.
just check camera quality before saying so bro.
i use a 3500c and my brother has a sony w200 gotta say excellent speaker loud and clear.
. my 3500s 2mp camera adjust less with daylight and give green spots at the photos borders but my brothers vga camera does photography better than mine even though it lacks better color, as its vga - 0.3 Mp.
thats when i realisd sony speaker and camera are better quality than nokia's.
if camer and speaker r beter in sony wat is the advantage of nokia over sony,
nothing, as telephony is same in both and the other is multimedia which is calculated by performance of camer and spekR.
going for my next upgrade now c5 or zylo ? i'm confused, wat u say? thanx in advance
- B
- Ben
- YQ5
- 30 Dec 2010
five46, 30 Dec 2010Strange irony that my name's too the same as yours. But, f... moreTake a shot of very fast WDP4 with your SE Cedar. If it takes a decent photogragh then its ok. Otherwise useless. Then go for best CANNON digicam.
- f
- five46
- waV
- 30 Dec 2010
[deleted post]Strange irony that my name's too the same as yours.
But, friend.. stop fanboyism. Your case of Sony and its exorbitant price of display was that of the dealer taking you for a ride. I can relate plenty of stories of Nokia bein a horrible brand to own, but those are exceptions, not the major chunk.
There are always 2 sides of a coin, Nokia & SE have their own advantages & disadvantages.
But as for X2 versus Cedar, here's just a little comparo (sorry gsmarena! But I didn't mean to spam)-
the author of the article clearly menas to state that specs wise the X2 may be rich, but when it comes to the actual utility of these specs, the Cedar wins hands down.
- B
- Ben
- upH
- 30 Dec 2010
Jos, 30 Dec 2010What? X2 has more features than cedar? You got to be kiddin... moreTake a shot of fast moving WDP4. Use any SE phone. I will use my N72. I bet you that i will get better snap than you from my 2mp N72 camera.